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M(ai)Y(a) Bruised Ego

Actually, it was my knee, but it hurt!

By KJ AartilaPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 3 min read
Maiya - Always Watching

M(ai)Y(a) Bruised Ego

So, Thursday was a glorious day, especially for December up here. Near 50F degrees, blue sky, light wind. I was eager to get out and spend some time with the horses.

I walked outside, headed to the garage/feed storage to grab some treats and feed pans, and promptly stepped on a patch of ice. I slipped and my knee slammed the frozen ground.

I stood up – basically to see if my knee would hold me or if I broke it this time – it seems I didn’t break it. I stood there for a minute to let the pain pass and decided I could walk. I contemplated just returning to the house to get off it and ice it right away, but the day was too nice to just sit inside and let it pass! So, I hobbled to the garage and then the arena, got the training plan setup for the day – which thankfully didn’t include riding - and let Maiya into the work area. We did our session. Then I hobbled down to another paddock to work on another horse’s mane. I gooped it up good and went to work for a bit on removing tangles and burdock – I don’t even know where he found the burdock, but there it was, proudly displayed in his tangled mane.

I then decided it was time to go back inside and tend to my knee. I didn’t really want to see the damage, but I had to determine the extent of the injury – like if I actually needed medical attention or just ice and ibuprofen. I got back inside and sat in a kitchen chair. I could see the swelling under my jeans. I changed into my loose jammies and assessed my poor joint. It was swollen to about the size of a grapefruit.

I decided on ice and ibuprofen, hobbled around to make dinner and then watched a movie. The swelling had gone down a lot by the next day, but my knee was still a little shaky about holding me up. It’s getting back to normal size now, but colored a lovely shade of deep purple.

The moral of the story is, even when it’s nice out, look out for those errant patches of ice! They can really ruin your day.

Also, we are capable of more than we think we are, when the sun shines.

Speaking of ego, we’ll see if Maiya is cut out for the endurance game by spring. I’m thinking she may prefer the career of “eating machine.” We shall see. It’s not all about what I want.


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If you are interested in following from the beginning, here’s my first post about figuring out our endurance plans: (Click Photo Below to Read Article)

We’re having some pretty atypical weather for Northern Wisconsin in December – I’m sure we’ll pay for it later, but right now, I can’t complain about the temperatures and snowfall. Currently, we have about an inch of snow on the ground, which we also did last week, but it melted in the sunshine. Highs for the next few days are in the 20sF, but 40sF again by Thursday! We may end up with a muddy, brown Christmas, but it makes this old cowgirl happy! Yeehaw!!!!!

Happy Holidays!


About the Creator

KJ Aartila

A writer of words in northern WI with a small family and a large menagerie.

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