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7 Tips to Become a Successful Journalist

7 Tips to Become a Successful Journalist

By SamPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo of Lucia Loffredo

Becoming a journalist is quite an ambition. The quest of becoming somebody in the journalism field is challenging and deserves respect. However, you need to know that one cannot just start working as a journalist overnight. The profession of journalism takes years of experience and involves various skills that won’t just come your way.

The art of reporting is a skill which has been acquired by very few people. It’s a very crucial yet difficult job that requires a certain degree of expertise and precision. The ability to write an article that would be appreciated by a reader is a rare skill. Here are 7 Tips to become a successful Journalist

Here are 7 tips to become successful journalist by Lucia Loffredo

1. Find someone who is influential in your field

Journalist are very influential people in the world of social media, they have a big impact on the world of news, Find someone who is influential in your field and ask him/her to spend 15 minutes with you on the phone. If possible, offer to send them some relevant information or offer to meet for coffee if it will be easier.

2. Read books on Journalism

Working as a journalist can involve covering a range of different topics. To become a successful journalist, you need to read books on journalism to learn how to write a news report, opinion piece or even a sports commentary. Books on journalism will also increase your general knowledge and prepare you for the job market.

3. Be consistent with your social media presence

Be consistent with your social media presence to create a successful career in journalism. It helps build trust among readers. Social media tools are what journalists use to get you the information you need. If you want to be a successful Journalist, then your social media outlets are an essential part of that.

4. Participate in the forum discussions

Join in the forum discussions to become a successful Journalist. Ask questions, create news stories, start debates, make comments, and help people by sharing your knowledge. Discussing a field's challenges and opportunities in a forum is a great way to present yourself as an active, intelligent, energetic Journalist.

5. Maintain a positive outlook on life

The ability to stay positive is the secret to an enjoyable career in journalism. As a journalist you have to be prepared for any type of situation or have the ability to think on your feet.

Journalism is a field that requires you to be informed, empathetic, and a problem solver. Journalists know that positive thinking leads to a healthy mind, and a healthy mind leads to writing positive stories.

6. Learn through experience

We can learn many things from our experience and our observation, what we need to do first is make a notebook and write the thing we learn on it. Someday we will find out that we can apply what we have learned to solve the problem.

It's all because of our observation, so this time a suggestion to everyone who created a wallet, create two wallets at the beginning, you will have one wallet to use, the other one is your note book, put all kinds of things you have learned into it. You will find that the more you collect the information, the higher chance you have to become a successful journalist

7. Stay persistent and never give up

Never give up on your dreams of becoming a star journalist. This is your journey; only you can make it happen. The dream of many people is to become a famous Journalist. To succeed in this business you need to never give up, no matter what obstacles are placed in your way. If you can build up experience and confidence then most likely you will be successful.


In the end, the best way to prepare for a career as a journalist is to do as much as you can on your own through written writing and practice. As a journalist, writing must be your first priority. With some time and effort, you can become a successful journalist and job market yourself successfully online.


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