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How to market your new business this Christmas

Christmas is an ideal opportunity for retailers to launch new products or services that will appeal to shoppers looking for something special as a gift this Christmas.

By Ewuranna Smith-QuaysonPublished about a year ago 9 min read
How to market your new business this Christmas
Photo by Joshua Mayo on Unsplash

Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. And if you're a new business, then it's also an ideal time to get noticed. Christmas is an emotional time for people and they'll be looking for gifts that are perfect for their family or friends. If you can offer that kind of product or service, then don't miss out on this opportunity to attract loads of new customers!

In this post, I'm going to show you how to use your website and social media accounts (plus some old-fashioned techniques) in order to get the most out of your Christmas marketing campaign.

Christmas is the ideal time to get noticed. It’s a peak time for new businesses, product launches and services, as well as business ventures. Christmas is the major festival of the year in most countries. This means it’s an ideal opportunity for retailers to launch new products or services that will appeal to shoppers looking for something special as a gift this Christmas.

Step one: Building the foundations of your marketing plan

Marketing is about getting your business, products or services noticed. It’s about creating awareness of who you are and what you do. Marketing is a process that involves planning, developing and implementing a strategy to promote your business or organisation. Marketing starts with understanding your customers—who they are, what they need and what they want from your business. Marketing is about building relationships with your customers. It’s about understanding their needs and wants, and communicating with them in ways that will make them want to do business with you. It’s about making sure that you are offering products or services that people need or want—or both—and communicating clearly what these are.

When a business starts up, it needs to create a marketing plan that helps it find customers and clients. The marketing plan outlines how your business will reach its target market, what types of products or services you want to offer those customers and how much money you need to spend on marketing in order to achieve your goals. Marketing channels are the ways you reach potential customers and clients. These include direct mail, email marketing and social media. Strategies are specific ways you use those channels to grow your business.

You need a website, but keep it simple.

Keep it simple and functional, but make sure it's not completely bare bones. You need a website that shows off your business, but don't go overboard. It's tempting to try and cram everything you can think of into your website, but that's not the best way to use it as a marketing tool. You should focus on making sure it has all the information potential customers or clients would want to see—like contact info, hours of operation and prices—and make sure it's easy for them to find what they're looking for with search engine optimization (SEO). The more information you can provide about your business, the better. In addition to a home page and contact form, add pages for services (if you offer them), pricing information, testimonials from customers and any other information that will help potential clients make an informed decision about hiring your company. Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices as well as desktop computers. If you want to attract customers and clients, your website needs to look professional. It's not enough to just have a site that works; it has to be visually appealing as well.

Use a web designer who knows what he/she's doing — someone who has built websites for other businesses in your industry will be the best bet for you. They'll know the do's and don'ts of designing a site that gets results without costing an arm and leg;and be able to tell if you have any technical issues with hosting or server space, so make sure they're taken care of before you launch your site!

Have contact information on every page of your website (including social media links), as well as blog posts where people can comment or ask questions about their problems related to whatever business service/product you offer them — this way potential customers feel more like they are part of something instead just being sold something by someone else.

Start building a mailing list now

A mailing list is an invaluable asset to any small business. It lets you stay in touch with your customers on a regular basis, which can help create long-lasting relationships that lead to repeat purchases.

You can use it to send newsletters and promotions, or even just a simple email saying “thank you” or “happy birthday”.

You can also use it to build trust and show people that they can trust you as a brand by sending them information relevant to their interests. The best thing about having a mailing list is that it doesn't cost anything! You don't have to pay for postage, envelopes or printing - everything comes from inside the computer where it's stored in one place so there's no risk of losing track of who has been sent what emails etcetera. Having a mailing list means that you can send out emails when you have something new to say, without having to worry about whether or not people will open them. You can also use it for sales promotions and discounts which will encourage people to buy from your store more often.

Here's a free email marketing tool you can use as a small business: [Mailchimp](

Create great content that showcases your skills and experience.

What you’re offering is so much more than the standard ‘buy my products, and I’ll make your life better!’ approach. You have expertise that others don’t have – whether it be in customer service or logistics or whatever it may be. Offer your expertise to small businesses that want to learn from you. You don’t have to do it for free, either – offer a consulting service or create a course that teaches people how to do what you do. Once they start using your services and learning from them, they’ll be more likely to buy from you too!

Explain what sets you apart from your competitors, and demonstrate how this makes you a better choice for customers. It can be anything from providing free training to new employees to helping clients create effective marketing campaigns. Your customers might not need help with these things now, but they will eventually – and when they do come begging for your expertise (because they know how good it would be), who else can they turn to?

