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Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

Lose Belly Fat

By HowTo-Make.tkPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

I have been doing a lot of research on core training to lose belly fat and it seems like the abs are a big part of that. You can read more about the reasons behind this here . To summarize, "core strength is connected to many other functions in your body, such as posture, balance, stability, flexibility and overall health."" Core training is a great way to improve all those functions.

That's why I am so excited that there are now so many ways to target your core without even bending over or holding up anything. The best part? I am talking about exercises you can do anywhere!!

So today I will be reviewing some exercises that target your lower abs and upper abs (your obliques).

Lower Ab Exercises (your "core") include: squats, planks, side planks and high knees. Upper Ab Exercises (your "core") include: reverse crunches and dead bugs.

These exercises seem pretty straight forward but they are surprisingly hard to do correctly. I get emails all the time from people who struggle with these exercises because they keep giving up because they don't think they can do them correctly. So let me give you some tips for how to do each of these exercises correctly!

In my next post I will talk about what equipment you need for each exercise and give examples of different techniques for each exercise but for now here is an outline of the post:

Section 1: Do squats. Section 2: Do planks. Section 3: Do side planks. Section 4: Do high knees Section 5: Do reverse crunches Section 6: Do dead bugs Section 7: Do flutter kicks Section 8 :Do mountain climbers Section 9 :Do jumping jacks Section 10 :Do Russian twists Takeaway 1; If you want to lose belly fat

Belly Fat Exercises

Do squats

Squats are a good exercise to lose belly fat. They work the lower body, so they're an excellent choice if you want to get rid of those love handles and fluff around your midsection. You can do squats while standing up or sitting down, but it's important that you have solid form and don't lean forward or back too much during the exercise. If you're using weights, make sure not to arch your back so much—that will hurt!

Squats can be done with or without a barbell; however, if weight training is new territory for you or if there are other concerns (like recovering from surgery), start out by using only bodyweight exercises first until ready for heavier loads later on down the line

Do side planks

Side planks are a great exercise to do if you want to build your core muscles. The core is the middle part of your body, and it's responsible for helping you stay upright and balanced.

To do a side plank:

Lie on your left side with one arm extended over head and perpendicular to the ground (as shown above). Be sure not to roll onto your back!

Place right hand under hips or knees if they're too high; otherwise place them directly under hips/knees with palms facing up toward ceiling. This will be easier if they're already touching each other because then there's less distance between them than if they weren't close together like this but still facing each other so that way when we lift our bodies up off the ground by using only one hand it'll push down harder against gravity making things easier for us since gravity always tends towards pulling downwards like yin yang symbol meaning balance between both sides equally but opposites attract each other so sometimes when people are trying hard at something like running away from something really bad happening maybe having trouble breathing due sometimes being scared too much stress goes into lungs causing panic attacks which can lead into hyperventilation where air gets forced out faster than usual causing heart rate increases which may cause dizziness spells etc...

Do high knees

High knees are an exercise that works the quadriceps, hamstrings and glute muscles. To do high knees:

Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and your back straight.

Lower your body until both knees are at a 90-degree angle to the floor.

Rise up by extending one leg while keeping the other bent.

Do reverse crunches.

Reverse crunches are one of the best exercises you can do to lose belly fat. They target both your abdominal and hip muscles, which is why they're so effective at shaping up your midsection.

To perform reverse crunches: Lie flat on your back with a small pillow under your knees if necessary. Bend at the knees, keeping them pressed down against the floor (or use a weight machine). Raise both arms above head; palms facing up toward ceiling or floor depending on which direction you're going in during each set. Keep spine straight but not rigidly locked into place; do not arch back or round shoulders excessively during this exercise!

Repeat for 10-12 repetitions per set (more if you have more time available), resting between sets 1 minute before proceeding onto another set of exercises

Do dead bugs.

Doing dead bugs is a great way to lose belly fat and is one of the best exercises for targeting your abs. It’s also an effective workout for strengthening the lower back, hips and thighs. The best part about doing this exercise is that it works out all of these muscles simultaneously without any equipment required besides your body weight!

To perform this exercise: Lie on your back with hands under shoulders and knees bent with feet flat on floor (or mat). Lift arms up until they are parallel with ears then lower them so that elbows hit floor; repeat 10 times per side

Do flutter kicks.

Flutter kicks are a great way to add definition to your legs, while also helping you lose belly fat. To do flutter kicks:

Stand up and bend at the knees as you lift one leg up in front of you. Bring it back down and repeat on the other side. Make sure not to place too much pressure on your knees or ankles during this exercise!

7-second “weed trick” eats through belly flab rapidly

Aim for 10 reps per side (or 30 total). Do this 2-3 times per week for best results!

Do mountain climbers.

Mountain climbers are a great full-body exercise that can be done at home or in the gym. They have been proven to boost your metabolism and are a great cardio workout. The best part about mountain climbers is that they will help strengthen your core, lower body and upper body muscles simultaneously!

7-second “weed trick” eats through belly flab rapidly

Start by lying flat on the floor with feet flat on the floor and knees bent so that you're in a sitting position. Place hands behind head for support as you lift legs off ground so that they're about 3 inches off ground (don't worry if it's hard at first). Hold this position for 20 seconds then lower back down until feet touch floor again before beginning again with 10 more repetitions each set

Do jumping jacks.

The best way to lose belly fat is through cardio exercise. Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories, but they're also easy enough that you can do them anywhere. They're even portable! You don't need weights or anything else—just get started jumping and see how far you can go in a minute or two.

Do Russian twists

Russian twists are one of the best exercises you can do to lose belly fat, because they work your core muscles (the muscles in your abdominal region) as well as your arms and legs. As you perform them, think about looking up at the ceiling while keeping your body straight like a statue. You can use a medicine ball, dumbbells or resistance band for this exercise—just make sure it's heavy enough to challenge yourself! You may also want to choose whether or not you'll be doing them with feet on the ground or elevated on chairs for greater difficulty levels depending on how much weight you're lifting during each set of reps; if all else fails though don't worry too much about which variation works best because both versions will help sculpt what we're aiming at here: flat abs!

You can lose belly fat by doing exercises that target your core

You can lose belly fat by doing exercises that target your core. The core is basically the center of your body, and it includes everything from your chest to your pelvis and everything in between. While you may think that weightlifting is all about building muscle, there’s another important reason why you should be doing this type of exercise: it helps strengthen your body so that when you start trying to lose weight, it doesn’t pull back on those muscles as much as if they weren't used regularly during the process.

Core exercises are great because they work multiple muscles at once—the lower back and abdominal muscles will benefit from doing pushups or squats while also engaging their arms at the same time—which makes them ideal for anyone looking to get rid of stubborn belly fat!

7-second “weed trick” eats through belly flab rapidly


We hope that these exercises have helped you get a better understanding of how to lose belly fat, whether it’s through cardio or strength training. If you want more ideas on how to get rid of your love handles, check out our guide on how to get rid of flabby

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