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History of mehrgarh

Mehrgarh civilization

By Muhammad FarmanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Mehrgarh is an ancient site located in present-day Balochistan, Pakistan, which was inhabited from around 7000 BCE to 2000 BCE. The site is one of the earliest known human settlements in South Asia and provides important insights into the development of human civilization in the region. Here's a brief history of Mehrgarh in 1000 words:

Early Settlements:

Mehrgarh was first settled around 7000 BCE, during the Neolithic period, by a group of early farmers who cultivated wheat and barley and domesticated animals such as goats and sheep. These early settlers lived in mud-brick houses and made pottery and stone tools. They also engaged in trade with other regions and imported goods such as seashells and lapis lazuli from distant places.

The Early Harappan Period:

Around 4000 BCE, Mehrgarh became part of the Early Harappan civilization, which is also known as the Indus Valley civilization. During this period, the site grew in size and complexity, with the construction of larger buildings and the use of more advanced technologies. The inhabitants of Mehrgarh developed a writing system, as well as an elaborate system of weights and measures.

The Mature Harappan Period:

Between 2600 BCE and 1900 BCE, Mehrgarh was part of the Mature Harappan period, which is considered the height of the Indus Valley civilization. During this period, the site became a major center of trade and commerce, with goods being traded with other regions as far away as Mesopotamia and Central Asia. The inhabitants of Mehrgarh also built sophisticated water management systems, including reservoirs and canals, to support agriculture and other economic activities.

Decline and Abandonment:

Around 2000 BCE, the Indus Valley civilization began to decline, and many of its cities and settlements, including Mehrgarh, were abandoned. The reasons for this decline are not fully understood, but scholars believe that a combination of factors, including climate change, natural disasters, and invasions by outside groups, may have played a role.

Rediscovery and Excavation:

Mehrgarh was rediscovered in the 1970s by a team of archaeologists led by French archaeologist Jean-Francois Jarrige. Since then, the site has been extensively excavated, revealing a wealth of information about the early history of South Asia. Excavations have uncovered thousands of artifacts, including pottery, stone tools, jewelry, and figurines, as well as the remains of buildings, streets, and other structures.


Mehrgarh is significant because it provides important insights into the early development of human civilization in South Asia. The site is one of the earliest known examples of human settlement in the region and sheds light on the social, economic, and technological developments of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The discovery of writing and other advanced technologies at Mehrgarh also challenges previous assumptions about the origins of the Indus Valley civilization, suggesting that its roots may have been in the Balochistan region rather than in the Indus Valley itself.

Sure! Mehrgarh is an ancient civilization that emerged in present-day Pakistan over 8,000 years ago. It is considered one of the earliest urban settlements in the world and was situated along the banks of the Bolan River. The people of Mehrgarh were skilled farmers and believed to have cultivated wheat and barley, as well as domesticated animals such as sheep, goats and cattle. They also created pottery and crafted ornaments from shells and other materials, indicating a thriving culture. The legacy of Mehrgarh can be seen in the architectural styles and techniques that were later adopted by the Indus Valley Civilization.


Mehrgarh is a fascinating and important site that provides a window into the early history of South Asia. The settlement's Neolithic origins, its role in the Early and Mature Harappan periods, and its decline and abandonment offer valuable insights into the social, economic, and environmental factors that shaped the development of human civilization in the region. Through ongoing excavations and research, archaeologists continue to deepen our understanding of this remarkable site and its significance for the history of South Asia and the broader world.


About the Creator

Muhammad Farman

..Hey. I'm Muhammad Farman and I upload my ideas on vocal media my ideas are based on stories, biography, Health diseases, education

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