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A Step-By-Step Guide to Building Wealth in Life

How to build wealth from the scratch

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 6 min read
A Step-By-Step Guide to Building Wealth in Life
Photo by on Unsplash


When I was younger, I always thought about being rich. I wanted to be able to buy whatever I wanted and never worry about having enough money for it. But one day, it hit me: If you put your mind to it and believe in yourself, no dream is too big!

And that's what this article is all about—how anyone can build wealth in life by setting goals and making plans with the tools they already have at their disposal.

Use your own definition of wealth.

Your definition of wealth is what matters most. It’s not just the money you have in your bank account, it's how much value you can bring to others and how much happiness you're able to experience while doing so.

If you have a job that pays well but doesn't allow for much flexibility, it may not be enough for your needs and goals—if so, consider looking at some other options before deciding whether or not this job is right for you. If the work environment doesn't feel safe or healthy for yourself or others around the office (like if there aren't many opportunities for advancement), then perhaps this isn't working out either!

Who we are as individuals and how we want to live our lives should be in alignment with where we live: What makes us happy? How do we define ourselves? Are these things aligned with each other—and if not, what better options might there be out there for us?

  • Start with a vision for your money.
  • Define your goals.
  • Visualize the outcome.
  • Set a date for when you want to achieve your goals.
  • Write down your goals, and review them regularly.

Think about how your money will help you achieve your goals (and not just as an end in itself). For example, if one of my main goals is to buy a house within two years, then I need to be sure that getting into other financial obligations doesn't interfere with this goal or prevent me from being able to buy a house on time—for example by paying off existing debt or saving more toward buying one down payment).

Think about the money you have and need.

Think about the money you have and need.

Take a step back and think about the money you have and the money that you want to make in your lifetime. How much do you need to live comfortably? How much can be saved for retirement, college tuition or a home down payment? What kind of lifestyle do these expenses support? What are your priorities now, but might change as time goes on (like paying off student loans or buying a new car)?

If there are specific goals that are important to keep in mind while building wealth over time—such as saving up enough savings so that one day when they retire they can travel somewhere without having any financial worries—then write those down so that they're on top of everyone's minds every time something happens throughout the day.

Set benchmarks to track your progress.

Setting benchmarks is an important part of the wealth building process. It's important because it gives you an objective to measure your progress against and helps keep you motivated when things aren't going according to plan.

You can set many different kinds of benchmarks, including:

How much money do I have now? How much will I need in a year? Five years? Ten years?

What kind of lifestyle am I living now and how does that compare with what I want my lifestyle to look like in five or ten years from now (or whatever timeframe is relevant)? Do I own my home outright, for example, or do we still owe more than the value on our mortgage? Do we have two cars at this point or one car plus one truck/SUV/Mountain Bike/Jet Ski etcetera etcetera

Make an action plan with goals and to-do's.

Before you can build wealth, it's important to make a plan. This is where you will begin your journey of becoming financially independent.

Setting goals and making a list of what needs to be done in order for them to become reality are ways that you can accomplish your goal.

To create a goal list:

Make sure that each item on your list has clear actionable steps toward achieving it—don't just say "I want more money" or "I want my credit cards paid off." Instead write down specific steps that need taken in order for these dreams/goals/whatever (or whatever else) would actually happen! For example: "Buy $10 worth of groceries" could mean buying 1 pound of carrots at Whole Foods; however if we were making this purchase at Aldi, then our goal might instead be something along lines like “buy 3 pounds” or even “buy 2 pounds then get 2 dollar off coupons from their website later today after I save up enough cash." You get the idea right?

Start building new habits.

To get started, try setting aside some time each day to journal about your goals and intentions. Then, on a daily basis, write down the things you want to accomplish or do differently in your life.

This can be anything from writing down an idea for a blog post every morning (even if it's just one sentence) or making sure that when you leave work at 5pm, instead of going straight home like usual, you go for a run around the block first (or even attend an event). By doing this small thing every single day—and rewarding yourself when those habits become integrated into your routine—you'll be able to build new ones over time!

Never stop learning.

If you want to become wealthy, the best way to do it is by learning. You need to always be learning new things and expanding your horizons. You can't afford not to be curious about what's out there, because if you don't learn from other people's mistakes or successes, then how will you know where not to make them yourself?

The key here is that when it comes time for something new or exciting in life (like starting a business), don't wait until later on down the road when things have gotten really rough before taking action! Instead: take action now so that when problems arise later on down the line (which they will), at least now there won't be any regrets about having missed out on some opportunities earlier on in life."

You can build wealth if you set goals and make plans for yourself.

You can build wealth if you set goals and make plans for yourself.

Set goals: What do you want to achieve? What are the steps that will help you get there? This can be as simple as “I want a new car” or “I want to travel around the world” or even more complex like “I am going to earn enough money in my career so that I can retire at age 65."

Make plans: Create a plan of action that includes taking action towards achieving your goal(s). For example, if your goal is to save up $50k by next year then write down all the things that need doing right now (like saving up $1k every month), then come up with a schedule for how long it will take until each step has been completed (e.g., saving $100/week).

Learn new skills: Take classes at night school or online courses; seek out mentors who have experience similar to yours; read books from authors who have already achieved success in their field of expertise; attend workshops sponsored by organizations like Toastmasters International where members learn from each other's experiences through personal coaching sessions aimed at improving communication skills between colleagues during work hours


We hope this article has given you insight into how wealth is built and some practical tips for achieving your financial goals.

There’s no doubt that we have a long way to go with the amount of wealth in our world. But by following these steps, anyone can create a solid foundation for their financial future.

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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