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Memories: 1 April 2023

Lascivious and libidinous.

By Tanya Arons Published about a year ago Updated about a year ago 6 min read
Memories: 1 April 2023
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

1 April 2023

Lmao…another one of my YouTube videos has gone “viral”. By that I mean it suddenly acquired 498 views which is a lot on my little channel. It’s a Short of me talking and smooching with Charley.

Frankly it’s not a flattering video, it pans my huge belly, I have no makeup, look exhausted and depressed. I guess it’s reached some nîche market for YouTube fetishists. Although that was not my intention behind it. I really was just wanting to record Charley’s immense passion and sweetness towards her Mama.

So um…hilarious. Proof that people really do appreciate Authenticity.

I had a spirit call me “Lilit” during a trance drumming sesssion last year. I was a tad taken aback. Like that name is not actually a compliment.

I said “who me?” Yes they said “You”. I brushed it aside. Discarnate spirits can be mischievous, dangerous, malevolent. As can carnate ones! So discernment is key. Or sometimes it is best to ignore or avoid negative entities.

But I do have some Lilith type characteristics. I hate hate controlling dominating deceptive evil men!

I hate being condescended to, lied to, cheated on, vilified.

I have brass Naga Kanye ornaments on my bedposts and front door. (Guardians of the underworld (sea). I have the tattoo of the Burning Bush on my arm. (Fire, or specifically a Light that could not be consumed by the fire within!)

I am an Aries. (A Fire sign) and I have a rage against the current Covid machine that literally destroyed all hope of my future progeny that if I unleashed it…would be a Lilithian Vengeance that would be unstoppable.

We are indeed living in an Lilith archetypical epoch. Feeding her our unborn via defunct testes and ovaries with the gene altering poison. She would be fucking proud if it weren’t for the fact that even demonesses need progeny.

What fresh hells can be created when the mortals are all dead or infertile? FFS

Not a rhetorical question btw!

1:33 am The dance continues…even if it’s killing me…JOIE De VIVRE…Babies. Thanks Dear Greg for the fan...You’re The Man. Alter Egos were fabulous as usual. The beautiful Scott played “7 Nation Army” in honour of my impending birthday. Formidable!

1 April 2022

Lascivious and libidinous. Same shit, different day!

I had a good day today. Spoke to my friend Jarrod then took Bobo and Charley for a walk and visited with Libby and her little ones across the road.

Then continued my walk and visited with Ailsa and her son and Daughter in law. Feeling much loved and appreciated. 🙂.

1 April 2021

I call it “government sponsored genocide”. I don’t sugarcoat shit!

1 April 2020

What a weird afternoon! I hauled my tochas out of bed and dressed but had to yell at the builders across the street as they had parked their vehicles across my driveway.

They moved one Ute quicksmart. Left the other still slightly blocking me but I was able to get out. Then I went to get my license renewed. No problems there. But then I went to Coles. No problems there.

Then I went to the butcher to buy more bones for Bobo and got tempted by some more Moroccan flavoured sausages (the ones Lyn bought me yesterday were such excellent quality!!) and some chicken.

The young butcher was so flirtatious that instead of feeling like the usual good natured Aussie larrikin banter I got a tiny bit enraged. I reminded him he was young enough to be my son. That only set him off even more.

I told him I usually avoid butchers as they strip us down to bone and sinew then take our money as well. He quipped “so like my usual Friday night!” Funny little shit, innit?!

Anyway home again. Self isolation is not so bad. Glad to be away from creepy licentious men. I boycotted that filthy butcher at Greenslopes mall. Little wannabe rapist or fully practising one. Vile!

Feeling hot and sweaty I had a moment of panic that I have caught covid at Coles (or that fucking seedy Butcher) at Greenslopes!

But I say to myself...calm your farm Tanya. I check the weather app. 25 degrees Celsius. It is a warm autumn night.

The aircon has been in use off and on all afternoon and evening. I thought it was my menopause. Grrr.

1 April 2018

3:14 am I had a lovely night, dancing with Jenny and Karen and Morris. An old flame had called me earlier in the evening (out of the blue after 5 years!) so he came to the casino to spend some time with me. Very sweet! I was a bit amazed as I had not heard from or seen him in all that time. We had a lovely long chat on the phone and it was pleasant seeing him in person.

I kept doing me and danced wildly with my friends as I always do. I am not going to change for anyone.

Anyway, bit taken aback by the strange twist of events but all good. True loves never die, I guess. I must have made a big impression all those years ago!

Anyway, sore tootsies so soaking myself in a hot bath. Peaceful and content with my residual existence.

Good night y’all x

1 April 2017

3.20 pm finally awake again. Gorgeous day. Life is good. Thank you G-d! xxx

Another lovely night dancing with Jenny, Terrie, Chris, Karen and Roy.

Now soaking in hot Epsom salts bath (need to buy more!) I put lavender oil and flowers in some Epsom Salts. Lovely.

Now exhausted so will be snuggling in my bed soon.

Boker Tov/ Good Morning

1 April 2016

7.52 pm I am finally feeling like I am getting my shit together. Still a marathon effort of dusting and polishing to do but for the first time in many months, I have a clear dining table.

Almost cleaned the floors. I had a visit this evening from Lucy, needing comfort. So I invited her to come out with me.

It's Friday night (Shabbat Shalom y'all!) but wild things need to dance their stress out. I never got to have my nanna nap after my cleaning so I will be one wired raw nerve. I will have to pace myself. (As if!)

I have had a busy day. I got up early, around 11 am. I spent the day vacuuming and mopping. Still my bedroom left to do. I did washing as usual. Pottered in the garden. I got the drill out and made holes to the perch can fit properly for the girls!

Vinnies came and went. No help with the bills but gave me a $50 card for Woolies. Then I took Bobo to the dog park. He is still trying to bite other dogs. But he had fun chasing the Labrador X Staffie pup.

Now home to rest. Eating yoghurt. Quite exhausted.

1 April 2014

Today I had a lovely afternoon tea (my breakfast lol) with Heather at The Rare Pear. We went back to her place afterwards and I was thrilled to see her new garden and water feature. It was lovely to catch up and to see Sarah's wedding photo. We Yiddishe Mamas and "Aunties" sure do schep Naches! :-)

Then I drove to Crystal's and helped her move stuff to her new granny flat at Mitchelton. I am a tad disappointed as it is a tiny space but there is a large backyard for Ramon to live in so life will be more exciting for him!

I helped her unpack boxes to make room for more loads. I am now resting on her couch in her apartment watching Ramon play and am contemplating making a nice cup of tea before I head home chez moi.

1 April 2010

Copyright Tanya Désirée Arons


About the Creator

Tanya Arons

I write about my life experiences. I write about complex ptsd, the agonies, the angst and my post traumatic growth. About Beauty, Truth and Honour and little vignettes of comfort from the spirits that love me: living and dead. I also Dance!

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