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Affiliate Marketing On Medium: How To Start?

How to start affiliate marketing on Medium? A Beginner guide for affiliate marketing on Medium.

By APublished 5 months ago 5 min read
How to start affiliate marketing on Medium? A step-by-step guide for beginner writers Picture created by the Author

Affiliate Marketing On Medium: How To Start?

The medium partner program isn't the only way to make money writing on Medium. you can start affiliate marketing with the Amazon affiliate program on Medium too.

Medium has a high domain authority and it could help you get ranked for very competitive keywords. Affiliate marketing is when you post a special link in your articles and when someone sign-up through that link and performs any function like purchasing that product or service then you get paid for it. That's how affiliate marketing works. You can use this type of affiliate marketing on Medium but use it very carefully otherwise your Medium account will be suspended and this will be real-bad for your writing online career.

Medium is a good writing platform where anyone could make money writing. If you want to make money on Medium then you could do that in two ways; Through joining the Medium partner program and the second way is to start affiliate marketing.

Joining the Medium partner program will help you get your stories behind the Medium metered paywall and you will get paid based on how much you read time you get from the Medium members. You could read this article in which I have explained the whole process of Joining the Medium partner program from almost any country.

Make money on Medium through affiliate marketing: You could put your stories behind the Medium metered paywall and start adding affiliate links in your articles.

Is Amazon affiliate marketing is possible through Medium?

Amazon affiliate marketing is, in my opinion, the only way to start affiliate marketing. I was doing affiliate marketing on Medium and when I have added a link from a Hosting company that was an affiliate, Medium suspended my account. Later on, I send them a request as I follow their affiliate marketing guidelines and they reinstate my Medium account. I later stopped adding affiliate links for the greater good.

To start affiliate marketing on Medium using Amazon, you have to join the Amazon affiliate program, and once you have an account. You can get a special link to promote products on Amazon. Amazon pays a meager amount of money for getting leads but I think it is worth it if you are doing something good. Amazon is one of the best companies out there. There are some other affiliate marketing companies that pay handsome money if you get them qualified leads. You can easily search them on Google.

[Video] AFFILIATE MARKETING ON MEDIUM: Do's and Don't | Amazon Affiliate Marketing On Medium & Sponsorship

How to start a content strategy for promoting affiliate links on Medium

This strategy will help those who don't know how they could use Medium to generate more traffic and more traffic could lead to more affiliate sales which in turn means that you will make more money. I have got over a Million views on Medium and will share my study with you guys to help you achieve things.

Start with keyword research: This should be your first step. Keyword research is performed for finding a keyword that has good search volume and that has less to fair competition. Writing on On Medium has one advantage and that's you could get ranked easily on Google as Medium has good search volume.

Write a really good article: Long-form article will do the trick. Explain everything in your article. Make it the best article on the Internet related to that product and Google will definitely rank it.

Publish it in your own publication or submit it to a popular publication: There are some case studies that show that articles published in popular publications getting ranked very easily compared to Medium stories published in less-popular or no publication.

That's sit. Share your article on social media sites and wait. It will eventually go up but sometimes it takes a week to a few months to getting ranked on Google. Be patient and write more articles.

You can also watch this video where I have to explain everything about Medium SEO.

Some tips while doing affiliate marketing on Medium:

Following are some of the tips that you should read before start writing on Medium for affiliate marketing.

  • Very important: You have to add a disclosure at the end of your posts to explain that this article has affiliate links and you will make some commission if anyone bought anything through these links. This is very important as this follows the FTC guidelines and also in accordance with Medium rules and regulations. Otherwise, they will suspend your Medium account for violating Medium rules.
  • Don't just write on Medium for the sake of affiliate marketing. Bad news but you have to be like a credible writer and not spamming the platform for getting affiliate links. If you add affiliate links in every article, you publish this is a huge red flag and Medium might suspend your account even if you are adding disclosure at the end of your Medium stories.
  • You can make a huge amount of money through a Medium partner program: Yes, you don't need to do affiliate marketing if you are a good writer who has the talent of writing good titles then we could make a huge amount of money through the Medium partner program.

Sponsorship On Medium:

Another potential way to make money on Medium is to talk about a specific company. There are some writers who are making thousands of dollars, charging $300 to $500 per sponsored post on Medium. The same affiliate marketing Medium rules are applied like disclosing the partnership to your Medium readers. Getting sponsorships, in general, is a hard task to do but you have to reach out to dozens of companies and hope you will get a sponsorship deal. Most of the writers on Medium who get sponsorship is copy bloggers. They write great sale copies which make the company produces more interesting.

That's sit. I hope this helps.

You can also read another very similar article on Medium:

How to start affiliate marketing on Medium?

About The Author:

You can check out my Medium handle here: Aamir Kamal 🚀🚀🚀 and my YouTube channel Aamir Kamal, in both this platform I upload content about Blogging and Marketing and everything connected to it. You can subscribe to my Newsletter where every Sunday I will submit some of the best content related to Blogging, Medium, Ghost, Quora, and Marketing, or anything related to these topics.

how to

About the Creator


I write my heart out here. My posts are informational and something I do great research for SEO before writing it. Follow me on Twitter: Aamir Twitter,

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