Decide how you want to represent your business visually

You need a logo that is memorable and recognisable. Whether you’re designing the logo yourself or hiring a professional designer, keep it simple. Keep in mind that your logo will appear on everything from business cards to promotional materials and websites, so make sure it works as a small image as well as large. If you use a free logo maker, be careful not to download any templates which include brand names – these templates may not be licensed for commercial use! A part of your visual representation is also your fonts and color palette. While you may think that you should choose your business’s fonts and colors based on what looks best, there’s actually a lot of thought that goes into this decision. Your fonts and color palette should be consistent with your brand’s message. For example, if you have a modern, clean website, then you probably want modern fonts that are easy to read. If your business sells products for children, then you might use a more playful font like Comic Sans or Myriad Pro .Many companies choose to use a particular font for their logo because it’s in sync with their brand. For example, Coca Cola uses a script font that matches their retro image and Amazon uses Helvetica Neue for its clean and modern appearance.

Promote yourself through your existing professional networks

A strong professional network is one of the best tools in a new business owner’s arsenal.

Your existing professional contacts can help you grow your business in a variety of ways, from getting introductions to new people to providing referrals from existing clients.

Here are some ideas:

- Ask for referrals from existing clients. A big part of what makes word-of-mouth advertising so powerful is that it's trustworthy—people trust their friends' recommendations more than they trust ads or sales pitches. So if you have happy customers who love working with you, ask them if they'd be willing to refer others on social media or through email newsletters. This is especially effective if those other people are connected to the person who referred them (e.g., coworkers).

- Go out and meet new people who might be able to help you sell more services/products or engage with new audiences online through social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook Groups/Pages—and then ask those people what types of businesses they would recommend hiring (if any). You'll build trust by doing this because it shows that not only are you genuinely interested in helping each other out but also because these connections will be authentic instead of just being made up marketing tactics."

Step two: Getting in gear for Christmas marketing madness

Create a Christmas-themed landing page on your website with relevant product information, special offers and promotions. Make sure it’s clearly visible on all platforms so it pops up immediately when people search for ‘Christmas gifts’ or terms related to the festive season.

Reinforce key messages across all channels. Integrating social media posts into email newsletters not only helps remind customers about special offers but also shows them that these offers are available to everyone – even if they missed them first time around!

Set up a Christmas-themed landing page on your website.

In the lead-up to Christmas, you can use a website landing page to direct visitors directly to what they want. A Christmas-themed landing page is an effective way of getting noticed and making sure your business gets in front of potential customers during this busy period.

Landing pages are designed for one thing: conversion. They should be relevant to the visitor’s needs and wants, provide clear information about what you offer them and include a call to action that asks for their details and/or purchases something from your store. Use this as the central hub for your marketing campaign, where people can go for more information about your business and sign up for updates.

Offer free delivery after a certain amount is spent.

If you want to attract new customers and keep them coming back, then offering free delivery after a certain amount is spent can make all the difference. But be warned: it's not as simple as just adding an offer in your online store or on social media.

If you have the capacity to do this (and it's in line with your business model), then there are several factors that need to be considered before making this kind of offer: can you deliver on time? Will they still spend more than they would have otherwise? Will they still shop at your store instead of going elsewhere because of this discount?

Reinforce key messages across all channels.

Do your research. You should have a really clear idea of what it is that you want to say and how you want to say it. Reinforce key messages across all channels. If you're running an advertising campaign, make sure every single ad uses the same language as each other and reinforces the same core message so that customers get a consistent brand experience from start to finish (and beyond).

With the right strategy, you can attract loads of new customers this Christmas.

If you're looking to market your business this Christmas, it's time to stop thinking small. You have an opportunity to grow your customer base and attract more customers by using a well-thought-out marketing strategy. Your marketing strategy is the framework that guides all of your activities throughout the year—from deciding which channels (social media, email, etc.) you should use, to picking the right content for each channel.

But before you can create a winning strategy, first you need to understand who are your target audience and what they want from their holiday shopping experience. Then, craft an offer that resonates with their desires so they'll take action and find their way back through one of these channels again in the future when it matters most!


Now that you know how to market your new business, it’s time to get started. Your business will reap the rewards of this Christmas marketing madness for years to come!


About the Creator

Ewuranna Smith-Quayson

I create stories in my head all day about major things and really simple things; from things i learn and see and from things I experience.

I'm here to share all those stories with you😄

Walk with me 😉

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  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Wonderful information 💕💖😊

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