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Little But Fierce

The Debut: Zhan'e B. - The Writer.

By Zhan'e BenderPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Little But Fierce
Photo by Muhammad Syafi Al - adam on Unsplash

(Just to get something clear, I don't care who reads this... or if anyone reads this at all. Truly, this profile is my practice ground for writing and sharpening my skill.)

A few months ago I watched a sermon led by Michael Todd, lead pastor of Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Although I don't live in Tulsa and therefore, have never experienced a sermon of his in person, there is something about the way he breaks down the text of the Bible that resonates with my soul in such a profound way.

This was the moment I realized that God not only has a plan for my life, but for my money as well. God actually expects me to lean on him in terms of money; and as strange as it sounds, God does not hate money.

(The sermon I'm referring to is from the "Ea$y Money" series. The whole series is life-changing and worthy of listening to, so if anyone actually is reading this, the plug I just gave was free of charge.)

The day I watched that sermon was the day an internal fire was lit inside of me, and the word of God was the match. That day I learned that:


What money doesn't follow is simple desires or wishes. Money can't follow a mindset full of limitations and perceived barriers. Money is an expansive energy (think of all the things you could experience with $1,000 as opposed to $10) and in order for us to receive it, we have to have the capacity to hold it energetically.

Just like every being and thing on this rotating planet, money is made up of pure energy. Energy that vibrates on such a particular frequency which registers into our brains as: wealth, increase, or specific currency. Money quite literally flows in and out of our lives and is sent back into the ether to be forever recycled.

Truly, there is an endless and unlimited amount of wealth in this world to accumulate.

And I don't say accumulate in the sense of greed or hoarding for some kind of pending doomsday. The purpose of money is to be received AND given in this endless cycle of prosperity.

Before watching the sermon I mentioned earlier, I was beginning to uncover these truths within my own life: money is energy and does not flow in the direction of lack or desperation. Increase cannot live in the same space as decrease or lack because of the principle of duality.

You know... duality. There is no darkness in the presence of light; and there is no light that can live within pure darkness.

And just like you and I have different environments in which we thrive or fail to live up to our potential, so does money.

When we hoard money, solely on the basis of fear, whether it be fear of poverty or anticipated dangers ahead, money eventually says to itself: "I'm not going to manifest in this person's life anymore because they refuse to let me flow. I'm not being spent on anything; I'm just rotting here with no true intent on being spent".

Because when we hoard money out of fear, we're not actually looking for that fear to come true. Unlike saving for a dream vacation overseas or a brand new car that we make plans for and are excited to experience, we don't actually want our fears to come to pass. So when we save out of fear, we truly are just sending our money to a jail cell (the bank) to rot.

How does this even tie into money following mastery; and what even is mastery?

The basic definition of mastery is "[the] comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment".

Meaning, in order for money to flow to me effortlessly, for money to "want" to be in my possession, I have to find the area I already have exceptional skill and/or knowledge in and master there!

And that is the reason I'm here now: Taking responsibility for my own unique form of mastery.

SURE -- there are writers all over the world, that have already "mastered" the art of writing.

Yet, they haven't mastered in the area I have been called to master. The one thing that makes me unique is the very essence I was born with.

There's a lot of words you could use to describe me... and those same exact words could be used to describe another person -- writer or not. However, between myself, the beholder, and my "twin", we all know, we're fundamentally different.

It is our essence.

I've chosen to master my skill of writing because it not only comes naturally to me, but it's therapeutic in a way.

Having accepted the part of me that is a textbook introvert, I honor my desire for privacy and alone time. With that being said, I still have a message to present to the world, as we all do. And I still have an inner desire to be heard, seen, and understood like the rest of us.

God has created us ALL with a unique purpose and it is our job to align back with that very purpose. And although there is a chance that God has called me to something completely different, in His perfect timing, He will reveal that to me.

I see writing as a means for me to give my words, presence, and energy to whoever is open to receiving it; rather than scrambling around trying to find someone to see and hear me for who I truly am.

Beautifully enough, God has created us all to give back to the world with our own creation. We have been created to create and when we create, that is where our purpose and our mastery collide.


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