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7 Risk-Free Side-Hustle Online

You Can Start Online Today

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 5 min read
7 Risk-Free Side-Hustle Online
Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash


There are many online money-making opportunities available. But when you're trying to decide which one to pursue, it can be difficult if that opportunity is not exactly what was advertised.

That's why we've rounded up seven risk-free side-hustles that anyone can start today:

1. Start an Online Direct Sales Business

If you're looking for a side-hustle that allows you to make money without having to quit your day job, have at it! There are plenty of ways to do this. Here are some examples:

Sell products through social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)

Sell eBooks or courses on your website

Run an email newsletter that sends out tips and advice from other successful businesses in your niche (e.g., how-to guides for entrepreneurs)

2. Become a Freelance Writer

It's not hard to find freelance writing jobs. You just need to know where to look.

Find freelance writing jobs by searching job boards and company websites. There are plenty of sites where you can post your resume, including ProBlogger (a blog about blogging), FreelanceSwitch (a site that connects writers with companies), UpWork (the world's largest freelancing website).

If you're looking for something specific like editing or proofreading, it might make sense for you to check out these sites as well: Toptal offers a range of services including web design and development; TutorVista has tutors available both nationally and globally in over 100 locations worldwide;

Guru Hub allows users from anywhere in the world who have access through their mobile app or website platform which enables them access anytime anywhere anytime anywhere anytime anywhere anytime anywhere anytime anywhere anytime anywhere anytime

Know how much money they want before starting work so that when they do decide on what kind of payment method they prefer – whether its hourly rate per hour worked or flat fee –  it won't surprise them later when they realize after having completed several projects already but still haven't received payment yet!

3. Sell Your Crafts on Etsy

Etsy is the world's largest online marketplace for handmade goods and vintage collectibles. If you're passionate about crafts, this is a great place to sell your creations. There are many different types of crafts that can be sold on Etsy:


Handmade items (clothing, accessories)

Home decor/DIY projects

Etsy has a huge community of buyers who love buying handmade items, which makes it an ideal platform for anyone looking to make money on the side while they pursue other interests or passions in life. The average cost per item sold on Etsy ranges from $0-$20 depending on how much work was put into it before being uploaded into their store directory—you can even set up an entire shop with multiple products!

4. Publish an E-Book on Amazon

You can be the next J.K. Rowling, or even better: the next Stephen King. You see, publishing an e-book on Amazon is as simple as writing a book and then publishing it online. The process involves setting up your book correctly, listing it in the right category and creating an attractive cover for your title (you'll need one).

When you're choosing how to publish your first book, it's important that each of these factors is important to you:

Is this something I'm passionate about?

What kind of audience am I trying to reach?

5. Create a Wordpress Website

If you're a web designer, WordPress is the best tool for building websites. That's because it's free, open source, and very easy to use.

You can create your own website, for free, with WordPress—you just need a domain name (or subdomain) that you own and some basic hosting services like Bluehost or GoDaddy who will give you access to their cloud-based platform. All of this is easy to set up!

Once your site is up and running on the web, there are tons of ways to monetize it: Sell products directly from within an e-commerce platform such as Shopify; use affiliate marketing programs like Amazon Associates; promote other people's products through links on your site; etc...

6. Become a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants are an ideal opportunity for anyone who wants to make money online without investing a ton of time. They’re basically online workers, who do tasks for clients from home or off-site locations. The skills needed to become a virtual assistant are similar to those required for any other side hustle: communication, organization and problem solving skills are all important aspects that you can use in this field.

The best part about becoming a virtual assistant is that it doesn't require any special training or education—all you need is some basic computer knowledge as well as the ability to type fast! You can also find many different clients through sites like Upwork or Freelancer (and even Craigslist if you're willing).

7. Tutor Students Online

As a tutor, you can earn money online by teaching students. This is a great side hustle because it allows you to work from anywhere and on your own schedule, which means no commute. You can do this part-time or full-time depending on how many hours per week you want to spend tutoring and whether or not it's feasible for you to take on some clients as well (you'll have more options if this is an option).

If starting out in tutoring seems intimidating, don't worry! There are plenty of online resources that will help guide newbies through the process of becoming a certified teacher. The most common license required by states where tutoring is legal varies from state-to-state but generally involves passing an exam or completing training courses such as those offered by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) or National Council for Education Research Examiners (NCEE).

Anyone can make extra money online with these side-hustles!

Anyone can make money online with these side-hustles!

These are simple, low risk ways to earn extra cash when you don't have time or energy to work full-time jobs. You don't need any experience or special skills—you just need the desire to try something new and the energy that comes from being your own boss.


People have always turned to side-hustles in order to earn additional income, find more balance in their lives and gain new skills.

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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