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Fitting Everything In

My days are busy, and I am still not getting anything done!

By Shelley WengerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

Lately, I have been having trouble fitting everything in. I have a lot of things that I need to do every day, and I just feel like I am barely starting my list by the time the day is over. Then, I have to decide whether to start writing or just go to bed.

One year, we got so much snow that taking care of the animals outside took hours more than it used to. One sick kid followed by another one also lead to another challenge. At least I didn't have to worry about school in the two to three feet of snow that we got!

When spring hits, another set of challenges arises. There are pens that need attention since I was unable to do much over the winter. Spring means planting and getting ready to do hay. However, rain is also plentiful, which can lead to even more challenges. 

This year, I have dealt with sick goats. We recently lost a doe and have been fighting a nasty worm infestation. We lost a baby, but now we have a healthy one running around (which makes it all worth it)! 

There has got to be a better way! 

I feel like all I do is run, run, and run some more, but I don't have anything done to show for it. I can't even tell you what I have accomplished this week. Barely anything! 

I just feel so overwhelmed.

So, how can you really fit it all in? 

Do I have to lose sleep to get anything done? How can I lose sleep when I am up five times with a sick child? I am barely functioning as it is.

Here are some things that I need to remember when I am struggling to get everything done! 

Being a mom is so hard. You have to take care of everyone and everything, and then yourself.

You are going to have good and bad days. There are going to be days when I feel like I wake up rested. There are days when I will feel like I have some time to get things done. Then, there are going to be days when I simply run around in circles, with nothing to show for it. 

We can't give up on those bad days. We can't let one bad day ruin everything that we have worked so hard for! 

There are going to be times when it is worth going back to bed. I rarely go back to bed, no matter how bad my head is feeling. However, just last week, I needed to! I slept for another two or three hours and felt SO much better. It was so worth it. 

I am getting more done than I realize. It is important to remember that you are getting things done. I feed my family multiple times a day, including packing lunches. The children get to play outside, get dirty, and then I clean them up before they go to bed. 

The animals are taken care of, and I go to work. That should be enough! 

I have been working really hard at my new writing job, so I think I should be able to relax when I need to. I am not going to be able to write every day, and there is nothing wrong with that! They seem pleased with my work, so all is well with them. They just had quite a few priority projects this week, when I was barely hanging on.

I don't know why I get so wound up. Guess it is a mom thing! I don't know why we have to be so hard on ourselves. No one else is.

The simple truth is that I am doing just fine. I am working hard and getting plenty done, even when it doesn't feel like it. There are times when I feel like I can sit down and relax.

Photo Courtesy of Canva

All is well in the world again!

The simple truth is that I wouldn't get anything done without my handy planner. I bought this one and LOVE it! Please note, that this is an affiliate link where I will receive compensation if you buy the product.


Previously published on Medium.


About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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