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Call From The Universe

"Facts of Space"

By Lingeshwaran JPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Universe - "Lots of secrets"

This article explores some interesting facts about space that are sure to amaze and fascinate any reader.

From stunning distances between the planets of our solar system, to incredible forces at work beyond Earth's atmosphere, there is no shortage of remarkable discoveries orbiting our star. Starting with the size of our Sun versus its relatives – it’s a monster! Our sun has approximately one hundred times more mass than all the other stars in our Milky Way galaxy combined! In fact, if you were standing on Mars looking up at sunrise or sunset you would be able to view both Saturn and Jupiter close-by—talk about an amazing sight! While we don't have manned missions out into deep space yet ― Voyager 1 was only recently given this title — certainly humanity will explore even further as technology advances. In terms of distance however, nothing compared to light year which measures how far light can go in one year passing through empty space – 300 million kilometers (almost 200 millions miles) per second doesn’t seem so fast now does it? Even more mind-boggling; It takes 8 minutes & 19 seconds for sunlight from our sun reach earth but over 4 years+ centuries for the same sunshine ray leave Alpha Centauri Star (the closest near by neighbor)! And what makes space exploration most exciting is that ,with modern tools like Hubble Telescope―which orbits around 600 kms above Earth―we continue discovering new details each day particularly ‘Black Holes’ - still mysteries holes which happens during collapse of certain massive stars where gravitational field pulls everything including itself inside them forming sudden dense warp plains making disappeared forever ! But ..don’t worry!! We haven't lost anything important silly…yet :). All kinds of radiation coming from these also helps scientist study Dark Matter aka Mysteries part ongoing universe... fabulous isn’t? Also using telescope hubble scientists concluded ; There're billion trillions galaxies exist today─ What?! Yes !!..furthermore every galaxy contains billions tsarltshye (see ? confused?? Don't worry i just invented cool word😊 ) those need much time ahead us get discovered ... Unbelievable right?

From the vast distances between stars to the mysteries of dark matter and beyond, there are countless incredible facts about space. Here, we take a look at seven fabulous facts about one of mankind's oldest (and most captivating) frontiers.

1. The universe is vast and ever-expanding: The observable universe is estimated to be around 93 billion light-years in diameter, containing an estimated 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies. The expansion of the universe is also accelerating, meaning that the space between galaxies is getting bigger and bigger.

2. Black holes are bizarre and powerful phenomena: Black holes are regions of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. They form when massive stars collapse in on themselves. Supermassive black holes, which can be billions of times more massive than the sun, are thought to exist at the centers of most galaxies.

3. There’s water on Mars – Observations from Orbiters used sensitive equipment detecting spectrums indicating molecules Hydrogen and Oxygen possibly forming molecule known as “water” indicated subsurface areas nearby polar regions for many years; Until Labeling geological features it became clear presence aquifers via ice walls indicates prior flowing liquid traces same elements prompting more precise robotic drone reconnaissance missions being planned.. read ahead page website fastfactsseminars blogspot …

4. Each planet has unique characteristics –Each Planet orbiting Sun such mercury , Venus & Earth characterized distinct typical atmospheres placement magnitudes riles locations moons structural alignments differences orbits affecting existence planetary biomes cycles climatic alterations effecting plate tectonics various life forms like humanoids while others unlike anything found below Martian soil surfaces til present days with hint expectations new .. types unknown species will reveal themselves soon after further exploration landings… Hopefully!

5. Space is full of strange and mysterious objects: There are many bizarre objects floating around in space, such as pulsars, quasars, and neutron stars. Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit beams of radiation, while quasars are some of the brightest objects in the universe and are thought to be powered by supermassive black holes.

6. Humans have explored space, but there's still so much to discover: Since Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth in 1961, humans have continued to explore space, landing on the moon and sending spacecraft to explore other planets in our solar system. However, there is still so much we don't know about the universe, and there are many exciting discoveries waiting to be made.

7. The sun is essential for life on Earth: The sun is a giant ball of hot gas that provides energy to all the planets in the solar system. It's responsible for photosynthesis, which produces the oxygen we breathe, and it helps regulate Earth's climate and weather patterns.

We have more to explore

There are so many facts of space left to discover but one thing is certain, the more we uncover about it, the deeper our understanding will become. We can be sure that as technology advances and humanity further explores this vast unexplored territory, new mysteries and secrets await us – mysteries which may eventually lead us closer to unlocking some of its fascinating secrets!

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Lingeshwaran J

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