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Tips to Work From Home Successfully

Yes, even you can do it!

By Shelley WengerPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

It can be quite difficult to work from home, and the truth is that most people can't do it. The television calls to them. The phone rings and they stop to answer it. They could spend hours scrolling through Facebook, instead of finishing a single task for their business.

It takes dedication and a lot of work. Here are some tips to help you work from home successfully.

Choose When to Work

When you own your own business, you have the freedom to work whenever you want. That thought can be freeing, but it also means that many people who try to work from home never put in the time and effort it takes.

When choosing when to work, you should think about your lifestyle. You want to work when you are at your best. You probably already know if you are a morning person or a night owl, so you should work when you are in the best frame of mind. Not only that, but you will get more accomplished that way because you will be more focused!

If you have children, you have to work around them. Many parents work when their children are napping. When they get older, they can work when the children are at school. Many parents decide to focus on their business before the children get up or after they go to bed, depending on when they work best.

It doesn't really matter when you work, as long as you actually sit down and do the work necessary to keep your business going.

Setting a Schedule

It is very important to have a schedule. You need to know when you are working and, just as importantly, when you are not.

When you have a schedule, you are going to be more ready to work because you know that it is time to focus. It helps with your frame of mind, letting you know that you have to get something done.

Having a schedule also helps with distractions. By telling others that you are working (and when), they know when you can and can't be disturbed. If they call, and you tell them that you are working, you need to stick to it.

Things are always going to come up. You might have sick children to take care of, or you scheduled a doctor's appointment. You have to realize that there are going to be times when you can't work as scheduled, and there is nothing wrong with that. Likewise, you may start later that day or work later on another day, and that is fine. However, don't make these interruptions normal. Pick a schedule and stick to it, as much as possible.

Another good thing about scheduling when you are going to be working is that you know when you are not. You can really enjoy your time off because you know that you put in plenty of time this morning (or you are going to work hard this afternoon). It can be quite good for a home and work-life balance.

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Don't Just Schedule, Block out Time

Once you set a working schedule and start sticking to it, you should schedule out your working day.

Think about all that you need to accomplish in a day. Then, decide how much time you expect certain tasks to take and start a daily calendar. Be sure to plan out all of the time that you are going to be working.

When scheduling your time, don't forget to add in breaks, so you can get up and walk around to stretch your legs. Add in a lunch break (if necessary). Make sure that you add in time for short, miscellaneous tasks like checking e-mails and social media marketing.

Planning your day like this will help you stay focused. You will know that you have only a certain amount of time to get a project done. You will have to focus and realize that there is not any time for interruptions.

If you find yourself having trouble sticking to your schedule, use a timer. When your time is up, you know that you have to move on to the next task. Timers work really well with things that can easily become time-wasters like social media and e-mails. Only spend the few minutes that you allotted. Don't go over, or you will have less time for your next task.

Take Regular Breaks

Breaks are very important. They are helpful to unwind and let your mind relax. You will come back to work refreshed and ready to work some more. Taking breaks allows you time to get up and stretch your legs. Too many freelancers spend all day sitting in a chair, and it is good to walk around hourly, if possible.

If working from home is stressful because you see all the chores that need to be done, you can use your breaks to do light cleaning, laundry, or to unload the dishwasher. Breaks are also a good time to catch up on e-mails and even personal phone calls. Some people save their social media for their breaks!

The important thing is that you take breaks and use that time to clear your head, so you come back to work refreshed and ready to go again.

Photo Courtesy of Canva

Have a Separate Home Office

Many people who work from home set up their offices on the kitchen or dining room table. They have to get everything out every morning to get started and, even worse, they have to put everything away in the evening.

Because of this, it is important to have a separate home office. Even if you can only make a small section in the corner of a room, it is better than nothing. You need a place where you can set your work out and leave it that way. When you come back to work, everything is ready and waiting for you.

It is also important when it comes to your paperwork and other essentials. You need to be able to find important papers and other things that you need. The easier it is to find things, the more you will get accomplished every day.

Having your own home office that is separate is necessary for productivity. You will know that when you are in your office, you are there to work. It is easier to concentrate (especially if you can shut your door)!

