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7 Letters to My Mother

words we all need to hear

By sidneyPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
mom on her wedding day


If you are feeling sad, go to letter 1

If you are feeling helpless, go to letter 2

If you are feeling frustrated, go to letter 3

If you are feeling angry, go to letter 4

If you are feeling anxious, go to letter 5

If you are feeling tired, go to letter 6

If you need a daily reminder of our love for you, go to letter 7


Letter 1


First off, remember that it’s okay to feel how you are feeling. Regardless of the emotion or what you’re going through, it is always valid and you are allowed to be human. Remember that this moment will pass and you will experience joy and happiness again. Don’t fight these emotions. Let the tears fall. That’s actually something that you taught me. I always thought crying was a sign of weakness until I followed in your footsteps and allowed myself to cry more. I can’t thank you enough for that lesson because I’ve really grown to appreciate those moments of raw human emotion, those moments of allowing myself to release and cleanse through the healing act of crying.

So this is my reminder for you, if you are feeling sad at this moment, know how normal and okay this is. Everyone has their “low” days. So cry for as long as you need to and be okay with not being okay. Embrace this period of deep feeling and know that you have the support of your family behind you. We will always be here to pick you up if you need it. Never forget that.


Letter 2


I know that it can feel scary and unsettling when things are out of our control. I know how tempting it can be to just give up and say “screw it, what’s the use?”. But I’m here to remind you that whatever situation that you feel helpless in, know that it’s alright. It’s more than alright, actually. You know why? Because when things are out of our control, they are in the hands of our angels. And I know how much trust and faith you put into your angels. Remember that they are always watching over you and you will always have the support of the cosmos (and your family) behind you.

In this period of helplessness, I want you to remind yourself of the things that you can control. Focus on your next best step. Get creative and make a yummy meal. Go for a walk with Oliver and watch him play with the other dogs. Draw yourself a nice bath. Read your favourite book. Take this time to do whatever it is that nourishes you. Focus on the things that you DO have control over and trust that the rest is divinely taken care of.


Letter 3


Stop whatever you are doing and take 3 deep breaths. No seriously, I’ll wait.






Bring your mind to this moment. Maybe take a second to look around, notice your surroundings, the colours, textures and sounds.






Now come back to your body. Notice how the clothes feel on your skin. Your breath as it moves in and out of your lungs. The supporting surface beneath you.






It’s okay to feel frustrated but I want to remind you to take this feeling as a cue to return to the present moment. Maybe you’re searching for an answer that won’t show, or maybe you did something that you regret… whatever it is that has caused you to feel this way, know that you don’t have to give it so much power. Think about the thing and ask yourself, “Will this matter in an hour? A day? A month?” If no, then I encourage you to laugh at the absurdity of your frustration and move on. If yes, I still encourage laughter. There’s been a handful of times where you made me laugh during my “moments'' and it really does help. Try it, maybe this lightness will bring you the peace that you’re seeking.






Also, if I have caused this frustration, I’m sorry ♡


Letter 4


Refer to letter 3.

I know you’re probably wanting your space right now too. We’ll respect that and give you the time you need to process whatever it is that you’re feeling. Just know that we (your family) will be here for when you’re ready.

Also, a good full body shake always works (another thing you taught me). Get crazy with it-- ten points if you can do it without cracking a smile ;)


Letter 5


Anxiety’s a b*tch, I know. Some days feel heavier than others and I understand that it sometimes takes you a while to emerge from this state. Again, know that it’s okay. Remember to breathe and return to presence. Here’s some things that I’ve learned from you which have helped me when i’m anxious:

  • Light some incense/candles and have a bath
  • Practice yin yoga
  • Watch your favourite tv show (hello, housewives of new jersey)
  • Drink a glass of water
  • Make your favourite tea
  • Ask for a hug
  • Call a friend
  • Journal and pull some oracle cards
  • Say a prayer
  • Meditate

Remember how strong and resilient you are. You will get through this, just as you have done many times before.


Letter 6


You work so hard and do so much for our family, it’s no wonder you’re feeling tired. Remember that you deserve a rest too. Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to us, I mean, we’ll probably whine a little bit, especially if it’s a cleaning chore… but we will do it nonetheless because we love and care for you so much. We appreciate your efforts in providing us with a nourishing meal every night, maintaining a clean house, and picking up our slack (on most days). So, if you are tired, please sit back and relax. We all deserve a break from time to time, especially you.

Refer to letter 5 for ways to relax.


Letter 7


Let this be a daily reminder for how much we love you. I can confidently speak for the whole family and say that you are such a blessing to us. We are happy to have a mother like you, a mother who isn’t afraid to cry and show emotion, a mother who loves to talk to angels and share her prayers with us, a mother who wakes up every day and tries her best, a mother who is strong, and a mother who is also our best friend.

You mean the world to us. Please don’t ever forget that.


About the Creator


hey there, i like to write things.

i'm starting to use this space as an online journal and practice putting my abstract thoughts into nice, digestible pieces. follow along for the journey and enjoy♡

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