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Indian Epics- Ramayana

Ram Setu

By Sathish JamaiPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Rama Bridge, also known as Adam's Bridge, is a chain of limestone shoals between the Indian mainland and Sri Lanka. It is located in the Palk Strait and is considered a natural bridge that was once above sea level, but is now partially submerged. The bridge is said to have been built by the Hindu god Rama, according to Hindu mythology, as described in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana. The Rama Bridge is also a significant cultural and religious site for Hindus, who believe it to be a bridge connecting India and Sri Lanka, used by Lord Rama during his journey to Lanka to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king, Ravana.

In Hindu mythology, the Rama Bridge is believed to have been built by Lord Rama and his army of monkeys (vanaras) to cross the Palk Strait and reach Lanka to rescue his wife Sita, who was abducted by the demon king Ravana. This event is the central plot of the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana. The bridge is said to have been made of stones floating in the sea, and Lord Rama asked Hanuman, the monkey king, to find the right kind of stone to build the bridge. Hanuman was able to find a suitable stone, and with the help of the other vanaras, they were able to build the bridge within five days.

In modern times, the Rama Bridge is considered a significant geographical feature as well as a cultural and religious site. The bridge, also known as Adam's Bridge, has been the subject of scientific research and studies, and it is believed that the chain of limestone shoals was once a land bridge connecting India and Sri Lanka, and has since been submerged due to geological changes and rising sea levels. The Rama Bridge is also a pilgrimage site for Hindus, who visit the area to offer prayers and perform rituals.

It is approximately 18 miles long and connects the town of Rameswaram in India to the Mannar Island in Sri Lanka. The bridge is considered a natural formation, but is also considered a significant cultural and religious site for Hindus, who believe it was built by Lord Rama and his army of monkeys, as described in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana.

Geologically, the Adam's Bridge is thought to have been formed by sediment deposits from the ancient rivers that once flowed from India to Sri Lanka. The bridge has been the subject of scientific research and studies, and it is believed that it was once a land bridge connecting the two countries, but has since been submerged due to geological changes and rising sea levels.

Adam's Bridge is also considered a major navigation obstacle, as the shallow waters of the Palk Strait make it difficult for ships to cross. The Indian government has proposed building a shipping canal to bypass the bridge, which has been met with opposition from environmental groups and Hindu organizations, who believe that the bridge is a sacred site and should not be disturbed.


The Ramayana is considered one of the greatest works of Indian literature and is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Sanskrit epic poetry. It tells the story of Prince Rama, who is considered the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, and his quest to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king, Ravana. Along the way, Prince Rama faces numerous obstacles and challenges, and he must rely on his wisdom, strength, and bravery to overcome them. The Ramayana is also the story of the triumph of good over evil and the importance of dharma, or duty, in one's life.

In addition to its religious and cultural significance, the Ramayana has also had a profound influence on Indian art, music, dance, and theater. The epic has been the subject of numerous plays, paintings, sculptures, and other works of art, and it continues to be a source of inspiration for artists and writers in India and around the world.

The Ramayana is also widely taught in schools and universities, and it is considered a key text in the study of Hindu religion, mythology, and culture. It is considered one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, along with the Mahabharata, and it is widely regarded as one of the greatest works of Indian literature.


About the Creator

Sathish Jamai

I want to let people know about India's mythology, history, our culture, and how we are connected to it.

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