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Andrew Lloyd Of Beaver, PA Is Feeling Anxious About Wearing Masks Again

Feeling Anxious To Wear Masks Again? You Are Not Alone

By Andrew Lloyd from Beaver, PAPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Beaver, PA - The new delta strain can make people feel more anxious and feared based on the fact that the break between the lockdowns was not that long and people did not have time to recover.

The possibility of wearing a mask again even after getting vaccinated can scare some people and may feel overwhelming all over again says Andrew Lloyd of Beaver, PA.

A lot of people might be thinking of how this would affect and ruin their day-to-day activities all over again.

As based on the statistic of “number of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant cases worldwide as of July 23, 2021, by country or territory”.

The USA comes 2nd most affected country globally to have found the delta variant cases.

Take a look at the current data below:

Now let’s see the impact this would have in your life and how you can deal better with it.

How would this impact business?

Luckily this time people would be a little more prepared to tackle the challenges that come from the delta strain, as remote working tools are already optimized and tested, people would have some idea of what to expect.

However last year because of Covid-19 nearly 100,000 establishments were permanently closed according to this source.

This time if local business owners who have not adopted the change will suffer the same effects according to Andrew Lloyd.

But in terms of employment after covid-19 although dark times were when people were losing their jobs people found ways in which they could work for themselves.

One post from CNBC is literally titled “I’d rather bet on myself’: Workers are quitting their jobs to put themselves first”.

As in “one out of 4 workers is planning to quit their job after the pandemic”.

Mental health has become a priority post Covid and employers, as well as employees, are realizing how important it is, and when the “job security” becoming irrelevant it does makes sense to find ways to be “Self-employed” instead of looking for another job.

One of the best parts of self-employment is to actually give people a chance to work on something they love or always wished to do in the first place.

As most of the employees hate their current jobs according to one report.

People are aiming for side hustles like Freelancing, Dropshipping, Startups, Remote jobs, etc.

Freelancing is currently hot right now, as sites like “Fiverr” are booming, people are selling their skills to clients and making money when they want and from anywhere they want.

Globally self-employment movement is going on throughout the world, the pain of losing their old jobs is motivating them to take risks and work for themselves.

So the next lockdown which would probably be due to delta strain would either accelerate these effects or if the remote tools and setup are good enough people would stay employed.

How would this impact your personal life?

Following the social distancing, norms are hard for human beings because we are after all socially active animals.

The thought of “self-isolation” is scary and can make you feel paranoid, so it is important to surround yourself virtually with people you want to be with.

Your mental health is affected by these outcomes whether you believe it or not.

So take time to care for yourselves by finding pleasant distractions or meditating.

Meditation is shown to help reduce pandemic stress, so understanding your thoughts can help you deal with overthinking.

Which often happens when you are alone.

And lastly Netflix a little!

Few Tips according to Andrew Lloyd of Beaver, PA:

By far one of the biggest advantages we have is that our mind is subconsciously prepared for dealing with some levels of stress that come with the new delta variant.

But however here are few tips to make sure the new lockdown doesn’t get the best of you:

Know that it is okay to feel anxious as everybody is probably feeling the same and it’s only a human thing to worry and follow the instincts.

If you are at risk of losing your jobs make sure you are working on a side hustle to continue paying your bills, or start being self-employed as mentioned in this article.

Vaccination is still one of the best protection against delta according to Yale medicine.

Know that it is ok to feel anxious about wearing a mask again and following social distancing guidelines to keep you and others safe,

But this can also create loneliness so make sure you virtually surround yourself with people and coworkers you usually hang out with.

Thank you for reading! Follow Andrew Lloyd.


About the Creator

Andrew Lloyd from Beaver, PA

Hi. Andrew Lloyd from Beaver, PA here. I enjoy posting stories about business and marketing. I hope the stories from my desk in Beaver, PA help you. Check Andrew Lloyd's Substack to get the latest:

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