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Make Your Blog Planning Easy

A short preview of a new 80 pages eBook due in September ,comes with a new concept to include a bullet journal

By EstalontechPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Feeling limited to choosing only one? It is not just you. You do not have much time or energy left over after taking care of your clients, administrative tasks, emails, staying current in your industry, and taking breaks to write consistently high-quality blog posts.

What is the remedy? a blog calendar tailored to your requirements. This article will walk you through creating a blog calendar that makes content creation simpler and more pleasant.

By the end of this book, you will be able to: • Come up with a ton of blog post ideas that interest your readers and motivate them to visit again.

• Use a blog calendar to organize your posts, save time, and accomplish more.

• To maximize the impact of your blog posts, streamline and automate your content promotion.

Are you ready for a productive blog planner? Let us get on.

Why You Need a Blog Planner and What It Is

A blog planner serves as a hub for all blog posts. This applies to both previously published blog posts as well as ones you want to research, write, edit, publish, and sell. It is a great place to collect and organize unplanned thoughts as well. A blog planner can be a crucial tool for business success if used appropriately. These are its main advantages:

Bullet Journal Inclusive

• It compiles your blog entries’ and ideas’ information in one place. There will not be any more stray papers, post-it notes, or notebooks, and you will not be searching for that wonderful idea you had last week.

• You may easily get a summary of your blog.

• You are constantly conscious of your daily, weekly, and monthly responsibilities. No project or action item eludes attention.

• It connects the actions you take every day to your long-term goals. A blog calendar will make it simpler for you to prioritize tasks that bring you closer to your final goal and stop you from falling victim to the Shiny Object Syndrome.

Paper Scheduler

A paper planner can be used for a variety of things:

• A printed wall calendar with post-it notes or handwritten dates for blog post release.

• A list of potential blog post topics and the associated release dates.

You may plan out your entire workflow by scheduling the research, writing, editing, and advertising of your blog posts on a calendar. This style of blog planner is excellent for providing a thorough overview of the state of your material.

The drawback is that you have to manually update any topics or publish dates, and if you have introduced other workflow components, you also have to edit them all. Additionally, these blog plans are not portable.

What impact do seasonal fluctuations have on my industry and business? What suggestions are needed by your readers as the new season draws near? Here are a few instances:

• Financial blog: planning for the upcoming year, tax season, and quarterly

• The recipes on this food website cover foods for all four seasons, special occasions, and indoor and outdoor gatherings.

• Style blog: suggestions for each season’s attire and hairstyles, shopping tips for the newest styles, and the most affordable times of year to shop.

Plan your year’s discussion topics in advance.

The simplest way to permanently solve the “What will I write about today?” conundrum is to use topic themes. Large groups of topics that fit your blogging goals and your audience’s expectations are known as topic themes. They guide the idea-generation process and encourage innovation. You might base your topic themes on the time of year or on subject areas that are pertinent to your audience.

Create up to ten subject ideas using these inquiries and examples.

What actions does my target market take to make a purchase? Before selecting their next choice, take into account the time and effort they put into their research. …..

It is time to add your best blog post ideas to a blog calendar or blog planner now that you have a list of them. Here are the key factors to remember. Create a publishing schedule that is sustainable.

You could feel compelled to update frequently since you have so many great ideas for blog posts. You will not get the results you want if you post three blog items in a week and then none for the following two months. Start with a commitment you can sustain over a long period of time in light of your other commitments.

Weekly blog posts of one is a fantastic place to start. You will gather a number of insightful and interesting blog posts in a few months, and you will be able to keep writing.

Utilize a blog calendar to organize your ideas for blog posts.

It is time to add your best blog post ideas to a blog calendar or blog planner now that you have a list of them.

Here are the key factors to remember. Create a publishing schedule that is sustainable.

You could feel compelled to update frequently since you have so many great ideas for blog posts. You will not get the results you want if you post three blog items in a week and then none for the following two months.

Start with a commitment you can sustain over a long period of time in light of your other commitments. Weekly blog posts of one is a fantastic place to start. You will gather a number of insightful and interesting blog posts in a few months, and you will be able to keep writing.

Monitor Your Progress and Increase Your Efforts in What Is Working Best

Receiving feedback on the information you have created is the most satisfying part of acting and distributing it.

Feedback from your audience is important, but you should also consider the metrics provided by the platforms you use, including Google Analytics, social media analytics (including Facebook Analytics, Twitter Analytics, and Instagram Insights), and email results.

Make use of these metrics to understand:

• What interests your audience the most? What subjects are they drawn to?

• What piques their curiosity the most? Which emails are reopened, and which blog pieces receive the greatest attention from readers? Why does their mouse continue to click?

What topics have the highest Google rankings?

• Which topics are more effective on specific platforms?

• Which formats seem to be popular across different platforms?

Refer to your analytics and these inquiries often. As a result, you will always fill your blog calendar with the best topics and come up with the best social media post ideas.

Make blog planning straightforward and effective

Use these procedures, resources, models, and concepts to produce enduring blog outcomes. You will receive a blog planner that is portable, keeps you organized across all pertinent platforms, and simplifies the process of writing blog posts. The procedure will be enjoyable for you, you will get the result you wanted, and people will compliment you.

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About the Creator


Estalontech is an Indie publisher with over 400 Book titles on Amazon KDP. Being a Publisher , it is normal for us to co author and brainstorm on interesting contents for this publication which we will like to share on this platform

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