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IBM fires 3900 employees after missing annual cash target

Reason behind back to back layoffs and its impact

By SAI SARANPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Overview of IBM and its history as a technology company

IBM, also known as International Business Machines Corporation, is a multinational technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York. The company was founded in 1911.

In the 1950s and 60s, IBM made a significant impact on the computer industry with its mainframe computers, which were used by many large businesses and government agencies. IBM also developed the first disk drive, which revolutionized data storage.

In the 1970s and 80s, IBM continued to innovate with the introduction of personal computers, which helped to make computing more accessible to the general public.

In more recent years, IBM has shifted its focus towards more profitable businesses such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and security. The company has also been involved in research and development of technologies such as quantum computing, blockchain and IoT.

Recent layoffs announced by IBM

In 2020, IBM announced that it would be cutting jobs as part of the company's restructuring plan. The company stated that the layoffs would be focused on its global technology services unit and its systems unit. The layoffs are intended to help IBM focus on its more profitable businesses and reduce costs.

In 2021, IBM announced that it will cut jobs again, part of the company's strategy to shift its focus towards cloud computing and artificial intelligence, however, the company did not provide any specific details on how many jobs will be cut or where the layoffs will occur.

In 2023, IBM has joined the ‘layoff drive’ as the company fired 3,900 employees as a result of missing annual cash target

Reasons for IBM Layoffs

1)Shift in focus towards more profitable businesses such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and security

Cloud computing - Companies are increasingly moving their data and applications to the cloud to take advantage of the cost savings and scalability it offers. IBM has been investing in its cloud computing capabilities, including building data centers and developing software and services to help companies move to the cloud.

Artificial intelligence (AI) -AI is another area that IBM has been investing in, as the technology is becoming increasingly important in a wide range of industries, from healthcare to finance to manufacturing. IBM has been developing AI-based products and services such as Watson, its flagship AI platform, to help companies harness the power of AI to improve their operations and gain insights from their data.

Security - Security is also a growing concern for companies as the number of cyber attacks and data breaches continue to increase. IBM has been investing in its security capabilities, including developing software and services to help companies protect their data and systems from cyber threats.

By focusing on these profitable businesses, IBM hopes to continue to be a leader in the technology industry, and to meet the growing demand for these services from companies and organizations.

2)Restructuring of operations to cut costs and improve efficiency

In IBM, the restructuring of operations has included layoffs as part of the company's strategy to shift its focus towards more profitable businesses such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and security. The company has also been undergoing a restructuring process to cut costs and improve efficiency.

It's important to note that restructuring can be a difficult and stressful time for employees, their families and the company, and it's important for the company to communicate effectively with the affected employees and provide support where possible.

3)Impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on the technology industry

Additionally, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the technology industry, and IBM has announced layoffs as a result of the economic downturn caused by the pandemic.

Impact of Layoffs on IBM

Effects on employees, including job loss and financial hardship

(a)As a result of the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, many technology companies have had to reduce their workforce and implement layoffs. This has led to job loss for many employees in the industry, and the unemployment rate in the technology sector has risen as a result.

(b)The job loss can have a significant impact on employees, their families, and their communities, as they may have to find new jobs or retrain for new careers.

(c)In addition to job loss, many employees in the technology industry have also faced financial hardship due to the pandemic.

(d)The economic downturn has led to a decrease in wages and benefits for many employees, and some have had to take pay cuts or reduce their hours in order to keep their jobs. This can make it difficult for employees to make ends meet, and many are struggling to pay their bills and support their families.

(e)The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of work-life balance, as many employees have had to balance working from home with caring for their families and children. This has led to a decline in employee productivity and satisfaction, which can also have a negative impact on the industry.

Economic impact on the local community where IBM layoffs occur

(a)The economic impact of IBM layoffs on the local community where they occur can be significant. Layoffs can lead to a decrease in the number of people employed, which can lead to a decrease in the overall economic activity in the area.

(b)This can have a ripple effect throughout the community, as businesses that depend on the spending of the former IBM employees may suffer, and may also have to lay off employees of their own.

(c)The loss of jobs can also lead to an increase in the unemployment rate in the area, which can have a negative impact on the local economy.

(d)Unemployed individuals may have to rely on government assistance, which can put a strain on local resources.

(e)Additionally, job loss can also lead to a decrease in the overall standard of living in the area, as people may have to cut back on spending, which can have a negative impact on local businesses.

(f)The decrease in economic activity and the increase in unemployment can also lead to a decrease in property values in the area, which can have a negative impact on homeowners.

(g)In addition, the layoffs may also lead to a decrease in the number of people contributing to the local tax base, which can have a negative impact on the community's ability to fund public services such as schools, roads, and public safety


(1)The technology industry's role in the digitalization of the economy and society will continue to be a major driver of growth in the future. Remote work and e-commerce, for example, have accelerated during the pandemic, and this trend is expected to continue in the future, as companies and individuals become more comfortable with digital tools and technologies.

Additionally, the ongoing adoption of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G networks will create new opportunities for companies in the technology industry to grow their revenue and market share.

(3)Overall, while the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to some challenges for IBM and the technology industry as a whole, the potential for recovery and growth is strong. Companies that can adapt to the changing market conditions and capitalize on new opportunities are likely to be well-positioned for success in the future.

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