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Git Top Interview Questions by Top Companies (Part2) 2023

Essential Git Interview Questions (part 2) 2023

By ManisekaranPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Git Top Interview Questions by Top Companies (Part2) 2023
Photo by Roman Synkevych 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

Can you explain the difference between a fork and a clone on GitHub?

A fork and a clone in GitHub are two different ways of creating a copy of a repository.

A fork is a copy of a repository that you make on GitHub's website. When you fork a repository, you create a new repository that is a copy of the original repository, but it is now owned by your GitHub account. You can then make changes to the code and submit a pull request to the original repository to contribute your changes.

A clone, on the other hand, is a copy of a repository that you make on your local computer. When you clone a repository, you are creating a local copy of the repository that you can work on and make changes to. You can then push your changes back to the original repository, or to your fork of the repository, on GitHub.

In summary, a fork is a way of creating a copy of a repository on GitHub, while a clone is a way of creating a local copy of a repository on your computer. Forks are useful for contributing to open-source projects, while clones are useful for working on a project locally and then pushing your changes back to the original repository or your fork.

How do you handle sensitive information or credentials in a Git repository?

Handling sensitive information or credentials in a Git repository is an important task to ensure the security of the project and data. Here are a few best practices to handle sensitive information in Git repositories:

Use environment variables: Instead of hardcoding sensitive information like passwords, API keys, or tokens, use environment variables to store them. This way, the sensitive information is not stored in the repository, and it can be easily changed without modifying the code.

Use a password manager: Use a password manager to store sensitive information like passwords and API keys. This way, the information is encrypted and can be easily accessed by authorized users.

Use .gitignore: Use a .gitignore file to exclude sensitive files or directories from being tracked by Git. This way, even if sensitive information is accidentally committed, it will not be pushed to the remote repository.

Use Git-crypt: Git-crypt is a tool that allows encrypting files in a Git repository. It encrypts files before they are committed to the repository and decrypts them when they are checked out.

Use Git-secret: Git-secret is an open-source tool to encrypt files and environment variables in a Git repository, it uses GPG to encrypt the files and it's integrated with git.

Use a private repository: If the information is extremely sensitive, consider using a private repository that can only be accessed by authorized users.

Review access to the repository: Regularly review the access to the repository, remove access from users who no longer need it, and ensure that only authorized users have access to the sensitive information.

Remember : Git is a version control system that stores historical data and once the sensitive information is committed to the repository, it can't be erased completely, so it's important to take preventive measures before committing sensitive information to the repository.

How do you handle large files or binary files in a Git repository?

Handling large files or binary files in a Git repository can be challenging, as Git is designed to handle text files, and it can struggle with large binary files. Here are a few best practices to handle large files in Git:

Use Git LFS(Large File Storage): Git LFS is a Git extension that allows storing large files in a separate location, rather than in the repository. It replaces large files with small text pointers in the repository, and the actual files are stored on a remote server.

Use a dedicated file storage service: Services like Amazon S3, Google Drive, or Dropbox allow you to store large files in the cloud and link to them from your Git repository.

Use Git-fat: Git-fat is a tool that allows storing large files outside of the repository while keeping track of them in the repository. It's similar to Git LFS but it doesn't require a separate server and it's easy to use.

Use git-annex: git-annex is a tool that allows managing large files in Git, it allows the user to keep the large files out of the repository and only store the metadata in the repository

Compress large files: Compress large files before committing them to the repository. This will reduce the file size and make it easier for Git to handle.

Use .gitignore: Use a .gitignore file to exclude large files or directories from being tracked by Git. This way, the large files will not be stored in the repository, and they can be stored in a separate location.

It's important to note that storing large files in a Git repository can slow down the repository and make it harder to work with, so it's best to use one of the above methods to handle large files.

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