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Interview Assessment- Benefits and Tips to Use One - Recruiter's blog

Interview Assessment- Benefits and Tips to Use One - Recruiter's blog

By mayank kejriwalPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The 1990s introduced “computer-based examinations” and now the legacy is followed by a few of the topmost exams held across the world, from SATs, CAT, GRE, etc.

The recruitment industry has had the buzz about online assessments for a long time now, however, before we dive into the details explaining the hype around these tools let us first understand what is an online assessment test.

Online assessment tests are conducted via computers under a remotely proctored environment and have the advantage of being authenticated by Subject matter experts (SMEs). Online assessments bring inefficiency of the whole procedure along with immediate feedback. Online examinations are slowly replacing the traditional examination approach. A major highlight of using an online examination system is that it gives a high level of transparency as opposed to the traditional method. Most online exams generate their results instantly and it is often possible for the exam taker to get information on his results immediately. However, one question always lingers back, is it really useful for recruitment?

Online assessments have the benefit of not only being accessible anytime and anywhere there are few more benefits that online assessment brings with itself to assist you in your recruitment process.

Online self-assessment is one of the more common and upcoming tools used to recruit new talents for an organization. These tests give an insight into the person to understand the compatibility of the candidate with the organization.

When you are a recruiting manager and you’re handling a team of recruiters it is very easy to misunderstand and think that your top billing recruiter is also your top-performing recruiter. In the world of business, there is no doubt that revenue is of course important, but it is also very important to look closely and know who is the most efficient in their market. The easiest way to do this is by looking at your recruiter’s candidate conversion rates right from the very beginning through from job vacancy posted, to job filled. Once you have all this information with you, you can use this data to identify key areas to improve your overall recruitment process.

How to pick the right interview assessment tool

We have thrown in a couple of tips to safely maneuver the clutter and finalize on the right tool.

Ensure it has an extensive question library:

The first criterion that you have to keep in mind while choosing an assessment platform is that it has a relevant and extensive question library. Also, it comes as an added advantage if the questions and the tests can be optimized or tailor-made to fulfill your needs.

Instant report and its analysis:

Online assessments come with the benefit of eliminating human error. For trainers and recruiters who have been checking and analyzing reports manually understands the pain of sitting and going through endless scripts and reports of candidates. It’s time to take a breath of relief. Online assessment tests have done away with the need to analyze reports manually. Nowadays in most of the online assessment platforms, the reports generated marks the key performance area of a candidate with a detailed report analysis and the candidate’s answers as well. Recruiters can design their hiring and training module based on the data derived from the report.

One which removes the need for invigilation and does away with cheating:

One of the features of an online exam system that will set it apart from its other competitors in the market will have anti-cheating features in place to counter cheating effectively. Most of the tools have auto-proctoring measures.


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