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Memories: 10 December 2023

An end to the No dancing Covid mandate in 2020. Learning about “attachments”.

By Tanya Arons Published 9 months ago 9 min read

10 December 2023

10 December 2022

3:08 am I came home early from dancing because the stupid soccer match impeded on our DJ. Brazil vs Croatia. The crowd was unexpectedly aggressive, demanding we stop the music so they could watch the game. Whatever!

I was exhausted anyway. But I dislike all sports and the cult-like status they endorse. Yuck!

Apart from that I had a lovely time tonight. A new band called Runes played and I was happy as they were excellent. They are not playing again at the Treasury Casino until March.

Anyway I have been home since 2 am. Lying in bed watching youtube videos. My heart rate went very slow. So slow I thought, omg I am gonna have a heart attack. It does that sometimes when I overly exert myself by dancing. It still feels a bit flubbery.

Oh well. If I ever die in my sleep post-dancing…know that I lived and died doing what I love. Being wild and crazy and fighting for my freedom, my joy and my right to party.

Croatia and Brazil ruined my dancing tonight but they too have a right to enjoy their sportsmen I suppose. Live and let live. I did get a tad furious when they blocked my exit. Just plain rude. But I fought my way through.

I went downstairs and had a play on the pokies. Then walked to the 7-11 and bought a pie and ginger beer before my drive home.

A good night.

10 December 2020

Public dancing is now legal, as of Monday afternoon! (Within a 2 metre space!) woohoo. I will be glad to be out in the world again, strutting my Boudicca Muse and living my best life again!

Happy Chanukah to my beautiful “Jew Crew”. May this year’s Festival of Light bring a Delight to our eyes,hearts and minds.

Chag Sameach Kulam. Let there be Joy in all Worlds, Paradigms, amongst the Sephirot!

I had my consult with Cannibis doctors. All up with first dosage I am up for $300. Consultation was $129 which I have paid plus $169 for full-spectrum oil.

Still waiting for their doctor to call me back to organise the prescription.

I am so anxious and upset that from the moment I was ushered forth from Gisela’s evil corrupt womb I have had to pay and pay...for my very existence and also with years of medication for my cptsd issues. If I had had a normal healthy childhood I could have actually prospered!

But no...down the rabbit hole I go!

I have used all the $250 govt subsidy that hit my back account yesterday to pay for this. I can only afford to trial it for a few weeks. If I see an improvement I probably won’t be able to afford to continue with the treatment but I will at least know if it works on my body/mind/spirit.

So it’s all a bit exciting to know I have another modality pathway of healing that is legal and safe but everything comes down to cold hard cash.

Oh well. The multiverses will provide one way or the other for my most beneficial outcome!

Update: doctor just called. The script will be prepared next week. I can look forward to a very zen christmukka period.

10 December 2019

Watching my fat kookaburra friend having a swim is...happiness!

1:11 pm. Make a wish! :-)

10 December 2018


It’s a hot morning. I had trouble sleeping last night. So stayed in bed until 9 am wringing as much rest from my hypervigilant brain as I could. My reflux was so bad that I took tablet around 1 am and even after that I belched for another hour or two. Exhausting.

But here we are: another day to manifest Joy in.

I have an appointment with my optometrist for a check up. Then Jarrod and Crystal are coming to spend the afternoon/evening with me. So today should be another lovely day.

I wish I had more money as I have a craving for the sea at Byron Bay. But some day I will get there!

I am getting my hair done on Wednesday so that will leave me fairly broke but I will look refreshed and lovely again so it’s worth it.

I might strive to get to Byron next pension fortnight. Otherwise I will feel trapped and resentful and stifled by the heat. Desiccated like a starving starfish.

Ugh! Time to unfurl my inner lotus and blossom!

10 December 2015

Horribly hot day. I made everyone, including the silkies have a swim in the clam pool. Frieda almost enjoyed it, as did Tabitha after she quit thinking I was going to drown her. Socks and Sophie missed out but the crows joined in later.

I even knelt down in it. Water baby. I wish I owned my own magnificent swimming pool as I once had a home of my own and a beautiful large above ground pool. I need to keep dreaming and manifesting. Lol!

I need to get rich and famous so my money doesn't come through a man or family. I never want to be conned or robbed or stripped bare again. My clam pool is small but it comes with no strings attached. Freedom and poverty have their rewards.

