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Online Spaces to Find Your (Travel) Nursing Community

Different Ways Nurses Can Connect To Fellow Nurses

By Aaron SmithPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Young Nurses Taking A Group Selfie | Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

As a traveling nurse, you are likely looking for ways to connect with others in your profession. This can be a great way to make new friends, learn about new opportunities, and get advice from those who have been in your shoes.

Luckily, there are many online spaces where you can find your nursing community! In this blog post, we will describe the best sources for online communities and tell you how to find them. We will also offer tips on how to get the most out of these communities.

The Gypsy Nurse Community

Perhaps the biggest travel nursing community online is Gypsy Nurse which is a website, blog, Facebook group, and online community.

Membership benefits include exclusive resources and travel nurse advice so you can get answers to questions you may have about joining different nursing homes or hospitals.

Find help with housing, the application process, what the job is like, hours needed, and more when you get access to the online community forums.

This is the biggest forum available so although it might not have your specific state in mind, you'll likely be able to find answers to your travel nursing questions.

Passports and Preemies Travel Community

Most of the travel nursing community can be found on Facebook. When Facebook groups took off so did the number of online communities.

You can find pretty much any kind of travel nurse community you're looking for but Passports and Preemies is a nice one to include on your list.

The brand originally started as a website and blog to help other travel nurses get help finding information about how to become a travel nurse. Since then, it's expanded into a Facebook group where travel nurses share tips and tricks like which sneakers are best to wear on the job.

Travel Nurse Community

With over 12k members, the Travel Nurse Community on Facebook can help you get started in your travel nursing career and give you helpful tidbits on how to get the most out of your experience.

It's a public group so you don't have to answer any questions or join a membership to gain access. Just joining the group will immediately grant you access to an entire community of online travel nurses sharing information. Additionally, users can take advantage of the search function to quickly find a topic that you are trying to learn more about.

Travel Nursing Newbies

One of the bigger Facebook group communities of travel nurses out there, Travel Nursing Newbies, has over 62k members and is loaded with valuable information.

It's a private group so you'll have to answer a few questions about why you want to join and you'll also have to promise to abide by the group rules or else you'll be removed. If you're looking to get caught up on what travel nursing is all about, this blog is going to help you find what you need.

The Travel Nurse's Guide

A Doctor and Nurses having Conversation | Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

The Travel Nurse's Guide has over 12k active members and gets about 10 different posts a day so there is always someone asking helpful questions in the group that you can learn from.

It's another private group so there will be some vetting before you're allowed entrance but you should have no problems answering the questions required. It's best to join all the travel nursing Facebook groups when you're just starting so you can start to understand the subtle nuances between all of them. It will help you find the right group for what you need.

State + Travel Nurse

Almost all states have their own Facebook group that is specifically geared towards travel nurses. Just type in your state into the search bar and follow it up with "travel nurse" and see what results come up. This can be even more helpful, especially if you're looking to travel in a state that isn't your own. Most states have different regulations or codes that can cause the job to be slightly different or have different requirements.

Learning the differences between the states you want to visit can help you determine what your next step is going to be. Maybe you have a state in mind and don't mind all the differences but you may be put off by what you find, causing you to head in a different direction.

All Nurses

All Nurses is just what it sounds like, all nurses all the time. They have information about all kinds of things related to the nursing industry so it's no surprise they have a section dedicated to travel nursing.

Click on the specialties section and then head down until you see Travel Nursing. It's basically an online forum where anyone can ask questions and anyone can answer.

Even though this information isn't directly from a hospital, it's coming from nurses who have experience and use their information to do their own research.

The Nurse Link

This is another website that provides space for an online community of travel nurses. You'll be able to get both an online forum and a network platform so you can find different travel nursing job opportunities.

You have to become a member in order to participate but you can look at a lot of the previous questions in the forum to see if you can find the information you need.

Travel Nurse Communities

Becoming a traveling nurse means there's a lot to learn and get accustomed to but if you find the right online communities the process can be a breeze. Facebook Groups are an easy way to access big online communities for nurses that you should at least check out before sticking with Facebook.


About the Creator

Aaron Smith

Aaron is a content strategist and consultant in support of STEM firms and medical practices. He covers industry developments and helps companies connect with clients. In his free time, he enjoys swimming, swing dancing, and sci-fi novels.

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