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AI vs the world

Is AI taking over us?

By AliHamza Published about a year ago 3 min read

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of the most talked-about topics of the 21st century. It has revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From personal assistants to self-driving cars, AI has transformed almost every aspect of our lives. However, with the increasing advancements in AI, there is also a growing concern about how it is taking over humans and the world. In this article, we will explore the ways in which AI is taking over us, its advantages, and disadvantages.

AI is taking over our jobs

One of the most significant impacts of AI has been in the job market. With the ability to automate tasks and analyze data at a much faster rate than humans, AI is replacing jobs that were previously performed by humans. For example, customer service roles are being taken over by chatbots, and manufacturing jobs are being automated. As AI technology advances, it is likely that more and more jobs will be replaced, leading to unemployment.

AI is changing the way we think and behave

AI is not just taking over our jobs but is also changing the way we think and behave. With the increasing use of AI-powered social media algorithms, our behavior is being shaped by the content we consume. AI algorithms are designed to show us content that aligns with our interests, leading to a filter bubble effect, where we are only exposed to information that confirms our existing beliefs. This can lead to polarization and an echo chamber effect, where we are not exposed to diverse perspectives.

AI is controlling our decisions

As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, it is also taking over our decision-making processes. For example, AI-powered recommendation systems on e-commerce sites influence our purchasing decisions. Similarly, personalized advertising uses AI algorithms to show us ads that are most likely to appeal to us, further influencing our decisions.

Advantages of AI

Despite the concerns about AI taking over, there are also several advantages of AI technology.

Increased efficiency:

AI is much faster and more efficient at performing certain tasks than humans. For example, machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data much faster than humans, leading to better decision-making.

Improved accuracy:

AI-powered systems can perform tasks with a higher level of accuracy than humans. For example, self-driving cars are designed to follow traffic rules and avoid accidents, leading to a reduction in road accidents.

Cost savings:

AI technology can lead to cost savings for businesses. For example, automating manufacturing processes can reduce labor costs and increase efficiency.

Disadvantages of AI

However, with the advantages of AI come several disadvantages.


As mentioned earlier, AI is replacing jobs that were previously performed by humans, leading to unemployment. This can lead to social and economic problems.


AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. If the data used to train the algorithms is biased, then the output will also be biased. This can lead to discrimination and perpetuate existing inequalities.

Lack of empathy:

One of the key limitations of AI is its lack of empathy. AI systems are not capable of understanding human emotions, which can lead to problems in healthcare and other industries where empathy is critical.


In conclusion, AI is undoubtedly taking over humans and the world. While there are several advantages of AI technology, there are also several concerns about its impact on society. As we continue to integrate AI into our lives, it is important to carefully consider its implications and work towards building AI systems that are unbiased, empathetic, and serve the greater good.

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  • erum fatimaabout a year ago

    Good as always. Keep posting

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