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Email Marketing on a Budget: How to Save Money on Professional Copywriters

Email marketing

By HUMBALE STORY Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Email Marketing on a Budget: How to Save Money on Professional Copywriters
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

How much do you spend on email marketing? If you’re like most small business owners, you probably don’t spend much at all. With the increasing number of people using mobile devices to connect to the Internet, email marketing has gone through some serious changes over the last few years. For some businesses, it’s become clear that investing in email marketing might not be worth the time and money anymore, but there are still plenty of companies who aren’t ready to give up on this valuable channel just yet.

Get an In-House Writer

One of your first hires should be an in-house writer. This person can help you create effective campaigns that pre-sell your business and convert visitors into customers at scale. You’ll want to hire someone who has previous experience writing bespoke email campaigns for other businesses, or building their own ecommerce brand from scratch—someone with knowledge of how different platforms work and how they can best be leveraged in tandem.

Practice Makes Perfect

Most new copywriters charge about $200 per email campaign. If you have 20 emails in your autoresponder, that’s $4,000 right there. That’s not chump change, but thankfully it’s not an out-of-reach sum for all business owners. If you want to save money and learn how to do your own copywriting, spend some time playing around with tools like MailChimp and AWeber.

Engage With Others

Most of us can agree that we hate spam, so it’s essential that you give your email recipients what they actually want. If you’re not sure what that is, try engaging with them by sharing articles, answering questions and getting feedback. The more active your email list is, the more sales you’ll make down the line. And don’t forget to ask for their input—they may just have an idea that will take your business to new heights. There are plenty of ways to engage with others online without spending a dime, but if you really want access to top copywriters at affordable rates, consider using Fiverr or Upwork (or both). Just remember: Don't pay until you're satisfied!

Learn New Tips and Tricks

You might think you’re doing everything right in your email marketing efforts, but you’d be surprised how many ways there are to improve your open and click-through rates. Check out our resources for tools and tutorials that can help take your email marketing from good to great. If you want some more information before diving in, find out how easy it is to start email marketing for your business with one of our corporate training videos that walk you through how exactly it works.

Outsource Specialized Tasks

If you need professional copywriters for your business, pay someone to create these bespoke email campaigns for you. Hiring a freelance copywriter would typically cost at least $5,000. But what if there were an easier way? What if you could outsource professional tasks like these to people who are specialists in that field? What if you could hire an expert VA (virtual assistant) who works remotely and specializes in writing compelling emails?

Invest in Your Own Knowledge

Many business owners go into new ventures with no understanding of how marketing campaigns work or which ones perform best. If you’re going to invest in email marketing, take some time to do your research. There are plenty of resources available online that can help you educate yourself before investing in professional copywriters. One example is an email marketing tutorials YouTube channel called Start Your Own Business.

Shorten Up Long Sentences

Take some time before you send out any emails, texts, or social media messages. Before hitting send, read over your message and look for unnecessarily long sentences that could be shortened up. Not only will shorter sentences get your point across more clearly, but they'll also make you sound much more professional and polished.

Keep Things Simple & Concise

You’ll have more success with your email marketing if you keep things simple. Use one or two sentences to let your subscribers know what you want them to do, and how they can do it. Try not to ask more than that!


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