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Don't make the resolution mistakes this year.

New Year resolution guide.

By PraviPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Don't make the resolution mistakes this year.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

If every day was a new beginning, then what is a year?

Well, I would consider that 365 new life changing possibilities!

But do we really do it? Instead, We sit down on New Years Eve and wish our life was better this year and write down the resolutions you know you don't even follow!

Now, they'd work if you put the effort into it. Things won't happen on their own if you write them down and procrastinate. And here we are waiting for a fresh start for the new year 2022.

Seriously, have you ever felt tired or bored of neglecting the changes you want in your life?

Jokes aside! now this is the part where I tell you exactly how you can make this year the way you want .... trust me you wont be disappointed mid year !!

Step 1: writing them down

Now, the common mistake we all tend to make is writing down all the mistakes and things that we feel guilty about this year and trying to work hard to change them next year. But before that, let me stop and tell you NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS ARE NOT YOUR MISTAKES!

Take a blank sheet of paper, Sit back and set the mood with whatever you can, I highly recommend you listen to some nice music, now write down what you dream of becoming, what your dream or ideal self is like ... what are the habits of your ideal self ?

write them down all ... and start prioritizing them.

Now take another piece of paper and write down the top 3 priorities of your goals. (just remember 3)

After you write them down, look at them .. ask yourself if this is what you really want?

If yes ... now start taking them seriously, write as aesthetically as you want but write them as if they have happened in your life (For example, If you want to be the topper of your class the coming year, don't just write "I want to become the topper of my class this year"... write them down as "I am the topper of my class this year") this way you will be tricking your sub-conscious mind that you succeeded in keeping up with your resolutions and it will be highly motivating to thrive the whole year with the resolutions you made.

Paste this paper on your desk or anywhere around you and make sure to look and read them every day!

Step 2 : Be specific about your goals

Don't just write broad statements like you want to be perfect, but instead analyze the same statement about what you think is perfect

Is it clear skin?

Is it a healthy body?

Is it a sane mind?

Is it a toned body?

Or it could even be all of these, but be sure to break them down instead of generalizing the statement. It helps you to be more precise in achieving your goals

Step 3: Put your words into action

Don't just sit there imagining that you would achieve your goal just by sitting there and procrastinating on the things you want.

Begin to embark on the journey and take a step forward.

Motivate yourself in a way that works for you, and you can see a huge difference in shaping your resolutions.

Step 4 : Punishing is not the right way!

It's okay not to keep up with your goals or to achieve all of your goals as soon as you start ... it takes time to turn your goals into habits .. but punishing yourself won't help change them, replace them by positive and encouraging thoughts to keep working on your goals!

Step 5: Focus on your progress

Instead of focusing on things you couldn't finish ... focus on the progress you have made so far ...

It motivates you to keep doing things and also you don't get depressed don't and don't give up for not being able to achieve all your goals one at the same time

Now that you know how to keep your resolutions, what are you waiting for, take the essentials and start the new year with a bang !!

And don't forget to check out my Glow-up articles for a complete transformation in your life !!

how to

About the Creator


Hi, I'm Pravi, a passionate freelance writer with a talent for storytelling. Crafting engaging content that informs and entertains is my strength. My writing captures the essence of every subject. I bring ideas to life with my words.

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