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Beyond The Clouds

Challenge Entry

By Jen MoutinhoPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Beyond The Clouds
Photo by uriel on Unsplash

The thoughts just keep racing through my head. I find myself in a deep daydream, and my mind is up in the air. The sky is bright, and the clouds are glowing from the sun. I can feel the heat against the window during midflight. The man next to me, is sitting reading the newspaper, and sipping on his coffee. I can smell the smoke off his coat, from him probably walking through a cloud of cigar smoke. I am staring out the window, just looking out into the clouds, contemplating everything that has ever happened in my life. There is still 3 hours left in the air til we land, and I'm sitting here wondering why everything that has happened in my life happened. This flight is not just to my travel destination, but a flight inside my head. As I gaze out the window, I'm looking and wondering how a cloud becomes a cloud, and how the sky is so blue today. Wondering why I do the things I do, and why I cannot stop the feelings? The flight was long, and all I could do was think. Why do I feel like I am always not enough for people? Am I worthy of love? Am I worth anything? Am I really just a useless person? A waste of space and air? This wasn't just any ordinary flight, it was a flight and a fight with my mind.

Why am I constantly over thinking? I'm clinching my hands against the seats arm rest. Sitting here wondering why I am dissecting every situation or things that happen. Why can't I just be open with my feelings? Why do I feel like I have to pretend to be okay, when really am not? Do people really notice that I am not okay, or do I mask it well enough where no one notices at all.

I look over to the man sitting next to me, and he gives me this look, the look of what are you exactly thinking of right now. I sit with my airpods in, and just listen to the beat of the music. Do you ever just sit and get lost in the music? Why is it when I get lost in the music, my mind wanders deeply. What if the person I've been telling all my feelings to, doesn't really want to hear them? Am I just being paranoid? I honestly don't really know.

The plane begins to experience turbalence, much like my life feels like most of the time. The never ending battles with my head, will I ever defeat it? Will I ever truly be happy? Or will I forever feel like I don't deserve anything in the world? I constantly think of life would be like If i stayed in the marriage for the kids. I constantly think of what I could of done differently. I am trying to figure out why I constantly push people away. I am wondering why I am so impulsive, and why everyone keeps telling me I am so selfish. Am I really what everyone is saying I am? No one can hurt me, because I hurt myself the most every single day with my thoughts. Maybe I'm just insecure, or never really felt like anyone has actually cared about me?

Would anyone really notice if I just disappeared? The seatbelt light just came on, and we are getting ready to land. This flight was just not a flight to my travel destination, but a flight through my mind, and spirit. Will I ever feel normal? Will I ever be happy? Or will this mental health keep on breaking me, and make me finally crack one day.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Jen Moutinho

Single Mom. Recently divorced. Just trying to survive every day life. Struggles with Mental Illness and trying to navigate life

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  • Gail Wylieabout a year ago

    Thank you. Brings memories of a flight I was on, with tears running down my cheeks all the way as I realized what I was flying back to. I didn't leave right away, but I did time.Best decision I have ever made!!! Hope yours is too.

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