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Boiler Making Loud Vibrating Noise in London

Boiler Making Loud Vibrating Noise

By Jos RootPublished 17 days ago 5 min read
Boiler Making Loud Vibrating Noise in London
Photo by Elyas Pasban on Unsplash

Boilers are essential for heating and hot water in many homes in London. However, sometimes they can make unexpected and worrying noises. One common problem that many Londoners face is a loud vibrating noise coming from their boiler. This can be both annoying and concerning. In this article, we will explore why your boiler might be making such noises, what you can do about it, and when you might need to call a professional.

Common Causes of Loud Vibrating Noises in Boilers

1. Loose Parts

One of the most common reasons for a boiler to make loud vibrating noises is loose parts. Over time, components inside the boiler can become loose due to constant use. These parts can then vibrate and cause noise when the boiler is running.

How to Check for Loose Parts

Turn Off the Boiler: Before checking for loose parts, always turn off the boiler and let it cool down completely.

Inspect the Exterior: Look at the outside of the boiler to see if there are any loose panels or screws. Tighten any that you find.

Check Inside (if Safe): If you are confident and it's safe, open the boiler casing and look for any loose components. Tighten any loose screws or bolts you find.

2. Pump Problems

The pump in your boiler is responsible for circulating water around your heating system. If the pump is faulty or set too high, it can cause vibrations and noise.

Diagnosing Pump Issues

Listen to the Noise: If the noise seems to come from the area where the pump is located, this could be the source of the problem.

Feel for Vibrations: Place your hand on the pump (carefully, and only if it's safe to do so). If you feel strong vibrations, the pump might be the issue.

Fixing Pump Problems

Adjust the Speed: Many pumps have adjustable speeds. Try lowering the speed to see if this reduces the noise.

Check for Airlocks: Air trapped in the pump can cause noise. Bleed the pump to remove any trapped air.

Call a Professional: If the pump is faulty or you are unsure, it is best to call a heating engineer.

3. Kettling

Kettling is a common issue in older boilers and can cause loud banging or vibrating noises. It occurs when limescale builds up on the heat exchanger, causing water to boil and steam to form. This steam can create pressure and noise.

Identifying Kettling

Listen for Banging Noises: Kettling often sounds like a loud banging or knocking noise.

Check for Hot Spots: If certain areas of your radiators are much hotter than others, this could be a sign of kettling.

Preventing and Fixing Kettling

Regular Maintenance: Regularly flushing your system and using a water softener can help prevent limescale build-up.

Power Flushing: A professional power flush can remove limescale and other debris from your system.

Replacing the Heat Exchanger: In severe cases, you might need to replace the heat exchanger.

4. Air in the System

Air trapped in your heating system can cause vibrations and noise. This is because the air bubbles create an uneven flow of water, leading to vibrations.

How to Remove Air from the System

Bleed the Radiators: Use a radiator key to bleed each radiator and release any trapped air.

Check the Boiler Pressure: After bleeding the radiators, check the boiler pressure. If it's too low, top it up according to the manufacturer's instructions.

5. High Water Pressure

High water pressure can cause your boiler to make loud vibrating noises. This is because the excessive pressure can put a strain on the boiler's components.

Checking and Adjusting Water Pressure

Check the Pressure Gauge: The pressure gauge on your boiler should show a reading between 1 and 2 bars. If it's higher, you need to release some pressure.

Release Pressure: Use the pressure relief valve to release excess pressure from the system.

6. Fan Issues

The fan in your boiler helps expel exhaust gases. If the fan is faulty or worn out, it can cause loud vibrating noises.

Diagnosing Fan Problems

Locate the Noise: If the noise seems to come from the top of the boiler, it might be the fan.

Check for Wear and Tear: If you can access the fan safely, check for any visible signs of wear or damage.

Fixing Fan Issues

Clean the Fan: Dust and debris can cause the fan to become unbalanced and noisy. Clean the fan carefully.

Replace the Fan: If the fan is worn out, it will need to be replaced by a professional.

When to Call a Professional

While some boiler issues can be fixed by a handy homeowner, others require the expertise of a professional heating engineer. Here are some signs that you should call a professional:

Persistent Noise: If the noise continues despite your efforts to fix it, you need a professional to diagnose the problem.

Leaks: Any sign of water leaking from your boiler is a cause for concern and should be addressed by a professional immediately.

Frequent Pressure Drops: If your boiler pressure keeps dropping, there might be a more serious issue.

Boiler Turns Off: If your boiler keeps shutting off unexpectedly, this could indicate a significant problem that needs professional attention.

Tips for Choosing a Professional Heating Engineer in London

1. Check Qualifications

Always choose a heating engineer who is Gas Safe registered. This ensures they are qualified to work safely and legally on gas appliances.

2. Read Reviews

Look for reviews and testimonials from previous customers. This can give you an idea of the quality of service provided by the engineer.

3. Get Multiple Quotes

Don't settle for the first quote you receive. Get multiple quotes from different engineers to ensure you are getting a fair price.

4. Ask for References

Ask the engineer for references from past clients. A reputable engineer should be happy to provide these.

5. Ensure They Offer a Guarantee

A good heating engineer should offer a guarantee on their work. This gives you peace of mind that the job will be done properly.

Preventative Maintenance Tips

Preventing boiler problems before they occur is always the best approach. Here are some tips to keep your boiler running smoothly:

1. Annual Servicing

Have your boiler serviced annually by a professional. This ensures any potential issues are spotted and fixed before they become serious.

2. Regular Bleeding of Radiators

Regularly bleed your radiators to remove any trapped air. This helps maintain an even flow of water and prevents vibrations and noise.

3. Use a Water Softener

If you live in an area with hard water, consider using a water softener. This helps prevent limescale build-up, which can lead to kettling.

4. Monitor Pressure

Keep an eye on your boiler pressure and top it up as needed. This helps prevent pressure-related issues and keeps your boiler running efficiently.

5. Keep the Boiler Clean

Regularly clean the exterior of your boiler to remove dust and debris. This helps maintain efficient operation and prevents overheating.

Is your boiler making a loud vibrating noise? Let Boiler Services London fix it! Their Gas Safe registered engineers offer prompt and reliable service at competitive prices. Don’t let a small noise become a big problem. Call them 07877767776 now at or visit to book an appointment. Restore peace and comfort to your home with their expert boiler repair services!


About the Creator

Jos Root

I am jos root and working in Boiler services London company that provide gas and heating services. Visit here :

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    Jos RootWritten by Jos Root

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