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Detaching Myself From The World Of Social

How To Not Let Social Media Affect You

By Jassy La’Nae Published 12 months ago 5 min read

I decided a few months ago to remove social media out of my life. It was beginning to become an important part of my life. I mean — if you constantly check on something daily or even hourly is it not important? I couldn’t find a good reason why it was important to me, so I decided to delete it all!

Let’s be real, social media platforms are where people are allowed to live virtual lives. You can look ten times better with the help of a filter, or look rich with the help of a good friend with a nice car. It has become a competition of who is living their best life, with a perfect blend of viral videos, celebrity gossip/drama, and a few motivational posts sprinkled in the middle.

The Virtual World Is Taking Over

Outrageous beliefs of how we should live as people and most of the younger generation’s ideas/thought process and what they normalize is based off what they see on their phones and television screens. They don’t rely on books for information anymore. You just need a high social media following and a strong social presence — they will believe almost anything that you say, or take your thought process and opinions and believe them to be factual.

Not saying that you can’t educate someone based from self-experiences(I mean, that is what I am doing speaking to you all), but much information online is very misleading.

How Social Media Affects The Mental

I began to notice that social media was also beginning to make me sad and stress about my financial problems. Even my basic relationship problems! Social media gives you the false narrative that to be happy you have to have a nice big house, a fancy car, a nice bottle figure body, and a nice rich man to spoil you rotten.

Already dealing with a small portion of depression, social media did not make it any better. Many of us suffer with depression, anxiety, and mental issues that will worsen with social media. The younger generation begins to believe these unrealistic standards of a woman’s beauty, and the expectations in your relationships, and living arrangements.

The less fortunate quickly begins to regret and resent the lives they have not even lived yet. Excessive use in social media increases your risks of anxiety and depression. The feeling of being lonely only worsens. Worst of all, people begin to consider harming themselves or increase suicidal thoughts. Sometimes if younger girls and boys are already feeling these type of emotions, they will run to social media to find quick ways to connect with people that are not good for them. Most of the time, adults will take advantage of it( but that’s another discussion for another day, y’all).

The anxiety, depression, or self harming thoughts do not just come from watching videos and liking posts. Bullying occurs very frequently on social media, especially with school-aged children. If you are a parent, I do advise at least asking your child if they have dealt with it before.

You begin to believe in this false sense of reality. I went cold turkey from all social media platforms. Before I got offline, I would be alert of all celebrity gossip, social media influencers, caught up on all viral videos, and engaging with thousands of strangers throughout the world in arguments for having different point of views. When I got back online, there was the same celebrity gossip, social media influencers, viral videos, and strangers still having the same arguments about the same views.

My point is, you are not missing out on anything special by not being on social media. Take time away from your socials if you are not doing anything productive. Limit the time down to under three hours a day.

No one on social media is perfect. Do NOT look at a photo with a heartfelt description and begin to sulk and feel bad for yourself.

It’s All A Facade

Anything you see on instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok — or any platform you enjoy using — remember that they are posting these things to get your attention. They want the reaction. They want the likes and comments. They want you to engage with them. We are all just looking to be accepted, connected, and loved by all. We want to look and feel good. Why else would they invent FILTERS?!

When you learn to disconnect yourself with the posts you see, and stop comparing yourself and your views, social media will not bother you mentally. You have to prove nothing to the internet.

Remember, these people most likely are going through the same issues you go through emotionally or physically. We are all human, and nowhere near perfection.

Know the difference between factual knowledge and someone’s popularized opinion. Nowadays, it’s easy to agree with someone’s point of view if they have a big following, and majority of those followers soak up every word they say without factual knowledge. Podcasts platforms give people the freedom to speak on what they feel and express those views. Not everyone has a PHD in these categories they choose to speak of. So, you don’t have to take their diet routine, religious beliefs, relationship views, or living standards and compare them to your own lifestyle or beliefs.

My Regret With Deleting My Socials

As a writer, I regret deleting my social accounts because I had begun to form a community of small business owners & writers like myself. I lost a lot of supporters during that time, and now I have to regain that audience.

Social media is the best to have when you are working on businesses, and trying to expand your fan base if you’re a creator. You can get the chance to connect with people who love the same things that you do, which is always great.

It also feels good to connect with people that are into the same things you are interested in. I always love seeing other creators share their perfections, and connections are key when building a business for yourself.

Sometimes it feels good for us to just hear some of these powerful stories and uplifting words of encouragement. I will never tell anyone to stop using social media because they do as well have great benefits for communicating and being able to promote yourself to the world. But, social media can also consume you.

Learn to control the media, rather than letting it control you.

Thank you all for reading my article. I hope to aid many in their journey of healing and growing their self love, along with a balanced conciousness. I am a writer an aspiring writer in her journey of creativity. I would love to hear from you all!

I do not have any socials for my work, yet. I create work for all genres, I hope you all enjoy reading!

humanitysocial mediahow toadvice

About the Creator

Jassy La’Nae

A woman who is gifted with her words.

You can follow me on my social platform(IG @thecrystalhaven_) for affirmations for every day issues we deal with. You can also order beautiful crystal jewelry from my website or by dm'ing me.

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