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Looking for a Job?

First, think about the job you want to do...

By Elayer For AllPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Looking for a Job from Elayer for all

Looking for a Job?

First, think about the job you want to do…

This story is for those who don't have a proper plan or future goals or career options; if you have a friend and he needs suggestions, then it can help him / her, so others can easily skip.

The story's intention is to provide a proper guide to those who switch or change their job category itself, like the previous job doesn't help, current job, or current job doesn't help in next job.

It is like a temporary job, Something that is temporary lasts for only a limited time.

I've seen many young people, who work for garage, gift center, shops, factories, office and some kind of business, which are irrelevant to previous, current and next job.

Why was that? Why do they change or switch to some other job?

  • Of course, the first is a financial problem.
  • Maybe they are not getting a proper job.
  • Maybe other jobs pay much higher than the current or previous job.

Okay, that's fine, Do they really like or are interested in that job? mostly yes or no, but what after a few years later? what after half of their life span? what before they get old?

Even they are not sure about that, Yes, if it is a good job they will continue or else they might have to discover another job and doing it. The time when we are getting old the salary must not be same as we getting earlier at a young age so one should consider that for the temporary comfort we don't have to do a job that really not helps in future.

For example, in a garage, if you learn skills and make things work then you might have acquired the knowledge which might help you do better in that day by day or year by year. so it will help you in the future, or even start your own garage and you hire workers for it also.

You must be thinking if this is the strategy then so many employees or workers have become owners of the garage. yes, it is because some or most of the workers do the job; not to learn skills or not just to expand their knowledge they just work for what they are getting paid. Then it won't work or happen.

So you must think about it in such a way that if you learn more then there is always a chance of getting a higher salary and eventually you might be a garage owner some or a few years later.

Most of the people don't really like their jobs they are just intended to do it. even if you want to get rid of that job, you need to make it in reverse, it is just like you need to confuse the job before you get burnt by the job.

so here is a tip or suggestion or advice so you just go doing hard work and learn what it is and how can you excel in that.

It's Not so easy as we think it requires patience and enormous effort. Just member that nothing is impossible. After that, you can create your own business and you can acquire employees for the same. Because if you do a better you get a chance of doing it in a lot better; then you can create your own business or garage( example). Let's take an example you work at a garage there are maybe 30 to 40 customers so they are really familiar to you.

If they heard, you are started your own business like a garage, out of 40, 10 to 15 will start visiting you because they previously had a service from you so that they will think, you will provide better service to their vehicle.

You can teach your employees or workers so they will give service to your customers, then you are done.

At last either you have to make proper planning up to your certain age like what you are doing and what job you are going to do.

Because it's hard to say what will happen it's just an example, some of the delivery persons or a pigmy agent or some other transport workers if they accidentally had any injuries then they might need rest for a few months or even sometimes few years. even if they saved little money at that time so everything is over there only, even at that point of time.

We need to think about what we need to do; when we have the potential to do something do better and do it in a great way. Don't search for temporary comfort. Have Proper plan, guidance, goals, and execute in a timely manner.

Sometimes Some situations are unpredictable, even when we have everything.

Think twice Before you get old and sit in an unknown place, start thinking like "what have done in my life? I could have done better...!"


About the Creator

Elayer For All

 Edu - Tech - Learn- Invest - Grow

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