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How to Make $3000/Month with Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest in 2022

How to do Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest. Affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a blog.

By IRINEL VOCALPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Pinterest receives around 300 million visitors every month, the majority of them are from the United States. People are continually looking for things to buy here. Pinterest is a search-driven platform containing images and graphics, as well as a social networking platform. Pinterest is a visual search engine, to put it simply. So, if you're familiar with Affiliate Marketing, it's the perfect spot to advertise affiliate links and earn money.

Pinterest allows you to keep track of your favorite material. If you don't like all of an influencer's material but enjoy part of it, you can follow the same content without having to follow the influencer.

The best part is that Pinterest permits affiliate links to be placed directly on the site. They did, in fact, alter their terms. They began to accept direct affiliate connections. So, for affiliate marketing, you don't need a landing page or a funnel. You may also save time when it comes to designing landing pages. In this essay, we'll discuss how to accomplish affiliate marketing without a blog on Pinterest in 2022. So let's get started.

What are the benefits of using Pinterest for affiliate marketing?

Pinterest is a search engine that focuses on images. Pinterest has around 300 million monthly active users. The majority of users are female and from the United States. They use Pinterest to help them decide what to buy. For example, which weight-loss regimen to try, what to buy, and where to vacation. Pinterest users are also able to spend money. It takes a lot of work to write blog articles and create content on an affiliate product to promote. You should be aware that Pinterest permits you to direct affiliate connections. Pinterest is the finest affiliate marketing platform because of these factors.

I'll show you how to create a Pinterest account, how to optimize a Pinterest profile, how to generate pins, and how to choose an affiliate product to advertise in this post.

How to Use Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing

On Pinterest, we can easily execute affiliate marketing. Create a business account, optimize it for your specialty, and use it to promote your business. Obtain affiliate links and use them to make pins. This is the simplest method to use Pinterest for affiliate marketing. To perform affiliate marketing on Pinterest, you don't need a website.

However, if you want to earn passive revenue, you'll need a website. Before using direct affiliate links in your pins, do some research and read their terms and policies.

Before you begin using Pinterest, you should familiarize yourself with the Pinterest affiliate marketing terms. If you're adding pins and pasting affiliate links all over the place, it won't function. If you commit these things, Pinterest will suspend your account.

Make an attempt to profit from Pinterest. You must devote effort to developing an audience, producing high-quality content, and increasing website traffic. Then you'll be able to make a lot of money. A solid affiliate program is also required.

There is a list of the best affiliate programs:-






You also need to read the terms and policies of the above affiliate programs. I recommend you to use Digistore24 or Clickbank to do affiliate marketing. You can find here the best and high ticket affiliate programs and make a couple of dollars per day.

1. Pick A Niche and Target Your Audience

Before starting you need to decide your target niche. There are many niches on Pinterest. Before targeting an audience on Pinterest you have to decide on a niche to build a loyal audience. You can on Pinterest about trending niches. Choose your favorite niche and start making pins on this. There are a list of niches


Home Decore


Women’s Fashion

DIY and Crafts



Food and Drink


You need to research on Pinterest. Decide your niche. If you are not decided on a niche you can’t work. You can target one or more niches with your Pinterest account. You can make different boards for different niches. For example, you created a board for Health Niche and You created another board for Art Niche.

You also need to know about what your audience searching for. You know Pinterest is a visual search engine. Go to Pinterest search and type any keyword and you will get suggestions from Pinterest. You can search for a keyword related to your niche and you will get a lot of pin ideas of what your audience is searching for. You can use a search filter for finding people’s and boards related to your niche and you will get more content ideas from there.

2. Create a Business Profile and optimize it

It is easy to create an account and optimize it. Simply you can sign up with Google or Facebook Account. To convert an existing account to a business account, click on your profile and click on business access. Then set up your business profile. Profile optimization is a key part of your ranking on Pinterest and do Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest.

You must include keywords in your name and bio. Include 3–4 keywords related to your niche in your bio. This can help you to rank on Pinterest and get more clicks and followers on your profile.

While creating pins you need to write an SEO-optimized title and description. Include target keywords in your pin’s title and description. You also need to write relevant and keyword-rich board names and descriptions. Creating a board helps your audience to navigate your content. Also, write an optimized attractive title to get more clicks. Also, select the best image and attractive image for your pin. You can make Pinterest pins on

Don’t delete your interest boards because most people only follow some boards. If you delete the board you will be lost all followers.

3. Create High-Quality Affiliate Pins

Some bloggers do affiliate marketing on Pinterest with a website. They do not paste direct affiliate links on Pinterest pins. Some people give direct affiliate links on Pinterest. You can do affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a blog. But if you are in serious business you need a website.

First, you need a website to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest. So get a website. You can make money on Pinterest by pasting direct affiliate links. But you don’t have to take risks. You should create a website and you can give your affiliate link on the page whose link you are giving in your affiliate pin. This is the best way.

Make A Website

Making a website is easy. There are free and paid options available. You can go with free methods and make a website on platforms like Blogger or WordPress and you can also make a website with Custom Domain and Hosting.

You should create high-quality content that your audience likes. Pinterest’s audience is eager to see new posts from your blog. You have to design it as if you are not selling anything. Offer some value to your audience.

Provide some inspirational content and give some actionable tips in your pins. Teach people something new.

Don’t Have Website — Create Landing Pages

You can make landing pages easily. There are many services on the web that provide free services to make landing pages. I recommend you to use This provides you, a free funnel builder, with a free email marketing tool. This is free forever. This tool is amazing. They provide free landing page templates.

How to Upload Pins on Pinterest

Login to your business account and follow these steps:

Click on ‘Create’ and click on ‘Create Pin’ in Top Menu.

Upload the image you have created to promote the affiliate product

Copy and Paste your affiliate link or landing page or website link

Write a relevant Title and Description of the pin using 2–3 focus keywords.

Save your pin to the relevant and keyword-optimized Board.

Keep updated with trends

You must be updated with trends. Publish content on Pinterest with new trends. On Pinterest100 you can get information about 100 trending searches each year. This is the best place to get ideas about top-performing categories on Pinterest. You can also use Google Trends to search trends and filter by country

Upload content with clear visual

This is one of the most important things. You have to upload a clear and relevant image. Because we know that if we search something on Pinterest and get results from Pinterest, there only show images and the title of a pin. So make sure to upload an image that attracts people to click on the pin. And you also have to use a Good Title for your affiliate pin.

You can also use Canva to make Pinterest pins. This is a free method. If you have problem uploading images on Pinterest you can edit this in Canva.

4. Build Audience

This is the main part of Pinterest affiliate marketing. If you don’t have followers, you can start slowly by uploading pins on your account regularly. You can also join group boards to gain followers on your new Pinterest account. Find the right group board and it will be helpful for you.

You have to serve relevant and helpful content to your audience. With good content, you will get more followers and engagements. Pinterest is not a social media platform. It is a search engine with social features. You have to optimize your pins for search with relevant titles and descriptions with clear images.

Engage with your audience. Reply to the comments. Spent time engaging with people. If you spent time and do some effort you will get the best results from Pinterest.

5. Track and Analyze Traffic in Pinterest Analytics

After doing all these things, track your stats on Pinterest analytics. How much is your content growing, how many impressions you are getting, and how many people engaged with you. know your audience. Make sure your Pinterest content is relevant to your plan and understand what things are working. Understand your traffic from Pinterest.

how to

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