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How to Find the Right Bankruptcy Attorney Near You

Bankruptcy Attorney

By Marcus RashfordPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Bankruptcy is a legal process that can be overwhelming and stressful for individuals and businesses. It is important to have a competent and experienced bankruptcy attorney to guide you through the process and ensure that your rights are protected. However, finding the right "bankruptcy attorney near me"can be challenging, especially if you have never hired a lawyer before. In this article, we will provide you with tips and advice on how to find the right bankruptcy attorney near you.

Understand Your Needs

The first step in finding the right bankruptcy attorney is to understand your needs. Bankruptcy law is a complex and specialized area of law, and not all attorneys are experienced in this area. Therefore, it is important to find an attorney who has experience in bankruptcy law and understands the intricacies of the process.

In addition, you need to determine which type of bankruptcy you want to file. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a liquidation bankruptcy that involves selling off non-exempt assets to pay off debts, while Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a reorganization bankruptcy that involves creating a repayment plan that allows the debtor to pay off their debts over a period of three to five years. The type of bankruptcy you file will determine which attorney you should hire.

Ask for Referrals

One of the best ways to find a bankruptcy attorney near you is to ask for referrals from family, friends, or colleagues who have gone through the process themselves. They can provide you with valuable insights into their experience with a particular attorney, the quality of their service, and their overall satisfaction.

You can also ask for referrals from other attorneys in different practice areas. Attorneys often have a network of contacts and may be able to recommend a bankruptcy attorney who has a good reputation in the legal community.

Research Potential Attorneys

Once you have a list of potential bankruptcy attorneys, it is essential to research each attorney thoroughly. You can start by checking their website to see if they specialize in bankruptcy law and if they have experience in the type of bankruptcy you want to file.

You can also check their online reviews on websites such as Avvo and Google. These reviews can provide you with valuable insights into the attorney's communication skills, professionalism, and overall satisfaction of previous clients.

Additionally, you can check with the state bar association to see if the attorney is in good standing and has any disciplinary actions against them. This information can be found on the state bar association's website or by calling their office.

Schedule Consultations

After researching potential bankruptcy attorneys, it is essential to schedule consultations with each attorney. Most attorneys offer a free consultation to discuss your case and determine if they are a good fit for you.

During the consultation, be prepared to ask questions about the attorney's experience, fees, and the bankruptcy process. You can also gauge their communication skills and see if you feel comfortable working with them.

It is important to remember that the consultation is not only an opportunity for you to learn about the attorney but also an opportunity for the attorney to learn about you and your case. Be prepared to provide the attorney with all relevant information about your financial situation.

Compare Fees

Bankruptcy attorneys typically charge a flat fee for their services, but the amount can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the type of bankruptcy filed. It is important to compare the fees of different attorneys to ensure that you are getting a fair price.

However, it is not advisable to hire an attorney based solely on their fees. You should also consider their experience, reputation, and communication skills.


Q: What is bankruptcy?

A: Bankruptcy is a legal process in which an individual or business declares that they are unable to pay their debts. It provides the debtor with a fresh start by discharging their debts or creating a repayment plan.

Q: Do I need an attorney to file for bankruptcy?

A: Technically, you can file for bankruptcy on your own, but it is not advisable. Bankruptcy law is complex, and there are many legal and procedural requirements that must be followed. Hiring a competent and experienced bankruptcy attorney will ensure that your rights are protected, and the process is smooth and successful.

Q: How do I know if I should file for bankruptcy?

A: Filing for bankruptcy should be considered as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. You should consult with a bankruptcy attorney to determine if bankruptcy is the right solution for your financial situation.

Q: What questions should I ask during the consultation?

A: During the consultation, you should ask the attorney about their experience in bankruptcy law, their fees, and their communication skills. You can also ask about their approach to handling bankruptcy cases and their success rate.

Q: How long does the bankruptcy process take?

A: The length of the bankruptcy process depends on the type of bankruptcy filed and the complexity of the case. Chapter 7 bankruptcy typically takes three to six months to complete, while Chapter 13 bankruptcy takes three to five years to complete.


Finding the right bankruptcy attorney near you can be challenging, but it is essential to ensure that your rights are protected and the process is smooth and successful. Understanding your needs, asking for referrals, researching potential attorneys, scheduling consultations, and comparing fees are important steps in finding the right attorney.


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