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Is Your Internet Service Affected by Bad Weather?

Is your internet connection good

By jhonyPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Is your internet connection good?

Are you one of those folks, whose heart sinks every time they see a few splatters of rain here and there, even though the forecasts on their phone still don’t say anything about a weather change? While this may not apply every time, however, if you anticipate a bad network every time the weather changes, then maybe it’s time to take some action.

Whether your area has the infrastructure of an uber-reliable fiber internet service or any other connection type setup at your address, know one thing – bad weather conditions like rain hail, snow, or extreme heat for that matter – can/do affect your internet service. Hence, before you blame weather conditions in your city for bad service, we suggest that you read on to learn more about this:

Is Your Bad Internet Reception Testing Your Patience?

Worry not if that’s the case at your end. Unfortunately, this happens to the best of us. So even if you have invested in one of the best internet service providers for your home connection, there will be days when your internet will not function with the same robustness that it usually does. However, if the service connection isn’t functioning the way it was before, we suggest that you try a few troubleshooting tips at home to get the issue sorted. Take control of your service before the terrible weather conditions take over your connection and clog it up!

Indoors or Outdoors – Where Should You Keep Your Internet Equipment?

Your internet equipment can break down and end up malfunctioning if they are kept outdoors and exposed to the ever-changing climate in the respective region. That’s why you have to be careful – more than usual. However, some devices cannot be placed inside the house no matter what. Like satellite equipment, for instance. Hence, you need to take some safety measures to ensure that your connection is not disrupted in any way, especially when rapid weather changes are expected to take place.

However, if your internet devices are all kept inside the house then they are probably safe from such environmental inconsistencies that can disrupt service. With humidity being an exception, bad weather conditions can drastically affect your internet connection, making it difficult for you to connect to your respective network. Just make sure that your signals don’t have any obstructions in their path so the connection flows smoothly around the house.

Suffering from Signal Interference?

Your selected broadband has designed its infrastructure in such a way that it can withstand infrequent weather changes. However, extreme weather changes are a completely different scenario, which can affect various types of connections as per their structure. For instance, if you opted for a wireless connection then don’t be surprised if you are experiencing a poor signal strength at your end. Users who have satellite internet are usually the most affected ones since satellite-based communication is quite vulnerable to water dispersion, degrading the signal faster than other types of broadband. Hence, always make sure that if you have set up the said equipment outdoors, it is highly secured and covered to the best of your ability. Take extra caution if you don’t any extra hefty costs coming your way.

Bad Weather Often Equals High Internet Traffic

Running the internet speed calculator during bad weather conditions may give you an idea about your speed situation but it is not enough. Another major reason why your internet doesn’t work during bad weather is also because of high internet traffic. This is when everybody’s online because they probably can't go outside and are stuck at home.

Therefore, they indulge in gameplay or video streaming – two activities that require a lot of data. Hence, when the network connection is already poor due to the terrible weather conditions outside, this can result in the service slowing down. However, if your region suffers from high temperatures then this could also disrupt network connection.

Perform a Few Tweaks Before Getting the Professionals Involved

Though service down is a ‘concern’, especially when you can't do much about the weather but you can use some of these shortcuts before getting professionals involved. Sometimes, fixing service-related issues can easily be resolved, just by doing a few tweaks here or there. Though the tech professionals may have assured you that the service will not be affected by natural conditions that’s not always possible! However, it also doesn’t mean that every time you get bad weather in your city, you should expect the network to go down.

For instance, the rainy season can have an impact on the wirelines, and cause signal interference, which would affect service in your area but the rain is not always the culprit. Maybe your service got disrupted because it was a cable-based one. But the same causes can also apply if you had the fiber-based one. And as reiterated earlier in this article, there may be a different reason why your internet is having a breakdown or is slowing down at your address.

Wrapping It Up,

As we come to the end of this article, we hope that it gives you a better idea as to why your service connection starts to misbehave when the weather starts to change, going from bad to worse. This way, perhaps, you can find quick solutions instead of getting frustrated due to your vulnerable service. However, if things are not working in your favor, then we suggest that you call your current ISP and connect with a service representative, who are expert in this regard and will be able to guide you much better. And even if that doesn’t work, then maybe it's time to switch and select a better internet provider for your home.


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