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How Do You Balance Boredom and Creativity When You're in an Uninspiring Job?

Do you ever feel like your uninspiring job has been sapping away your creativity? Learn how to get it back with this practical guide on The Art of Daydreaming: How to Stay Inspired in a Boring Job.

By HarikrishnanPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Is your cubicle slowly draining you of your creative energy? Letting your mind wander and getting lost in daydreaming can be just the thing to help you get inspired! In this guide, we'll discuss how daydreaming can help restore creativity and motivation in stressful or uninspiring work environments.

Identify Your Creative Interests

It can be hard to stay creative when you're in a job that doesn't require much imaginative thinking. To get your creative juices flowing again, take some time to think about what interests you most and what kinds of activities help bring out the best in your creativity. Identify at least five creative pursuits that you find enjoyable or inspiring and spend time doing them outside of work. You could pick anything from attending museum exhibitions and spending time outdoors, to cooking, gardening or crafting something new.

Allocating just twenty minutes each day to your creative interests can help you stay inspired, even when the job you’re in is not particularly stimulating. Having something else to focus on during your break times and lunch hours can keep you motivated at work. Keeping a journal to document your discoveries, ideas and inspirations will also let you reflect back on what you have learned and gained from taking part in these activities – contributing to an overall improved sense of wellbeing in both your personal and professional life.

When it comes to daydreaming, take time to identify your creative interests –– even if they don’t directly relate to your job. Maybe you have always wanted to learn an instrument, or still have an old painting that you never quite finished. Perhaps getting lost in a novel is more your speed?! Allocate yourself just twenty minutes each day and use this pocket of time dedicated solely on whatever brings you joy and encouragement. Not only will it lift your spirits, but it can also provide momentary respite from the mindless tasks expected at work. Who knows, who knows –– maybe these new found 20 minutes could lead to something bigger one day!

Schedule Time for Daydreaming

Set aside some time each day to just stop and let your thoughts wander. Even if it’s only for five minutes, allow yourself to step back from the stresses of work and just reflect on the present. Whenever you find yourself in a creative rut, take a break and use this time to visualize something you’d like to achieve in the future or fantasize about an alternate reality. Even if your imaginative ideas never become reality, they can help spark further creativity in other areas.

Having regularly scheduled daydreaming time will also help train your mind to be more open to creative solutions and new ideas while on the job. It’ll become a part of your routine—where you know it’s okay to think freely without judgement. Exactly how much time and what kind of exercises you use during this time are up to you. Some people might prefer using guided meditations, yoga, and breathing exercises alongside their dreaming practice. Others may opt for traditional journaling or free writing. However you choose to spend the time, remember that it is the perfect opportunity to revisit goals and let your mind wander in whatever direction it desires.

Take a Break from Your Routine

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut at work, but it’s important to break away from your day-to-day routine and challenge yourself creatively. Try setting the bar with smaller projects that you can tackle over lunch or while on the commute. You don’t have to go too far out of your comfort zone – maybe try taking some photographs around the workplace or sketching items within your office environment. Whenever possible, change up your commute route and take a scenic side street instead of the main road. These small changes can help bolster your creative flow and provide an escape from everyday tedium.

During breaks, try to set aside some time for daydreaming and let your mind wander. It’s a fantastic way to remain connected with the world around you. Focus on your breathing and then close your eyes. Or imagine yourself walking through a museum or a forest – whatever resonates with you. Key into small details like colors, shapes, patterns, and textures that can help take you away from reality. This allows you to generate ideas and process the world in an entirely new way. Mindful daydreaming is enjoyable and often brings unexpected insights that can inspire creativity later on in your workday!

Set Mini-Goals and Rewards

To stay motivated, set short-term goals and come up with incentives to reward yourself. Establish milestones for completing projects, such as designing a set number of visuals within a week. Also, give yourself rewards for achieving these goals – you don’t have to spend a lot of money. Instead, treat yourself to a cup of coffee or plan activities you enjoy like going out for dinner with friends or attending an art class. These simple steps can help you stay inspired and keep your creative juices flowing even during uninspiring jobs.

On a daily basis, you can adjust your routine; move around the spaces in which you work or let your mind wander without any specific goals. Take breaks during the day and reward yourself with different snacks – whether it’s coffee or a banana – to get small strokes of pleasure, mentally as well as physically. You can also try listening to music that boost your mood like jazz, pop punk, or hip-hop. Loosen up and don't be afraid to foolishly daydream while having lunch with colleagues or in the comfort of your office chair. With practice, you'll learn how to stay motivated in boring environments and when faced with challenges.

Make Connections with Like-Minded People

Making connections with others in your field can help you find ways to stay inspired while at work. Having someone around you who is passionate about the same activities, hobbies, or interests can give you an energy boost and check your enthusiasm when it’s waning. Additionally, working with someone in a similar situation can provide support, motivation and passion when the world outside of work looks bleak. Joining forums or attending meetups in your area are great ways to find like-minded people who understand where you’re coming from.

Once you’ve made a connection, talk to them about the different ways you can stay motivated and inspired while in your job. Try setting up a 15-minute brainstorming session after work or over lunch for yourself and this particular person; talking about ideas can be energizing and will give you direction to focus on. Trading thoughts, stories, experiences and advice can also help keep your mind off the everyday monotony of a job. Ultimately, daydreaming with like-minded people allows you to look at work from a different perspective, helping you to stay creative and lively!


Finding a balance between boredom and creativity in an uninspiring job can be a difficult challenge, but it's not impossible. By following the tips outlined in this guide, such as seeking out new learning opportunities, taking on new responsibilities, and finding creative outlets outside of work, you can infuse your work life with more meaning and purpose. It's important to remember that creativity is not limited to a particular job or career, and that there are many ways to express your creativity and pursue your passions in your personal life. By taking the time to explore your interests and hobbies, you can find fulfillment and happiness outside of work. Ultimately, it's up to you to take control of your own life and create the balance you need to thrive. With a positive mindset and a commitment to taking action, you can find ways to stay inspired and creative, even in the most uninspiring of jobs.

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