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How to Make Money With Youtube Channel

it's easy if you do it the right way!

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 4 min read
How to Make Money With Youtube Channel
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash


Building a successful youtube channel is no easy task. It requires a lot of effort and time, but it's possible if you do it the right way!

Create interesting content.

Your content should be relevant to your audience. You can't just post anything on YouTube, because you'll lose subscribers if it's not interesting or helpful for them.

Your content should be entertaining and informative. The best way to do this is by using the same mediums that entertain us in our everyday lives—like television shows and movies—but also by adding some elements of reality (like comments) and connecting with users' emotions through humor or empathy.

Your content should be well researched. It helps if you know what you're talking about when it comes to topics related to economics, finance, science fiction novels etc., but even if not then there are many resources available online that can help guide new creators through this process!

Collaborate with other youtubers.

You can collaborate with other youtubers to create videos, cross promote each other's videos and share audiences. Collaboration is a great way to build your audience and make money at the same time!

If you don't have any friends who already have channels on YouTube, then consider making friends with people in your town. You could even join their local meetup group so that you can connect offline as well (we all know how important it is).

Deliver the right message to viewers.

It’s important to remember that you have a voice and an audience. You don’t have to do this alone—your viewers are looking for guidance and support, so make sure you deliver it!

Youtube is about having fun, but there are also some rules of thumb when it comes to content creation:

Don't talk about yourself unless it's relevant (for example, if you're talking about your experience working at Google).

When talking about the product or service itself, don't just tell people what it does; demonstrate how it solves problems through use cases or testimonials. This helps connect with them emotionally as well as intellectually—and makes them feel like they're getting value out of their time watching your videos!

Post your videos regularly.

One of the most important things to remember is that you should post regularly. People want to see your content, and they're more likely to subscribe if they know when you'll be posting new videos.

One way to make sure that you're getting consistent uploads is by scheduling them in advance. For example, if it's two weeks between posts, set up an auto-posting feature on your channel so that every day at noon (or whatever time works best for your schedule) a new video will be uploaded automatically.

This way there's no risk of viewers missing out on content because they weren't notified about its release beforehand—and everyone benefits from having something fresh on their screens every single day!

You don't have much leeway here; too many videos posted within one week can leave people feeling overwhelmed with information overload and ultimately disengaged with what little content remains after all those other posts were made available online before long enough had passed since then last time around too much time has elapsed since then last time around even though these days we tend not

Optimize your video for SEO and reach out to bloggers for collaboration.

  • It's important to optimize your video for SEO and reach out to bloggers for collaboration.
  • Use the right keywords in your title, description and tags
  • Tag other youtubers who might be interested in your video
  • Reach out to bloggers who might want to collaborate with you

Building a successful youtube channel takes time, but it is possible if you do it the right way

If you want to make money with your YouTube channel, then building it takes time. You will need to invest some money into a camera, lighting equipment, and even software that allows you to edit videos. You'll also have to put in some work on writing scripts for all of your videos.

The good news is that there are many ways for new creators like yourself who are just starting out (or those who've been at it for awhile) but still haven't seen any real success yet! Here's what we've found works best:

Make sure your channel has at least 1 million subscribers before trying anything else! This number shows how much people care about what they're seeing on this channel; if enough people like what they see then more advertisers will want their products advertised here as well since there are so many eyeballs watching these videos everyday - which means more money coming into our pockets each month too :)

Be consistent with posting new content every week or two weeks depending on how busy life gets during those months where nothing seems important except spending time with family members after work hours come around..


Building a successful youtube channel takes time, but it is possible if you do it the right way.

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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