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How to Hack “Frequently Bought Together” on Amazon

Get the most out of your Amazon experience through optimization.

By Seller's ChoicePublished 4 years ago 6 min read

The key to selling on Amazon is making the most of the resources and features that are available to you. Your “BSR” ranking and quality credentials play a huge role in making your brand look more appealing to potential customers. What many sellers don’t realize is that there are ways they can use the “Frequently Bought Together” feature to their advantage.

When you search for a product and look at its page, Amazon will let you know what other kinds of products people typically buy alongside the item you searched for. This makes life easier for customers that are looking for several items that don’t come in a bundle, and it can be advantageous for sellers as well. This is how to hack the “Frequently Bought Together” feature in Amazon to drive conversions.

How Does This Help?

Creating an association between two products can help you move more of your inventory and increase your profits. Amazon’s “Frequently Bought Together” feature can be an effective way to do so. Sellers can use this feature to boost their brand’s exposure, especially when they team up with other popular sellers in their industry or niche.

Use “Frequently Bought Together” to get your products matched up with others that serve a similar purpose. Find other items that complement yours—or vice versa—and use that relationship to get your inventory into the spotlight. This can be an excellent way to break into new customer pools and expand your opportunities.

What You Can Do

By Allie Smith on Unsplash

Hacking the “Frequently Bought Together” section may be extremely profitable but how do you do it? Read below for a look at a few different strategies you can use to manipulate the system and make more sales.

Offer Promos — Customers love sales, deals, and promotions, and promo campaigns will send more traffic your way. One way to manipulate the “Frequently Bought Together” system is to get customers to buy multiple products by creating a promo campaign. This is how it typically works: A business offers a promotion that gives customers a discount on one item if they buy another, related item.

For example, you might be selling grills and grilling equipment. In this case, you can offer a discount on maintenance tools like brushes, tongs, or spatulas whenever a customer purchases a new grill. Now your customers will be more likely to buy these other items when they purchase the main one they were looking for. The more often these products are purchased in the same transaction, the more likely they’ll be paired up and advertised as “Frequently Bought Together”. Don’t forget to include the “Add Both to Cart” button when you set up this type of promotion.

Sell In Bundles — The key to creating bundles is understanding what your target demographic is looking for. The better you know your customer, the easier it will be to create a bundle package.

People like to get their shopping done as quickly and easily as possible, and bundles help them do that. As a seller, you should pay attention to “Frequently Bought Together” items to understand what types of products people put in their shopping cart at the same time. Once you look at the trends and data, you can start offering certain products in bundles.

One product listing won’t do much for you in terms of the “Frequently Bought Together” feature; the difference comes when you separate the bundle again. If you start by selling related products as a package, you can separate them into individual listings and people will still be likely to buy them at the same time. Then, if the traffic and conversions are consistent, these individual products will show up as related to each other according to Amazon’s algorithm.

Partner with Other Sellers — It helps to work with other notable figures in the industry when you want to gain exposure for your products, and this is especially true when it comes to the “Frequently Bought Together” feature. Since there are probably quite a few big sellers in your field, the way you approach them is important.

Start by searching for the types of products that you sell on Amazon. Then find out what other items customers purchase when they purchase those products. Contact these sellers and see if they would be interested in cross-promoting your deals. You could even offer your product for free (with a coupon code) whenever someone buys a certain item from the seller you’re contacting. If it’s a popular enough seller, this will put your brand in front of people who might never have heard of you.

Now that people are regularly exposed, they’ll start to take notice of your brand, products, and quality. Once the relationship between the two products has cemented, the two should show up on each other’s “Frequently Bought Together” listings. At this point, you can remove the discount and make a profit off of your sales.

Make an Amazon Affiliate Account — Certain methods of hacking the “Frequently Bought Together” feature are a little more involved, but the extra effort can prove fruitful. If you’re thinking about reaching out to other sellers in your field, you might want to start an Amazon Affiliate account first. This brings in revenue when partners help to sell products. Using this commission, you can offer to pay potential partners to put promo inserts into all of their products. This way they make money from the partnership, and you achieve your goal of getting into their “Frequently Bought Together” section.

Reviewing and Revising Your Listings

Not everyone gets this kind of hack right on the first try. It can take multiple attempts to successfully pair up with the product listings you mean to, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get the results you wanted after your first shot. Learn from each campaign, and identify where you went right and where you went wrong. Then you can take these lessons and apply them to your future endeavors so you have more success with each campaign.

It also helps to update your campaigns when new products are released. If you’re trying to sell components of a series of books, update your game plan when a new one comes out. You might want to change your goals as you hack the “Frequently Bought Together” system, so remember to keep your offers fresh and relevant.

Maintaining Your Connections

If you decided to reach out to other industry influencers or top sellers so your products would be associated with theirs, don’t let these connections disintegrate. Your partnerships with these brands could stand to help your business throughout the long term as long as you communicate properly and nurture the relationship. If you find particular success with a specific industry partner, you might find other opportunities to team up and help each others’ businesses.

Frequently showing up under “Frequently Bought Together” on Amazon can make a world of difference in terms of your e-commerce visibility. More traffic will be sent to your page, and as a result, more conversions will be made. You can hack this feature in a number of ways, whether alone or by reaching out to other sellers to maximize profits on both sides.


The “frequently bought together” feature can be a powerful tool when you use it correctly. Use the power of association to move more inventory and generate sales. Offer a sale, or bundle that appeals to your target demographic. Associate with complementary products and sellers to get your listings in front of new users.

Expand Your E-commerce Business

Seller’s Choice is a digital marketing solution provider dedicated to the interests, growth, and profitability of e-commerce brands. For more updates, industry news, and e-commerce expertise, visit our site or get in touch.

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About the Creator

Seller's Choice

Seller’s Choice is a digital marketing solution provider dedicated to the interests, growth, and profitability of e-commerce brands.

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