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Being Successful Does Not Automatically Imply Being Wealthy

There is no greater mistake than when a millennial believes he will succeed with borrowed money

By EstalontechPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read

Why? Because every man’s experience is consistent with this remarkable quotation, which states that “it was more difficult for him to accumulate his first thousand dollars than it was for him to accumulate all the successive millions that made up his huge wealth.”

Money is worthless unless and until you have learned the true value of it via personal experience.

Given thirty thousand dollars and the opportunity to go into business , the odds are that he will lose every penny of it before he turns one year old. It is as simple as purchasing a lottery ticket and picking a winning number; it is “easy come, easy go.” He has no idea what it is worth; nothing is worth anything unless it requires effort on his part.

Unless you practice self-denial and economy, patience and perseverance, and begin with capital that you have not earned, you are unlikely to be successful in your endeavors to accumulate wealth. When it comes to dying, there is no class of people who are as unaccommodating as these wealthy old people, which is fortunate for the anticipating heirs since it is so. Instead of “waiting for dead men’s shoes,” young people should be up and doing.

Eight out of ten of the wealthiest men in the baby boomer days began their careers as poor individuals with strong wills, determination, industry, perseverance, economy, habits and moral character. They progressed steadily, earning their own money and putting it aside, and this is the most effective method of accumulating wealth.

This is a regal highway, and it is the only road worth traveling. It is the road that enables the student to expand his intellect and add to his stock of knowledge on a daily basis, until, in the pleasant process of intellectual growth, he is able to solve the most profound problems, count the stars, analyze every atom on the globe, and measure the firmament, capitalize on blockchain technology and establish a foothold in cryptocurrency revolution

So, in terms of wealth, go with confidence, learn the rules, and, above all, be patient, as the whole world will witness a change from Web 2 to Web 3 .This is much bigger that just internet , as it involve financial disorientation to evolved into a new ecosystem involving blockchain , finance, power energy saving ,utitlies , gaming , social media ,decentralization and more

Among other things, study human nature; for “the proper study of mankind is man,” and you will discover that, while expanding the intellect and the muscles, your enlarged experience will enable you to accumulate more and more principal every day, which will increase itself through interest and other means and eventually bring you to a state of independence. You will discover that, on the whole, the poor guys become wealthy and the wealthy become impoverished.

In this day and place, millennials laden down with other people’s money are nearly certain to lose what they inherit, and they develop a variety of terrible habits that, in the majority of cases, cause them to lose their health, their finances, and their moral character.

When it comes to every society , one generation follows another, and the poor of today become wealthy in the next generation, or perhaps the following three generations. Their life experiences propel them forward, and they amass large fortunes, which they pass on to their young children to enjoy. These children, having been raised in luxury, are inexperienced and destitute; however, another generation comes along and amasses even greater riches after a long period of time.

As a result, history always repeats itself, and the person who is happy is the person who, by listening to the past, can avoid the future.The knowledge and experience of others helps to avoid the rocks and shoals on which so many have perished.

It does not matter whether he is a mechanic, designer, chef, farmer, banker, or lawyer; as long as his business is genuine, he qualifies to be considered an entrepreneur. As a result, any enterprise is a double blessing in that it benefits both the owner and the community as a whole.

Wherever you locate the most honest and intellectual entrepreneur or banker, or the best lawyer, the best doctor, the best chef, the finest designer carpenter, or anything else, that man is highly sought after, and he always has enough work on his plate. When it comes to business, millennials tend to be too superficial — they are focused on getting rich quickly rather than doing business as thoroughly and effectively as they should. However, whoever excels in his or her field, if his or her habits are good and his or her integrity unquestionable, cannot fail to attract a large number of customers and the wealth that naturally follows.

“Being successful does not automatically imply being wealthy.”

Likewise, there are many other honest and devoted people who have never acquired the kind of wealth that some wealthy people squander in a week but who are still truly richer and happier than any man can ever be while he is in violation of the greater laws of his existence.

Every parent should ensure that his son or daughter learns a useful trade or skill like investing with finaincial knowledge

They chose a career so that they would have something substantial to fall back on in these times of fluctuating fortunes, where they might be wealthy one day and impoverished the next.

Many people who have lost everything due to an unforeseen turn of events could be saved from their misery if they had had a plan in place. Many individuals are perpetually impoverished because they have too much vision.

They continually change from one firm to another, always in hot water, always “under the harrow,” because every idea appears to them to be a sure success. The plan of “counting the chickens before they are hatched” is a folly that has been around for a long time, and it does not appear to be getting any better with time.

Engage in only one type of business and one type of investment and remain committed to it until you achieve success.

You will keep it until you achieve success, or until your experience indicates that you should abandon it. Persistent hammering on one nail will almost always drive it home at some point, allowing it to be clinched in place. According to research, when a man’s entire attention is focused on a single topic, his mind will continually offer enhancements of value that would otherwise elude him if his brain were engaged by a dozen different subjects at the same time. It has happened many times that a man has lost his fortune because he was involved in too many different activities at the same time. The old adage that you should not have too many irons in the fire at the same time is a good one to follow.

Men should use a systematic approach to their business. A person who carries out everything has its own time and place, and he is carrying out his responsibilities as usual.

Someone who performs it quickly and thoroughly will accomplish twice as much and with half the effort as someone who does it carelessly and hazardly.

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Implementing a system into all of your transactions, completing tasks in sequence, and meeting all of your deadlines with punctuality, you will have more time for leisure and recreation, whereas the man who only half-completes a task and then turns to something else, and half-does that, will have his business in disarray, and will never know when his day’s work is completed, because it will never be completed.

There is, of course, a limit to all of these laws and regulations. We must strive to maintain a happy balance because there is such a thing as being overly systematic in our approach. There are some men and women, for example, who put things away so meticulously that they will never be able to find them again.

It happens from time to time that men who have amassed fortunes suddenly become destitute.This is frequently caused by intemperance, but it is also frequently caused by gambling and other harmful behaviors.

It arises frequently as a result of a man’s involvement in “outside operations” of some form. When he becomes wealthy through his respectable business, he is informed about a huge speculation in which he might make a fortune in the millions.

His friends frequently tell him that he was born lucky and that everything he touches turns to gold, which he finds extremely flattering. As soon as he forgets that his economic habits, his moral character, and his personal dedication to a business that he understood were the factors that contributed to his success in life, he will succumb to the siren sounds.

If a man has a lot of money, he should put it to good use by investing or learning new skill .

While investing in something that appears to promise success and would most likely benefit humanity, it is critical that the sums invested be modest in size and that a man never put his hard-earned fortune at risk by investing in something in which he has no prior experience.


About the Creator


Estalontech is an Indie publisher with over 400 Book titles on Amazon KDP. Being a Publisher , it is normal for us to co author and brainstorm on interesting contents for this publication which we will like to share on this platform

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