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7 Ways to Work Smarter Not Harder

Smarter is the buzzword

By Abena Talks Published 3 years ago 4 min read
7 Ways to Work Smarter Not Harder
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

You know you've got a problem when your workday starts at 4 am and ends at 8 pm, but it still feels like you're never getting ahead. Sound familiar? We all have moments where we feel overwhelmed with the number of tasks that we need to do, but there are ways to make the process easier so you can get back to doing what matters- running your business!

Here are seven strategies for working smarter, not harder.

1. Turn off all notifications on your phone and computer

It is hard to concentrate on work when you get interrupted by every new email, text message, or social media notification. Turn them off and allow yourself to focus on your work uninterruptedly.

Turning off notifications does not mean that you should never use your mobile phone or computer. Use your devices for business purposes only- to make calls, write emails, and work on your social media platforms.

If you can't wait till the end of the day to check all of your messages, try scheduling time during a specific part of each morning or afternoon to review and respond to messages.

2. Hire an executive virtual assistant

If you don't have the time to handle specific administrative tasks, hire an executive virtual assistant. Hire a VA to help with administrative tasks so you have more time to spend on high-value activities that move your business forward.

A good VA can do much of the day-to-day work for you and, even better, can learn how to do things so you can be more efficient in the future. Hiring a VA allows you to work smarter, not harder!

3. Create a list of priorities to work through each day (prioritize tasks)

A to-do list is a daily reminder of the tasks you need to work on and an effective way to keep your priorities straight. What's more, writing down your tasks increases productivity because it forces you to identify what you need to do and in what order.

Ensure that each task has an outcome so that you know whether you've completed the job. Sometimes we think we're done when there is something else left to do that will complete it, or sometimes we leave something undone when we really should have added it to our list.

Preparing a daily list of priorities helps prevent tasks from falling through the cracks while still allowing flexibility to adjust as needed.

4. Get up earlier so you can start working at 8 AM instead of 9 AM

Getting up earlier and working for a few hours before your day begins will make you feel like you've accomplished more. You'll have time in the evening to catch up on things that might not get done during the rest of the day or night. Adjusting our rising time is a great way to work smarter, not harder!

5. Break down large projects into smaller pieces that are easier to manage

There is a direct correlation between how much people can accomplish and how many things they feel like they're spinning their wheels on. When you put all of your energy into one thing, you can only go so far. It's important to remember that working on several smaller projects will move your business forward more than working on one large project.

6. Keep a notepad handy to jot down quick ideas and reminders

Don't always trust your memory, especially when you're trying to juggle several projects at once! Keeping a notepad with you will allow you the time to flesh out those great ideas into reality when you have the opportunity to do so.

7. Find ways to automate repetitive tasks that you have to do regularly

There are always small, repetitive tasks that crop up when you're running any kind of business- signing things, filling out paperwork, specific data entry processes. Think about how you can save time by automating these types of tasks through a software program or hiring a VA.

Finding ways to automate repetitive tasks means more time for you to focus on the tasks that require more thinking and are most important to your business' success!

In conclusion, this article has taught you to work smarter, not harder, by applying a range of different strategies. You can hire an executive virtual assistant, create to-do lists, and prioritize tasks. The most important thing is that you can apply these principles in your own business- whether you are running an online store or have a brick-and-mortar location. Implementing some or all of the tips we provided here makes it possible to get back precious hours each day, which could mean the difference between success and failure!


About the Creator

Abena Talks

I write about lifestyle, entrepreneurship and other things.

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