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How To Make Extra Money Without Spending Much Time

The Key For The Extra Money Is Smart Work

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 5 min read
How To Make Extra Money Without Spending Much Time
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash


Making extra money can be a lot of fun, but it's not always easy. The key to making more money is working smarter and not harder. If you're looking for ways to increase your income without spending too much time on the job, here are five things that might help (or just make you feel better):

Go through your closets

If you're like me, there's a lot of stuff in your closet that isn't even worth wearing. For example, I have a pair of shoes with holes in them and another pair that looks like it belongs to someone else.

Even though I know these shoes aren't really my style anymore and will never fit me again, if I throw them out now they'll just be sitting around until they eventually get thrown away by mistake. Instead of letting those items sit around collecting dust while we wait for the perfect time to part ways with them (aka never), why not sell them?

Going through your closets is also an excellent opportunity to find some money-making opportunities within those same items—and don't forget about kids' closets either!

Sell old electronics and furniture

Selling old electronics and furniture is another way to earn a little extra money. You can find items that are in good condition and sell them online, at garage sales or in your neighborhood. Before you start selling items, make sure they're worth more than $10 each if you plan on reselling them online; otherwise, you'll have to transport them yourself or pay someone else to do it for you (and then probably lose money).

Don't sell things like furniture that will never be used again—that's just wasting space on your home! Also avoid selling things that are valuable or sentimental: no one wants those!

Offer to help with housework or yardwork

If you're up for a little physical labor, there are plenty of ways to get paid to do it. You can offer to help with housework or yardwork, or even just clean up after the kids while they play outside. This can be a great way to earn some extra cash by doing something fun and easy!

Here's how it works: find someone who needs help in your area (e.g., moving into an apartment), then contact them online through Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace (or wherever else people post jobs).

Say that you're willing and able to help them out—and then ask what kind of work would suit their needs best (i.e., whether they need someone just once every few weeks). Once this is decided upon, arrange a time when both parties can meet up at their place together so that everyone knows exactly where everyone else lives before starting any actual tasks!

Start a blog or monetize your Instagram

If you're looking to make extra money without spending much time, the best way to do it is through blogging. A blog can be created about anything—a passion of yours, a hobby that's fun for you and your friends, or even just something random like trying new foods at restaurants.

Creating an Instagram account focused on your passion is also a great way to earn some cash. If it's something related to fitness or nutrition (or any other topic where people are willing to pay), there are tons of businesses who will pay per post (like Fit Body Boot Camp). You could also start selling products directly from your Instagram page if the idea appeals to you!

Now that we've covered what types of content we think would work well in this niche market as well as some tips on how best approach each type (and why), let's talk about how we'll go about creating them:

Search for unclaimed money in you're owed

If you have a lot of unclaimed money, then it is likely that you are owed some. There are two ways to find out if this is true:

Search for unclaimed money in your name. You can do this by going to the government website and entering your name into their search engine. If there are any claims that were filed against you, they will show up on their site as well!

Search for unowned property online or offline using tools like eBay or Google Maps' Street View (you'll need an account). It’s important to keep in mind though that these searches might not always yield results because certain types of assets aren't tracked by databases such as these ones so they may not show up when searching through them manually either way but if nothing else works then maybe try asking friends who could help out?

If your employer has a retirement plan, contribute as much as you can to it. If they'll match contributions, take full advantage of it.

If your employer has a retirement plan, contribute as much as you can to it. If they'll match contributions, take full advantage of it.

If your employer offers a 401(k) or similar retirement account and will match the first dollar that you put in, find out if they'll continue offering this benefit when you're ready to retire (or at least keep it). You want to make sure that when it's time for us all to cash out our accounts at age 65 or whatever age we want (and if we don't know yet), there's enough money left in those accounts so we can enjoy our golden years without having anything left over from what was initially invested by our employers' matching programs—and then some!

Making extra money is easier than you think.

Making extra money is easier than you think. You don’t need a lot of money to start, and you can do it while spending little time on the task. All that's required is the willingness to learn something new, which may seem like an odd way to describe what many people consider work. But when we talk about making extra money without spending much time or effort, we don't mean creating something from scratch—we mean finding ways for yourself or your business (or both) to profit from existing resources by adding value where it was previously lacking in some way:

The Internet offers an endless stream of free information available for anyone with an Internet connection—and that includes everything from how-to videos on YouTube tutorials through blogs about personal finance topics like budgeting tips and investing strategies


We hope that this article has given you some ideas on how to make extra money without spending a lot of time or money. It’s not always easy, but it can be done! If nothing else, remember that you have options when it comes to making money. You don’t have to work for someone else or spend hours each day doing something that doesn’t interest you. There are plenty of ways out there!

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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    Mathis Raja OfficialWritten by Mathis Raja Official

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