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Different Elements of a Story That Makes It Worth Reading

Different elements of a story.

By Khan JohnPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Different Elements of a Story That Makes It Worth Reading

Elements of a story

While writing a story It required a certain combination of elements to termed it as a complete story. There are 7 elements of a story that we will discuss in the Article. Writing a story is a bit complex job but if you go step-by-step with each element then you can surely make it an easy gauss. A good story is like a tasty soup. It has a recipe in form of the elements.

What are the elements of a story?

In this section, we will discuss some of the elements of a story that you should know about before starting writing a story.

Following are the seven elements of the story:

1. Setting

2. Character

3. Plot

4. Conflict

5. Theme

6. Point-of-view

7. Tone

8. Style

Now let explore some important elements of the story, starting with the setting.

1. Setting: Setting is one of the common elements in every story. The setting is when and where the story takes place. It is the place and the time. Does the story happen in the past, present, or future? Does the story happen in the school, mars, or space?

2. Characters of a story: The characters are the people, animals, and other creatures in the story. Sometimes the authors name the character with arbitrary names. In the Game of Thrones, the character is Jon snow, Deny, Trion, Trion Leisters, and many more. There are two types of characters in any Story, the hero, and the Villain.

The hero is a good character in the story. The hero defeats the Villain. The Villain is the bad man in the story. A story may be more than one hero and more than one Villain.

3. Plot: Every event has a series of events that led the story to a final stage. The way events are ordered to create a story is called a Plot. The Plot is all of the action that takes place during the story. The plot is one of the main parts of the story.

4. Climax: It is the element of the plot. The climax happens when two characters are against each other. The Hero, the good character, wants to do something to achieve and the bad character, Villain, wants to stop him. The conflict is the most important element of the story. The story ends when the conflict ended. The Climax is the time when the story reaches the peak and the plot is going to be revealed.

5. Theme:

It is one of the fundamental elements of the story; the theme helps in focusing on a narrative. Any story has a clear theme that helps you and the publisher to market your book to the right audience.

6. Point-of-view

Who you are telling a story and why? Understanding the Point-of-view of your story is important. This helps your reader to understand what the motivation behind the story is. Setting a Point-of-view is challenging and required a lot of crafting and editing.

7. Tone:

What is the tone in writing?

How you express your feeling or the action in a story shows the tone of the story. Every adjective and adverb you use falls into the category of the Tone.

An example of a casual tone is:

The way I look at it, someone needs to start doing something about the disease. What's the big deal? People are dying. But the average person doesn't think twice about it until it affects them. Or someone they know.

8. Style

The writing style is the choice of the words and the Sentences. Like everyone has a personnel sense of Fashion and wearing the clothes the same way every author has the same way of expressing his characters and making the character angry, sad or dress him like the occasion he wants.

I hope this article will help you.

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About the Creator

Khan John

I write about NSFW AI Scene and everything that is happening in the AI NSFW including recent developments. Contact me : Twitter, or an email at: [email protected]

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