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Git Top Interview Questions by Top companies 2023

Essential Git Interview Questions 2023

By ManisekaranPublished about a year ago β€’ 6 min read
Git Top Interview Questions by Top companies 2023
Photo by Roman Synkevych πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ on Unsplash

Git is a distributed version control system that allows multiple users to work on the same codebase simultaneously. It keeps track of all changes made to the code and allows users to revert to previous versions if necessary.

Can you explain Git and its workflow?

The basic workflow of Git is as follows:

A user creates a local copy of the repository on their computer, known as a "clone".

The user makes changes to the code and stages them using the "git add" command.

The user then commits the changes with a message describing the changes made, using the "git commit" command.

The user can then push their changes to a remote repository, such as GitHub, using the "git push" command.

Other users can then pull the changes from the remote repository to their local copies using the "git pull" command.

This workflow allows multiple users to work on the code simultaneously without conflicts and maintain a history of changes made to the codebase.

Git workflow can vary depending on the organization and project. Some teams use a centralized workflow, where all commits are made on a single branch, others use a feature branch workflow, where developers create branches for each feature they are working on. Some organizations also use pull request as a way to review code before merging it to the main branch.

How do you handle conflicts in a Git merge?

When merging two branches in Git, conflicts can occur when both branches have made changes to the same lines of code. To handle these conflicts, Git will mark the conflicting lines with special markers, and it is up to the user to resolve the conflict.

Here is the general process for resolving merge conflicts:

Use the command git pull or git merge to initiate the merge.

If conflicts occur, Git will notify you and mark the conflicting lines in the code with special markers, such as "<<<<<<<".

Open the conflicting files and look for the markers. The code above the marker is the version from the current branch, and the code below the marker is the version from the branch that you are merging.

  1. Decide which version of the code to keep and which to discard.
  2. Remove the markers and any unwanted code.
  3. Once you have resolved the conflicts, save the files.
  4. Use git add command to stage the resolved files
  5. Commit the merge with a meaningful message using git commit

It's a good practice to review the code changes and make sure that the merge is done correctly before committing, as well as test the changes to check that the code still works as expected.

It's worth noting that there are also tools like git mergetool that can assist the developer in resolving conflicts, it allows the developer to compare the changes of both branches side by side and select the changes they want to keep.

Can you explain a pull request and its purpose?

A pull request is a feature in Git and other version control systems that allows developers to submit changes they have made to the source code of a project for review and potential inclusion in the main branch of the repository. The purpose of a pull request is to allow other members of the development team to review the changes and make sure they are in line with the project's goals and coding standards before they are added to the main branch. This helps to ensure the quality and maintainability of the codebase. Additionally, it allows for discussion and collaboration among team members on specific changes. Once the changes have been reviewed and approved, they can be merged into the main branch.

How do you manage and track issues in a project using GitHub?

GitHub provides a built-in issue tracking system that can be used to manage and track issues in a project. To use this feature, you need to have a GitHub repository for your project. Once you have a repository, you can create an issue by clicking on the "Issues" tab in the repository and then clicking the "New issue" button. This will open a form where you can enter a title and description for the issue, as well as assign it to a specific person and add labels to help categorize it.

Once an issue has been created, it will be visible to all collaborators on the repository. They can then add comments and discuss the issue, as well as assign it to other people or add labels to help track its progress. Collaborators can also close the issue if it's been resolved or if it's no longer relevant.

You can also use the filter and searching feature to find specific issues based on certain criteria, such as the labels, assignee, and date.

It's also possible to link issues and pull request together, so when you close an issue, it can automatically close the linked pull request and vice versa.

Additionally, you can use GitHub Project boards to create a Kanban-style board that allows you to track the progress of multiple issues across different stages of development, such as "To-Do", "In Progress", and "Done".

Overall, GitHub's issue tracking system is a powerful tool that can help you keep track of the different tasks and bugs that need to be addressed in your project and ensure that all team members are on the same page.

How do you work with branches in Git and GitHub?

In Git, a branch is a separate line of development that allows multiple people to work on the same project simultaneously without interfering with each other's changes. By default, Git creates a branch called "master" when a new repository is created. You can create new branches from the master branch or from other branches.

To create a new branch, you can use the command "git branch" followed by the name of the new branch. For example, "git branch new_feature" will create a new branch called "new_feature". You can then switch to the new branch using the command "git checkout" followed by the name of the branch. For example, "git checkout new_feature" will switch to the "new_feature" branch.

Once you are on a branch, you can make changes to the code and commit them as usual. When you are ready to share your changes, you can push the branch to the remote repository using the command "git push origin" followed by the name of the branch. For example, "git push origin new_feature" will push the "new_feature" branch to the remote repository.

In GitHub, you can create, switch and merge branches directly from the website. To create a new branch, you can go to the "branches" tab of your repository and then click the "New branch" button. You can enter the name of the new branch and choose the branch you want to create it from. Once the branch is created, you can switch to it by clicking on the branch name and then you can start making changes and committing them.

When you're ready to merge your changes, you can create a pull request. A pull request is a request to merge one branch into another, typically the "master" branch. It allows other collaborators to review the changes and discuss them before they are merged. Once the pull request is approved, you can merge it to the destination branch.

In summary, working with branches in Git and GitHub allows you to work on multiple features or bug fixes at the same time without interfering with each other, and also enables a review process before changes are incorporated to the main codebase, which ensures the quality and maintainability of the codebase.

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