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Act Your Age Eve Brown: 4 Stars

A book review of Talia Hibbert's novel, Act Your Age Eve Brown

By Leah Lawrence Published 2 years ago 3 min read

Act Your Age Eve Brown is book three in the Brown sister series written by Talia Hibbert. After reading about her sisters, Danika and Chloe, it's Eve's turn to take the spotlight. Below I will give a brief summary of the novel as well as my overall thoughts.


Eve Brown, the youngest of the three Brown sisters is at a loss for what she wants her future to be. Her older sisters, Danika and Chloe have led successful lives thus far both professionally and romantically. Eve, on the other hand, has switched career paths multiple times and her taste in men has been less than desirable.

While it's never Eve's intention to quick things she starts, she can never seem to find anything that "sticks." She either gets bored and moves on to something else or, as she is forced to admit, tries, and fails.

Up until this point, Eve has lived a privileged life. She's been able to live with her parents in their extravagant home while figuring out her next move. She's also been given a generous monthly allowance from the trust fund set up by her parents for Eve and her sisters.

However, Eve's good fortune is about to change after a heated discussion with her parents which results in Eve being cut off from the trust and kicked out of her home until she is able to secure employment and keep it for a year.

On a mission to make her parents proud, Eve scours the countryside looking for something she doesn't know she is looking for. That's how Eve ends up at a quaint Bed and Breakfast run by an OCD perfectionist named Jacob.

After an unfortunate event, Eve finds herself employed as the new chef for the Bed & Breakfast under the leadership of Jacob. As the relationship between Eve and Jacob develops we see a mutual appreciation, understanding, and affection grow between them.

When the quaint and quiet little bubble the two of them have been living in pops, Jacob reverts to his past behavior of pushing people away and Eve reverts to her past behavior of running away. As the story progresses we see if the two will make their way back to each other or, if this time, Jacob has pushed too hard and Eve has run too far.


I found myself relating to Eve a lot throughout this book. Starting things and not finishing them, trying and still failing, and finally finding something and someone who makes all your "quirks" and "failures" feel unique.

As always, I get frustrated with the lack of communication. I understand when both parties ignore confrontation it is easy for a lot to be unsaid. I've been there, done that, I get it. However, in this situation, Eve and Jacob are face to face in an argument and things still remain unsaid. That is something I don't quite understand.

In this type of situation, all Jacob had to do was give Eve a little bit longer to finish her sentence and the whole dramatic ending could have been avoided. However, if that had happened I suppose it wouldn't have been as dramatic of an ending.

Other than the poor communication, I enjoyed Act Your Age Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert and I would recommend giving it a read.

As a disclaimer, there are two very intimate and descriptive love scenes in the novel that go into a lot of detail. If that's not something you're comfortable with, this book may not be for you. Other than that it was a quick and enjoyable read.

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Leah Lawrence

book review

About the Creator

Leah Lawrence

An avid reader, book reviewer, and storyteller. Sharing my stories, experiences, and book reviews.

Follow me on IG: @leah.m.lawrence

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