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Critical Tips for Burleigh Pools Maintenance

Burleigh Pools

By Aria TylerPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Having a swimming pool at home is one of the great privileges. Over the years, having a pool at home has become easy owing to custom home builders. Burleigh Pools in Burleigh Heads is one of the renowned names in the industry that offers customized pools to homeowners based on the available space and budget. 

Burleigh Pools can help you realize your dream of having a pool at home. However, the pool comes with a long-term commitment as it needs constant cleaning and maintenance. Most people feel that pools are fancy and a great attraction for the home. But the maintenance needs and rituals should not be ignored. It takes some dedication to ensure the pool stays in great condition throughout the year. Even when you are not using the pool, it needs maintenance. 

Here’s a look at some tips that will help with pool maintenance:

  • Quality of water

The primary step during the maintenance ritual is to test the water quality often. It is essential to add the right chemicals to the water. It is also important to check the chlorine levels of the water. Adding chemicals is a crucial step in pool maintenance. Incorrect pool balance can lead to the growth of bacteria. It will not only look murky but also make the pool dangerous to swim. The water quality must be checked every week, especially during summer. The pool should also be checked during winter; however, the frequency can be increased. The pH levels of the water must stay at 7.4 to 7.6. PH imbalance can cause calcium build-up on the sides of the swimming pool.

  • Filter cleaning

The next step during maintenance is cleaning the filter regularly. Filter cleaning frequency can be less than that of checking the chemicals. However, the homeowner should make sure that the pool is clean at all times and looks spic and span. The filter should be cleaned every 3-6 months based on the pool condition and weather. It is good to check the filter after a heavy storm, bad weather, and heavy rains. These conditions make it necessary to clean the pool as early as possible.

  • Cleaning of baskets and collection pots

It is essential to check other baskets and pots as well. The hair pot should be cleaned first, followed by the lint pot. It is placed inside the pump of the pool inside clear glass. Turn the pump off and release the pressure from the system. Collection pots should be cleaned once in 2 weeks. If required, check it more often. The leaf basket, skimmer basket, and debris catcher should also be cleaned. 

  • Level of water

It is essential to check the water level as well. It ensures that the pool stays in great shape. Lower water levels can cause issues in your pump and lead to burning up. Higher water levels can also be an issue. The skimmer board might not work as expected. After a storm of significant pool usage, water levels might change. The water level must be halfway to the pool skimmer.

  • Scrubbing

The maintenance ritual of the pool is incomplete if scrubbing is not performed. Skimming also plays an essential role in maintenance. Removing the leaves and debris keeps the pool surface clean. Skimming should be done every day to keep the pool clean. The sides of the pool should be scrubbed every alternate week to improve the appearance and remove algae build-up.

Keeping the tips mentioned above in mind will help in keeping Burleigh Pools clean and hygienic. Once the Burleigh Pools of Burleigh Heads build your stunning pool, make sure to keep it clean in the long run. Hiring professionals can also help with maintenance. 


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