You can set up your home office any way that you want. You should keep everything that you use regularly handy. This may include your phone, pens, computer, and anything else essential to your business.

There are some things to think about when setting up your home office. You don't want to fill it up with too much furniture. It is equally important to measure before you buy some of your bigger pieces of furniture. If money is a concern, you should spend it on good lighting before anything else. This allows you to see well, so you can concentrate better.

The happier you are in your office, the more that you will get accomplished, so take your time and make it your own space, even if you have to rearrange it a few times until you are completely happy.

Setting Goals

If you are a business owner, you have to set goals. If you don't, you are not going to know where your business is going.

Start by setting some long-term goals. Think about where you see your business in a year or two. What about five?

Then, use these to make short-term goals. Think of the smaller steps that you need to take before you reach your long-term goals.

In order to know what you are working for, you should set weekly and monthly goals to keep you on track.

Treat It Like a Business

The reason that most businesses fail is that the owners didn't treat them like a business.

They don't set hours and actually work their business. They try to fit it in around their family and other obligations, meaning that by the end of most days, they didn't find any time to work on their business.

Some people try to hide their businesses so that it doesn't interfere with their (and their family's) life. If you don't talk about your business and what you are trying to do, no one will know about it.

To have a successful business, you need to treat it like one. Make time to work. Tell others about it. Be proud of all that you have accomplished. You worked hard to build a successful business, and you should shout it from the rooftops.

Make It a Priority

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To run a successful business, you need to make it a priority. You need to decide that you want to have a successful business. If you don't make it a priority, no one else will!

Part of making it a priority is finding time to work on it. You need to realize how important it is to put in the work, or you won't get anything accomplished. Many people think that they can just fit a business in, whenever they have the time. Their family comes first (as it should). Then, they work around the house and work on their business a little here and there.

Even if you make your business a priority, it can be very hard to work from home and see all the mess. Many people stop working to clean their houses and, by the time that the house is clean, they don't have any more time to work. If your business is important, you will make it a priority and find the time to fit it into your schedule.

You have to decide what things are the most important. Family, work, and then housework. If you feel like it should be the other way around, be sure to schedule your housework so that you are comfortable setting aside time to work on your business.

Get Dressed For Success

Though many people dream of working at home in their pajamas, most people get more done if they get dressed every day.

You don't have to dress in your business suit, but it helps to shower and change into your work clothes. These don't have to be any fancier than comfy pants and a T-shirt. They just need to signify that it is time to work, though you may have conferences online so you might have to dress up in business clothes from time to time.

Many people also recommend doing your hair and makeup. Many also have their breakfast and morning coffee before settling into their office to get to work. This often helps you to wake up and be ready for all that you need to accomplish during your day.

Getting dressed and cleaned up puts you in the right frame of mind. By the time you finish your morning routine, you will be ready to get to work.

Keep Home and Work Separate

It is very important to keep your home life separate from your work. Set boundaries and don't be tempted to cross them.

You need to respect your work and your home life. Make others respect your work time also. Don't answer personal calls when you are trying to get work done. You may even want to put a "do not disturb" sign on the door, especially if you are busy with phone calls.

You will find that once you start separating your home and work life, you will be more productive when you are working and you will enjoy your home life more because you won't have to worry about what you should be doing for your business.

Enjoy Your Downtime

When you work from home, it is very common for your business to interfere with your family life. There is always going to be one more phone call that has to be answered. You might think that you can get a little bit of work done in the evening since you don't have to go anywhere to do it. You may also try to squeeze in some extra time to work during the weekends (even though you already put in plenty of hours).

Downtime is necessary so you don't get burnt out with your business. After working hard all day (or night), you deserve time to relax. Your brain deserves a rest from thinking about your business.

Use this time to spend (quality) time with your children and family. You work hard to help your family, so you deserve time to enjoy them! Really enjoy being in the moment with them and have fun.

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You also should do things that you enjoy: spend time outside on warm summer nights, take time to watch movies and go out to eat, spend time with your friends, and do anything else that you enjoy. The most important part of downtime is to take time to relax and have fun. Don't worry about your business. You put in plenty of work and you deserve time away (without feeling guilty).

Previously published on Medium.


About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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