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A Millennial on the Outside Looking In

Being a Contrarian amongst a Generation of Sheep

By CosmosaicPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Millennials in action

It is strange being a Millennial who questions the Government and mainstream narratives, and has generally leaned Right politically over the past few years. I used to consider myself a Liberal, and I actually still do, but I now realize that I align with Classical Liberalism, which values Individualism, questions authority and mass compulsions from the State, and values Free Market Capitalism. Right-Libertarianism is a modern continuation of Classical Liberalism. Yes, I'm one of those "out-of-touch" Libertarians.

I don't fit in to many of the narratives that my generation embraces: 'Climate Change', formerly known as 'Global Warming', is going to kill us all within 10 years because AOC and the UN said so. Nevermind that Al Gore banked on that idea as far back as the year 2000, or that in the 1970s the big scare was a global cooling. We will certainly all be dead by 2030. It's already written in Stone...that is unless we stop eating meat and using straws, and completely get rid of gasoline Now. Like right now.

Ultra PC “woke” culture is necessary even if it means the death of Comedy, being real with each other, and judging people on anything other than their character. Why judge people based on their character when you can simply scan them up and down and box them into whether they are white or not, are a cis male or not, or are "privileged" (as if everyone in the United States or any other First World nation isn't already privileged)? These things can truly inform you how to interact with people. Critical Race Theory shows us this is the correct way to interact and connect with others. There's no reason to interact with a person for who they are beyond these shallow, surface observations.

Or how about censorship of “fake news” like that the Coronavirus came from the Wuhan Lab? Oh wait, that now is allowed to be discussed because the Machine has now granted us permission to talk about and theorize about it for some reason, even though that has been obvious for the past year. I am so grateful to Facebook that I am now allowed to post about this, or that YouTube won't ban me from making a video about it. Thank you so much, O dear Masters.

None of this means that I am a bigot, or a racist, or that I “don't believe in Science”, or any other such ridiculous ideas. I'm a free thinker and a contrarian at heart, and Science is meant to question all things and not become a Dogma to be worshipped.

To be honest, I feel that my generation is pretty brainwashed by the education system. I didn't really see it hardcore until college. I went to Community College and dropped out after a year and a half. I never really wanted to go in the first place. Music has always been my main passion. But this is the time period that it really dawned on me how differently I view things than many of my peers.

When everyone started blaming Capitalism for all things and embracing Socialism, it really became obvious that there is a serious indoctrination agenda going on at the University level, fueled by State-sponsored Marxist professors. But please Millennials, by all means, continue to bitch about how your student debt is all Capitalism's fault on your Apple iPhone while sipping your Starbucks latte on the campus that you voluntarily chose to take out a big loan on that was dished out from the Government through the school, and was encouraged from your previous State-sponsored High School.

People especially in my generation are too keen to fall into the hive-mind mentality. Even if they are wrong, Millennials want to fit in so much that as long as they aren't wrong all by themselves, they're OK with embracing phony and crappy narratives so long as they are “safe” and “PC”. What this has created is a generation full of cowards and wusses who do not think for themselves because they are too afraid of offending anyone.

We grew up getting stickers just for participating and got coddled and told that we are special. Now we have grown up believing that we don't need to work hard for anything, that everything should just be a handout because it's our “right”, whatever that's even supposed to mean, and that making money is evil. Government is the Millennial's Mommy who changes our diapers.

I feel like a Boomer in a Millennial's body sometimes. What is my advice to anyone out there who is afraid of going against the grain? I'm not sure that I have any, other than to do your own research, think for yourself, draw your own conclusions and stop trying to fit in just for the sake of fitting in. Disagree with my views, agree with my views, or stay neutral on my views. But just do it genuinely. Don't do it in order to check off some phony box of identity politics.

With that being said, don't be a Contrarian just for the sake of it either. Just be REAL. Stop soaking in garbage propaganda from Social Media and late night TV, unless it's with a considerable grain of salt, and always remember that if an idea is being censored, there's a good chance that there's at least a kernel of truth hidden at its core.

Oh and by the way, Bitcoin was likely created by the Deep State and is a Trojan Horse, and it is not the White Knight that is going to save humanity from corruption that Millennials make it out to be. But I'll get to that another time.

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