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How To Get 10,000 Email Subscribers (A PERSONAL GUIDE)

Get your email subscribers in under a week

By Sean PeckPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
How To Get 10,000 Email Subscribers (A PERSONAL GUIDE)
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

You can’t deny how effective email newsletters are for your brand, especially for your engagement with other people. A study shows that email marketing leads 4.24% of other visitors to your newsletter and completes a sale compared to the average 2.49%

I thought making a newsletter would be easy but it definitely wasn’t, I have been teaching myself what to do and what not to do when it comes to the process of email marketing for months now. I’m going to be teaching you all of the basics of email marketing and how you can use other social media platforms to promote it.

So sit back, grab a coffee and take notes if you see anything important.

How To Create a Newsletter

It takes a lot of work and patience in order to set up a newsletter. Platforms that I highly recommend are Substack, ConvertKit, and MailChimp. I notice that a massive amount of writers on Medium that have a newsletter; use Substack so I decided to try it out as well.

I have given you 7 steps to start your newsletter:

Figure out what you what your newsletter’s goal and focus to be about. Before you do anything or research anything about email marketing and what to do, take the time and think of what you want to talk about and help your subscribers. If you can’t think of ways to help people with the topic you choose then change it. The most important priority is helping your subscribers out so they can stay subscribed for more helpful content, products, or advice.

Think of a unique name for your newsletter. This shouldn’t take long. You can easily name it your newsletter but I suggest to spice it up and make it unique. Find a way to connect the name of your newsletter to your brand and what your brand represents

Brainstorm content. Think of how often a week you want to send emails to your subscribers. Too many emails a day can be considered spam and you’ll lose subscribers like it’s no tomorrow. Think of free items or products like ebooks or guides on Google Docs to offer your subscribers.

Choose your platform. The email marketing platform you want to choose is up to you. My three favorites are Substack, Mailchimp, and ConvertKit but for writers on Medium, I recommend using Substack since it’s a newsletter primarily designed and used for writers to make money in various ways.

Set goals and expectations. Every week, set goals for yourself. Set goals of how many subscribers you would like to get by the end of the week, and how many newsletter email drafts you create. I advise you to write down your goals and expectations for yourself since research shows that you’ll be 42% more likely to complete them.

Make a landing page. The landing page you create will be what get’s you the most traffic and can turn into converting that traffic into newsletter subscribers. When it comes to creating a landing page you want to make sure you speak directly to the person who came across it and encourages them not to leave. Utilize the images and make them colorful, and make sure you let them know about the important information so you get their attention.

Promote your newsletter when it’s fully ready. And now it’s time to show our newly created newsletter to the world. Use social media like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to promote your newsletter. I always make sure to mention my newsletter at the end of my stories as a call to action.

What is Substack?

Substack is free to use so it’s the perfect tool for beginning aspiring writers to have their own newsletter early on in their writing career.

When it comes to substack, the more subscribers you generate the more money you’ll generate if you choose to use paid subscriptions.

Email Marketing

Be passionate about your newsletter, you should always maintain the pride and share it with the rest of the world to tell them how good it is. Your subscribers should mean everything to you so don’t try and sell them something every single email.

They’ll catch on and unsubscribe because you’re not helping them, you’re helping yourself.

It’s necessary to deliver as much value to your subscribers as you possibly can. If you send emails only offering paid products and blatantly selling out in front of your audience, then they're going to unsubscribe and you’ll be right back to square 1 again.

There are many ways to make money by sending out emails such as affiliate links and promoting your brand's content and services.

Your first email is important, it’s like going on your first date you want to impress people but you also don't want them to lose attention. Make sure to set up a reusable email template so you don’t have to constantly waste time creating an email.


Every writer should eventually have their own newsletter if they want to have a way of making passive income aside from their writing. By creating a newsletter you now have access to different ways of promoting your brand if you do it right.

Here’s the perfect chance to promote my newsletter. I give advice, tips, and videos of self-improvement and making the most out of life, subscribe if you’re interested! Connect with me on my Twitter if you want to talk outside of Medium, would love to talk to some aspiring and experienced writers.


About the Creator

Sean Peck

Online entrepreneur with a passion on business, social media marketing, music, and media

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