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Google ads free credit!

Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that can help businesses reach new customers and increase their online presence. However, running ads can be expensive and not all businesses have the budget to invest in paid advertising.

By OLIVER MARTINPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Google ads free credit!
Photo by Edho Pratama on Unsplash

Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that can help businesses reach new customers and increase their online presence. However, running ads can be expensive and not all businesses have the budget to invest in paid advertising. Fortunately, Google offers a way for businesses to get started with Google Ads for free through its Google Ads credit program. In this blog post, we'll explore how businesses can take advantage of the Google Ads credit program and how it can benefit their advertising efforts.

What is Google Ads credit: Google Ads credit is a promotion offered by Google to new advertisers. This credit can be used to pay for clicks on Google Ads and can be applied to any type of campaign, such as search ads or display ads. The credit amount and the terms of the credit vary depending on the promotion.

How to get Google Ads credit: Google Ads credit can be obtained through various promotions, such as signing up for a Google Ads account or by using a promo code. Google frequently offers these promotions through partnerships, events or to new accounts. Businesses can also find credit offers through the Google Ads platform itself, when signing up or when they access the billing section of their accounts.

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How to use the credit: Once you have obtained the credit, it can be applied to your Google Ads account. The credit will automatically be applied to your account and will be used to pay for clicks on your ads. You can check the status of your credit and the expiry date by accessing the billing section of your account.

Advantages of using the credit: Using the credit can be a great way for businesses to get started with Google Ads without having to invest any money upfront. This allows businesses to test the platform and see the results before committing to a larger advertising budget. The credit also gives businesses an opportunity to experiment with different ad formats, targeting options and campaigns to find the right combination that works for their business.

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Setting a budget: Even though you have credit available, it's important to keep in mind that running ads can be expensive, so it's a good idea to set a budget and stick to it. The credit can be used to pay for clicks on your ads, but it's not an unlimited budget. It's important to monitor the results and make sure you're getting a return on your investment.

Keep an eye on the expiry date: The Google Ads credit typically has an expiry date, it's important to use the credit before it expires. Not using the credit before the expiry date means it will be lost and you'll have to pay for the ads out of your own pocket.

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Take advantage of learning resources: Google Ads also offers a variety of learning resources, such as the Google Ads Academy, to help businesses learn how to use the platform and create effective campaigns. By taking advantage of these resources, businesses can make the most of the credit and get the best results from their advertising efforts.

In conclusion, Google Ads credit is a promotion offered by Google that can help businesses get started with Google Ads for free. The credit can be used to pay for clicks on Google Ads and can be applied to any type of campaign.

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About the Creator


Freelance short story writer. Likes to experiment and write across a range of genres. Sometimes dips a toe into the non-fiction and essay writing pool or writes the odd bit of microlit.

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