My God it is a stinker. I woke up at 11 am because Bobo wanted me to. We went outside. I filled up the clam pool with fresh water. The crows love it, Bobo not so much but I dunked him in anyway.

I watered parts of the back garden, mainly the pots. A big storm is coming. The air is so still you can cut it with a knife. The singing crickets are the only sound. Even the birds are too hot to talk.

The storm won't get here until the arvo or evening perhaps but it will bring welcome release. I don't even have arthritic cramps this time. So perhaps the storm won't come to Holland Park. In that case I shall water everything and sit in the clam pool. Or lie in a cold bath.

6.12 am I have been up to take Mr Beauregard and myself for a pee. I have taken my meds and eaten 2 ice cream blocks ( cheap ones from Aldi but yummy and cooling!). Bobo has done all he could to piss off the hens.

Socks was home, sitting in the garden so I gave him some cuddles as he has been really upset about the puppy. I enticed him inside and fed him but he went all SWAT team in Bobo and tried to beat him up.

Bobo backed off like a very small dog. He's not silly. Just for effect, Mushu swiped at him too, but only to show Socks that he is a big boy now, as he quite likes Beauregard.

Now I am back in bed ( after making a bitey chewy fur baby chase me up and down my garden to tire him out a bit, so I can sleep. Penny has climbed onto the bed with me.

I put Bobo back in his crate. We usually cuddle this part of the morning (my second sleep!) but he is happy to be in his own bed and Penny needs her Mama Cuddles.

I am still tired. Only 5 hours sleep. Check ya laters! :-)

10 December 2014

Crystal hung out with me til 2.11 am. We played Scrabble on our iphones and Freefall. We read our tarot cards.

I can't remember the last time she spent so long in my company and we had a lovely time.

6 months to go til she moves to Ireland, so we are making the most of mummy-daughter time.

I had my debrief today. My Dr agrees that Byron Bay is the way to go and that I will fit in the vibe there, perfectly. I told him that I won't go back to Murphy's after the constant abuse there. Fuck 'em! I danced there for 2 and a half years, supported the bands only to be treated like a freak!

I told my Dr the owners or upper management were too cowardly to even respond to my complaint, as were CSO who employ that vile creep. My Dr was disgusted also.

He agreed that the doors might be closing behind me in Brisbane CBD but I would be welcomed in Byron where the people are non-judgemental.

So my mind is made up. When I have enough money I will spend weekends in Byron and my weekdays resting, being middle-aged and eccentric in Holland Park with my cats and chooks and goldfish. This way I will have the best of both worlds.

10 December 2013

10 December 2012

I think my septic arthritis is playing up. Lots of twinges in the joints of both feet and toes. Hmmm damp day, cooler which was nice but interesting that my bones are reacting to the moisture in the air. Or is it Post- Dancing for 5 hours Stress?

I had lots of relaxing snoozes today. Spent a couple of hours outside in my hammock reading "Attached" which is about Anxious/avoidant/secure attachment styles in relationships . Learning heaps! Unfortunately for me I am one of the 4 % of people who have a mixed anxious/avoidant style which makes my lovelife so damn interesting and outrageous Lol!

So not sure how much of the book I can absorb and regurgitate into my conscious state of relating to others but the base of it all boils down to "effective communication" which seems reasonable . It does however take Two to effectively communicate and make requisite adaptations, consistency and well... stuff Lol!

For now I have lots of options with my social life at the casino which more than often borders on the surreal and absurd and was very Twin Peaksian on Saturday but I like it!

Bella Rosa Arons

10 December 2011

Feeling very numb and shattered by the atrocious lies of the Scherer's and their infinite greed and hatred towards me, a complete stranger to them. I hope the Trial will be soon so my lawyers can decimate them completely. Money or no money they must not get away with their lies and slander.

10 December 2009

I immersed myself and The Bella in a friend's swimming pool today. It was pure bliss. Bella was freaked at the beginning but kind of got used to it and at one point actually jumped in the pool so she could get to me for a cuddle.

Copyright Tanya Désirée Arons


About the Creator

Tanya Arons

I write about my life experiences. I write about complex ptsd, the agonies, the angst and my post traumatic growth. About Beauty, Truth and Honour and little vignettes of comfort from the spirits that love me: living and dead. I also Dance!

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