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Creator Solopreneurship -The One Person Business

Can you run a one-person business and succeed?

By EstalontechPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
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But you should have a goal as to what defines success. Ask yourself questions such as the following:

Is your business goal always to remain solo?

How much growth is enough in terms of revenue or number of clients or total hours worked in a week?

What’s your real net income on an hourly basis? For example, if your monthly income is $6,000 but you work 60 hours a week (240 hours per month), then your hourly rate is $25 ($6,000/240 hours).

That’s not what I would call a successful business model.

“Just because you’re a great technician at what you do doesn’t mean you’ll automatically be a great entrepreneur, too,” says Marla Tabaka, a business coach who writes the Successful Soloist blog for “They’re two totally different hats to wear.”

Basic Three Steps to Success

Finding patterns can be broken down into smaller pieces because of the very nature of business growth. Whether you decide to start up or invest in a business, you should be aware that every company has common problems, challenges, and solutions at each stage of development or growth. Every business must go through a various process to turn its concept and vision, however small or large, into reality.


Think of development as a fetus or newborn. This is a time of great risk. Will the child be born healthy?

When born, it is very fragile and needs a lot of nurturing and care. It’s a time of joy and much care.

Who’s going to raise the child? Can you afford to raise the child? Do you have the experience, the temperament, the time?

It’s a stage when risk is very high. The entrepreneur similarly starts up her baby and hopes for the best — a healthy, growing business.

You as the entrepreneur / investor must realize the risks and uncertainties of early-stage companies and value them accordingly. The whole process will gives you a road map so you can quickly evaluate where a company stands — its strengths and weaknesses.

The following three initial steps to evaluating an investment and building a business or creating a service orientated product are the setup or the base upon which everything is built:

• Idea

• Design

• Discovery

Before a business or product development even starts, it must have these three components. How solid they are will go a long way toward determining if the company or the product will succeeds or fails.

Did you recognize a good idea right off the bat? Did the way the product was designed, or packaged, strike a chord with you? How do you rate the success rate of developing the product with possible disruptive capabilities options , and what’s it weight against innovation against traditional methods and chances to implement the its service in a wide consumer market ?

Let’s see how to apply the first three steps as they related to investing, crowdfunding, and business building. As you get more adept with these initial three steps, you will begin to recognize the good and eliminate the bad. You will have more time to focus on fewer deals and not feel overwhelmed by too many options. This ability to cut through the basics of investments and businesses will save you tons of time and money.

This is not rocket science; it’s common sense. Or maybe it’s uncommonly good sense. Because once you grasp these three steps, you are going to look at a new business in a whole new way. You, not the crowd, are going to see the right patterns.

Meanwhile, an easier but no-less transformative opportunity lies with SAS. Everybody has access to the World wide web ,so we will elaborate on how the conceptual works in relative to the internet in support based on the three steps : Idea , Design ,Discovery

SAS stands for ‘Software As a Business’ and essentially means that you are selling a service or an idea via a website, a piece of software or an app. Your incorporation of a good design can be easily market on the website .

An example of this might be something like Asana. Asana is a project management tool that is used by countless businesses in order to manage their ongoing projects and to collaborate with other contributors on the other side of the world. Asana is free in its basic model but if you want advanced features, you need to pay to upgrade and here is where the business part comes in.

Asana facilitates and enables business opportunities like any other B2B service but it does so through a piece of software. This means that a relatively lean team is able to manage the site while still catering to hundreds of thousands of paying customers.

Automation allows for massive scaling and this is something that you can take full advantage of.

Another great example of this is WordPress. WordPress is a website building service that takes the form of a tool. Rather than hiring a professional web development team, a business can simply use WordPress to build a website or blog that is just as professional and just as capable as anything they could have outsourced!

This is followed up by a second stroke of genius which is the monetization model that WordPress uses — while the tool itself is free, plugins and themes can be bought through a store that is open to developers and WordPress takes a cut of the profits. A truly forward thinking company that is now able to power 25% of all websites across the net.

Can you imagine a single web development team creating 25% of the world’s websites? This is a truly remarkable feat and is only possible thanks to the savvy utilization of modern technology and opportunities.

Discovery & More Opportunities

And we’re still just skimming the surface of the innovative business opportunities that are available to us right now and to the entrepreneur willing to take the chance.

Another huge emerging possibility is that presented by mobile devices. Of course, mobiles have been around for a while now but it is easy to argue that we’re not yet taking full advantage of their capabilities.

Mobile Applications ( Apps ) can take advantage of GPS information, of the fact that we’re connected to our entire social network at all times, of step count information, of cameras and so much more — and there are limitless opportunities in how this can be used.

Want to see a particularly notable example of a mobile app taking advantage of all the amazing features available to it? Then look no further than Pokémon Go.

Sure, it’s a fun game about little monsters and in that regard, you might not think that it belongs in the same category as something like Facebook or Uber.

But consider for a moment what Pokémon Go actually does. This is one of the first mainstream augmented reality apps to really take off. That means that it combines both real world imagery from a camera with digital imagery in the form of the Pokémon.

Moreover, it combines this with information from the GPS sensor in order to take into account the location of the user.

For the first time ever, players are made to feel as though they can hunt for Pokémon in the real world. They can see a notification in their game that a Pikachu is nearby and they can then head to find it and take a photo of it actually sitting there in their natural environment.

The best part?

If they look around, they’ll see countless other people all doing the exact same thing — or maybe leaving lures that everyone can benefit from. And this game uses only technology that has been available for years. Now that’s discovery with innovation

And mark my words: we’ve yet to see the biggest breakthrough in the implementation of mobile technology yet where the mobile & social networking will boost your products awareness beyond all borders where your potential customers will get to know and discover all the goods feature of your product .

Combining crowdsourcing, mobile apps, automation, SAS… and you could build something truly incredible and possible business models that could around all the disruptive obstacles

Start-ups need to develop customers by finding out what they want by getting out and interviewing them.

The Idea is important, but it’s only a guess or hunch until it is Designed and matched against the competition through Discovery — marketing and customer research.

The Idea, Design and Discovery are the first steps to a sound business foundation.

For solopreneurs, online marketing is the #1 way to generate traffic. In order to make money online, you will need to use the passive methods to get traffic to your website.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is an extremely effective way to market your business or product. It’s common for the top social media platforms to have over 8 billion users per month. In order succeed online , solopreneurs is encourage to have some pre-requisite into Internet Marketing do join our publication at Internet Marketing Roadmap for Writers where the whole publication will be on the subject on Internet Marketing


About the Creator


Estalontech is an Indie publisher with over 400 Book titles on Amazon KDP. Being a Publisher , it is normal for us to co author and brainstorm on interesting contents for this publication which we will like to share on this platform

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