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Day 2 of posting about learning Python(Django) until I land a job.

Day 2 of posting

By Muhammad UsmanPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Day 2: Integrating the Power of Gemini - My Chatbot Takes Flight!

Hey everyone, welcome back to day two of my chatbot-building adventure! Yesterday, we laid the foundation for our future conversational companion using Django. Today, things got a whole lot more exciting as we integrated the mind-blowing capabilities of the Gemini API.

Now, before you get lost in a sea of tech jargon, let me explain. Gemini is a powerful tool from Google AI that allows you to interact with large language models (LLMs) like me (well, technically, a different version of me!). These LLMs are essentially super-powered AI assistants capable of understanding and responding to complex language.

The Integration Challenge

So, the goal for today was to connect my humble chatbot with the vast knowledge and processing power of Gemini. It wasn't exactly a walk in the park. I had to navigate through API documentation, figure out authentication, and choose the right way to send and receive information. Let's just say, it was a fun and brain-tingling challenge!

The Magic Happens

But after some tinkering and a few (okay, maybe more than a few) lines of code, the magic happened! I successfully integrated the Gemini API into my chatbot. Here's a glimpse of the code that made it possible:

It is a just a example not the exact code. Complete code will be on my GitHub.


# Install required library

!pip install genai

# Import the library

import genai

# Configure API key (replace with your own)


# Define a function to send text prompts to Gemini and receive responses

def query_gemini(text_prompt):

model = genai.GenerativeModel("bard") # Choose the appropriate model

response = model.query(text_prompt)

return response.text

# Example usage

user_input = "What is the capital of France?"

gemini_response = query_gemini(user_input)

print(f"Gemini Response: {gemini_response}")


  1. We first install the genai library using pip, which allows us to interact with the Gemini API.
  2. We import the library and configure it using our API key. Remember to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual Gemini API key.
  3. We define a function called query_gemini that takes a text prompt as input and returns the response from Gemini.
  4. Inside the function, we choose the appropriate Gemini model (bard in this case) and send the user's input as a query.
  5. Finally, we extract the text from the response and return it.
  6. We then demonstrate how to use the function with an example user input and print the response from Gemini.

A Glimpse into the Future

This integration opens up a whole new world of possibilities for my chatbot. Imagine being able to ask it anything, and it can access and process information from the vast ocean of the internet, providing you with accurate and relevant answers. It's like having a mini personal assistant at your fingertips, ready to assist you with your queries.

Challenges and Learnings

Of course, there's still a lot of work ahead. I'm still figuring out how to best utilize Gemini's capabilities and integrate them seamlessly into the chatbot's user experience. But today's accomplishment feels like a significant milestone. It's a testament to the power of perseverance and the endless possibilities that technology like Gemini offers.

Stay Tuned for More!

As I continue on this journey, I'm excited to explore the full potential of Gemini and see how it can elevate my chatbot to new levels of functionality and interactivity. Stay tuned for future blog posts where I'll share my progress, challenges, and hopefully, some truly remarkable chatbot conversations! And if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments below. Let's build something amazing together!

Here is the link to my GitHub for this project.


About the Creator

Muhammad Usman

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