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5 Passive Side Hustles

Bring home 100s or $1000 combined a month while you sit back and watch your money grow.

By Jason N Published 2 years ago 7 min read
5 Passive Side Hustles
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Truth is, most 9 to 5 jobs don’t cover your monthly expenses. Especially if you’re just starting out in your career. When you calculate the cost of rent, food, bills, and transportation, you might realize that you barely have anything leftover.

So, you start a side hustle to make a couple extra hundred or thousand dollars a month. Something that can help you make more money today, tomorrow, or in your future. Something that will start you on the path to having multiple income streams, so you can relax while earning.

Honestly, for me, I started this journey to gain time back so I can be with my family. Have my money work for me so it can cover my bills then all that’s left is to enjoy the time. Everyone has their own reasons and their own drive.

Let’s dive into some side hustles that’ll help you make more money:

Sell a Class Online

Consider this game-changer for your income stream ideas. You can use these top 3 options which are: Udemy, SkillShare, and Thinkific.

Now let’s say you create a class one time on how to cut your own hair. You can then put the video on one of these platforms. Then when someone searches up on how to cut their own hair, they will purchase your class. You will start to get passive income from each purchase. Now each platform works differently but in general, this is how it works to get paid.

If you have had a bad experience with money you can make a class on how to avoid it, and also how to overcome it in case someone is going through the same situation. Do you have an email list? Any social media followers? Do you have access to partners and their network? The bigger, more engaged network, the more customers you can expect to get. If you are starting out right now, building an email list is the first step to your new online course business.

Some important information to keep in mind is that according to a research study, the global E-learning Market was estimated at USD 144 Billion in 2019.It’s expected to reach USD 374.3 Billion by 2026. The global E-learning Market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of USD 14.6% from 2019 to 2026. Just imagine what you can earn by just sharing your knowledge or teaching the skill you have.

Create Digital Files on Etsy

Creating and selling digital downloads can be one of the most profitable and hands-free ways to make passive income. I personally own a shop on Etsy which I use my design skills to sell some stickers.

Etsy is my favorite place to sell digital products. They have a well-built infrastructure that helps buyers look for what they need, helps us accept payments, seller to buyer contact, and also provides customers quick access to my shops by sending emails to help remind people about my products.

All you have to do is find your niche. Can you draw? Are you a great organizer? Good with thank you cards?. Consider using your drawing skills to make some stickers or a planner to help people organize their busy schedules. Also, design some thank you cards for people to purchase. Whatever works for you just go for it. I am sure you can find something that you know or can learn.

Some ideas of digital files:

  • SVG Graphic Files
  • Patterns
  • Excel Spreadsheets
  • Meal Plans
  • Services

One of the best things about digital download products is their ability to generate royalty income. I tend to “set them and forget them”, just letting them sit there and bring sales year after year. This gives me the ability to focus on other things.

Sell an eBook on Amazon

If you love writing this is perfect for you. The way this works is you can write a book that doesn’t have to be super long, then once it’s finished you can get it published through Amazon. You don’t have to worry about getting a publisher or do all of that marketing business.

One good idea you can consider is making a book filled with poems. People enjoy reading good poems that are about love, hope, and joy. Just like everything else you always have to do the research to find out what you would enjoy doing, and what you’re good at. Another idea for you writers is turning your blogs into books. For example, you may have a How to blog you can turn into a small book. Why stop at getting paid through one platform alone for your work?

Once it’s on Amazon you can do a little bit of SEO work so when people are searching topics related to your book your eBook will pop up. Then every time someone buys your book they will be able to download it and you will get your royalty income.

Depending on how good your book is or what the topic is, once you get it up and running, this could be a way for you to make a few hundred dollars a month constantly without really having to do much work at all once it’s listed. Of course, if you have different social media platforms then take advantage by sharing your work so more people can purchase your book. Friends and family can always be your first go-to, to push your first few sales.

Buy a Blog

I know this may sound strange but it could be beneficial for someone. This one will require you to put some money down but, it can be a wonderful source of passive income if considered. All you have to do is buy an existing online blog that’s already generating revenue.

Blogs on the internet can make money in a few different ways such as advertising, sponsorships, and affiliate deals. If one is already making a decent amount of money sometimes the blog owner is going to want to get out of the business. That will make them start looking for buyers. They will sell their blog and take the cash so they can do something else. That's when you come in and make the purchase. This will already be generating revenue and be established so you just bought a new income stream.

There are a lot of people that would praise this approach while of course there are others that tried but failed. This will not be for everyone. I personally have a friend who owns 3 well-established blogs that were sold to him by owners who got tired of blogging and preferred selling rather than losing all their work.

There are a ton of sites that help facilitate these types of transactions like Flippa, where you can go and buy an already existing business on the internet. The thing that you have to understand here is if you’ve never operated a blog or if you have no idea what the niche is like for example; if you’re buying a fitness blog and you know nothing about the fitness industry then it’s going to be tough for you to manage. You wouldn’t want to put money down on something you have no clue about because then that turns into a waste of time and money.

Sell your Services on Fiverr

Fiverr is one of the most popular options today to create an online income. You can create and provide your services which are called gigs to different clients. This will allow you to start making money online.

Some people may find it harder than others to start earning money through Fiverr. Here is a list to help you be on the earning side:

  1. Brainstorm the Gigs you want to set up.
  2. Create a compelling Fiverr profile.
  3. Research how the Pro Sellers are setting up their Gigs. (this can be done through the website itself or YouTube)
  4. Set Gig requirements that aim to get all relevant information from the buyer to limit the need for revisions.
  5. Acknowledge every incoming order, if only to keep your metrics high.
  6. Set aside a specific time each day to address client communications and to work on Fiverr orders.
  7. Use client feedback to refine Gig messaging (including FAQs), Gig extras, and to launch new Gigs.
  8. Underpromise and overdeliver whenever possible. (If you sell a Gig with a 2-day completion point then aim for a day)

This platform can be a great income stream you just have to remember to do your own research. Also, never sell yourself short. If you have the talent then ask for the price you deserve, it’s as simple as that.

At the same time starting with a low cost can help you move through the platform smoothly. Just take Kendell Rizzo for example, when she first joined Fiverr, Rizzo charged $5 to create press releases and email campaigns leading up to the start of a Kickstarter campaign. Now she offers strategic crowdfunding packages for $250, $500, and $750, depending on how large the campaign is.

Which passive side hustle appeals to you the most? Always do your own research if you have one in mind. Make sure to jot down your ideas and some steps to take. The good thing about the internet is that you can always find help on how to get started. All you have to do is begin.

Written by: J


About the Creator

Jason N

I am a husband, father, and entrepreneur. I write on Medium as well along with my wife (Marie&Jason). Looking to share earning opportunities as well as poetry, and my real life explorations. Also, some beneficial and knowledgeable posts.

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