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How to Encourage Healthy Eating in the Workplace

Healthier eating habits have been linked to increased productivity and improved mental health, but how do you encourage it in the workplace?

By Ian PerryPublished 5 months ago 5 min read
How to Encourage Healthy Eating in the Workplace
Photo by Yoav Aziz on Unsplash

Our health is incredibly important, and we therefore need to make every effort to take care of it. As employers have a duty of care towards the wellbeing of their staff, it is now important that they too take any steps that they can to keep their employees healthy and well. There are many complicated ways that this can be done, but for many of us, our health is directly linked to our diet, and so this seems like a good place to start.

It is now easier than ever for employers to encourage healthy eating in the workplace in a way which is caring and supportive. That is why in this article, we take a look at the importance of healthy eating in the workplace and how it can be encouraged.

The benefits of healthy eating

Healthy eating doesn’t just mean that our favourite jeans fit better, it can also have a massive impact on our physical and mental health. An unhealthy diet can lead to a number of very serious illnesses including heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers, which can mean that you have a lot of employees taking time off sick. By promoting healthy eating in the workplace, you can help your staff take the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle that will benefit everyone.

Getting through the working day can be tough for all of us, and the use of sugar and caffeine to get us through the lulls can actually be detrimental when the inevitable crash occurs. By encouraging healthy eating, employees are more likely to experience a slow and steady release of energy throughout the day without the need for other snacks, meaning that they feel happier and can be more productive.

Implementing measures that can help to encourage healthy eating will also show you to be an employer who cares about the people that work for the business. This can go a long way towards promoting a healthy company culture and earning a lot of loyalty from your staff.

So, how do you start promoting healthy eating at work?

Take a break

In a busy workplace it can be tempting to skip lunch or eat while you work, and this usually involves consuming the nearest thing to hand. By giving employees the space to step away from their desks and fully switch off from work for a few minutes, they can make more mindful and considered choices about what they eat as they will have a better opportunity to enjoy it.

Fruit baskets

Fruit is one of nature's best sources of energy and can be more effective at providing a boost than any cup of coffee or chocolate bar. It provides regulated energy over a long period of time thanks to natural sugars, and so is a great healthy option to have in the workplace.

Leaving bowls or baskets of fruit in communal areas such as break rooms or reception gives people the option to help themselves whenever they need it and makes them far more likely to choose the fruit over some of the less healthy options available.


We can often mistake thirst for hunger, and so having fresh drinking water readily available can help to prevent overeating. Dehydration can also affect concentration and cognitive abilities, and so making sure there are water coolers in easily accessible areas can be a great contribution.

Involve everyone

If a healthy eating initiative is going to be effective, then it is important to bring everyone on board. This is important in order to avoid anyone feeling singled out or to feel as though they are being penalised. You can achieve this by making sure that information and opportunities are available to everyone.

Talk to your employees to find out how you can help them best instead of imposing measures on them, as they will be much more likely to engage with you. It is also important to show that it is something that is important at all levels of the business, so make sure any snacks like biscuits and croissants in corporate meetings are switched for healthier options.

Healthier vending machines

Most workplaces have one or more vending machines in place, but they are traditionally packed with fizzy drinks, sweets and crisps which can prove to be a greater temptation than most people can bear. To promote healthier eating in the workplace, try switching your vending machines to provide healthier alternatives.

These can not only stock water and granola bars, but they can also hold sandwiches, salads and yoghurt, whilst coffee machines can provide soup options as well as hot drinks. You could even look at installing a micro-market which acts as a self-service retail area offering a wide variety of healthy meals at all times of the day.

Get help

It can seem difficult to implement these sorts of changes to start with, and there can be many headaches regarding how to deal with the subject when explaining it to staff, but it is important to remember that you are not alone.

There are now a number of schemes across the country designed to create healthier workplaces, and these can offer you all sorts of health and advice. By signing up, you can show your employees how seriously you are taking the initiative and there are even opportunities for businesses to win awards for their efforts.

Company commitment

If this is something that you are serious about, then try adding it to your company values or staff handbook. This allows everyone to see what you are trying to achieve, the reasons behind it and how you want to do it, and it can seem much more of a long-term commitment than a whim.

Healthy eating at work is something which can benefit everyone, so it is important that employers do all that they can to encourage it. By making it easier for people to make healthier choices, you can support everyone’s mental and physical wellbeing as well as benefiting the business.

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About the Creator

Ian Perry

Ian Perry is the Head of Technical Services at Cema Vending who are specialists vending machine suppliers and have been for over 15 years. Cema Vending are the place to go for businesses looking for a range of coffee vending machines.

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