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A Story - Spend time with people.

Spend Time With People. 10 wise quotes. What is your Judgement?

By Ab_rasheed Africa Published about a year ago 3 min read
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A Story - Spend time with people.

I had spent an hour in the bank with my dad, as he had to transfer some money. I couldn't resist myself & asked...

''Dad, why don't we activate your internet banking?''

''Why would I do that?'' He asked...

''Well, then you wont have to spend an hour here for things like transfer.
You can even do your shopping online.

Everything will be so easy!''

I was so excited about initiating him into the world of Net banking.

He asked ''If I do that, I wont have to step out of the house?

''Yes, yes''! I said. I told him how even grocery can be delivered at door now and how amazon delivers everything!

His answer left me tongue-tied.

He said ''Since I entered this bank today, I have met four of my friends, I have chatted a while with the staff who know me very well by now.

You know I am alone...this is the company that I need. I like to get ready and come to the bank. I have enough time, it is the physical touch that I crave.

Two years back I got sick, The store owner from whom I buy fruits, came to see me and sat by my bedside and cried.

When your Mom fell down few days back while on her morning walk. Our local grocer saw her and immediately got his car to rush her home as he knows where I live.

Would I have that 'human' touch if everything became online?

Why would I want everything delivered to me and force me to interact with just my computer?

I like to know the person that I'm dealing with and not just the 'seller'. It creates bonds of Relationships.

Does Amazon deliver all this as well?'''

Technology isn't life..


For as much as you can, spend time with people while enjoying your technological devices.

Extras: 10 wise quotes 👇

1. “The best way to defeat someone is to beat him at politeness.”

2. “Do not grieve over what has passed unless it makes you work harder for what is about to come.”

3. “Whosoever shows you your fault is your friend. Those that pay you lip service in praise are your executioners.”

4. “I have never regretted my silence, as for my speech I’ve regretted it many times."

5. “No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future.”

6. “Sometimes the people with the worst past, create the best future.”

7. “Let not your love become attachment, nor your hate become destruction.”

8. “He who does not live in the way of his beliefs starts to believe in the way he lives.”

9. “Doing good for a good done to you is simply repayment, whereas doing good for an evil done to you is a tremendous virtue."

10. “The women are not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honored and have their rights."

All ttributed to UMAR bn AL-KHATAB

READ CAREFULLY.: What would be your Judgement?

Once upon a time, there was a man that lived happily with his wife until one day, his wife got seriously sick & only one drug could save her.

This drug was just discovered by a scientist in their town who after discovery, placed a huge amt of money on the drug.

The man pleaded with the scientist but all to no avail. The scientist was bent on payment before he dispenses the drug, because he went through alot from the research, till the drug was produced. It was not an easy task for him.

The man, poor and broke, had no money and couldn't afford to buy the drug so he was left with two options.

He could either let his Wife (the love of his life) die or steal the drug from the scientist because the factory wasn't well guarded.

The man couldn't just sit there while his wife die so he sneaked into the factory at night and stole the scientist's hardwork and discovery.

Unknown to him, there were CCTV cameras intalled in the factory which captured his every move.

He got home & administered the drug to his wife, & her health began to improve.

The next day, there where law enforcement agents at his apartment.

He was to be arreasted for stealing.

You happen to be the Judge that had the final say over this case.

Both people involved in the case have given their side of the story. What would be your Judgement?

A. Free the man and let him go because he stole for a good cause, (to save a life).

B. Send him to prision and make him pay for stealing the hardwork of another man.

Note: The only choice is between A and B.

Comment your judgement 👇

End. Thanks for reading 🤝🏾 please like, subscribe to continue getting exclusive content from Africa.

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About the Creator

Ab_rasheed Africa

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